1 September 2000. Thanks to DB.

See related documents: http://www.tiaonline.org/standards/calea_jem/

Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 18:50:48 -0400
From: "Susan MILLER" <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: CALEA Legal Summit Scheduled September 14, in Washington, DC

CALEA Legal Summit Scheduled September 14 in Washington, DC

August 31, 2000

The recent Court of Appeals' decision ruling against the FBI's CALEA "punch list"  was released August 14.  Since then, ATIS has been in direct communications with key industry representatives, and is responding to the need for a "legal summit" to explore options.

It is for this reason that ATIS is hosting a CALEA Legal Summit on Thursday, September 14 in Washington, D.C.  The Summit will include a review of the recommended "Plenary Actions" being remanded by the Lawfully Authorized Electronic Surveillance (LAES) Ad Hoc to TIA Subcommittee TR45.2.  (TR45 and ATIS Committee T1 jointly developed the CALEA standards J-STD-025 and interim standard J-STD-025A.)  The Plenary Actions may go to final arbitration as early as September 18.  The LAES Ad Hoc's proposed Plenary Actions are as follows:

1. "Suspending ANSI publication of J-STD-025A"

2. "Rescind Interim Standards J-STD-025A"

3. "Notification be sent to all companies having a copy of the Interim Standards J-STD-025A with notification of the decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals, and a summary of how that decision affects the material in the document."

4. "That a project number [PN] be requested for work on a new revision of the standard to isolate the two capabilities not vacated by the U.S. Court of Appeals decision * Timing and Content of Conference Calls."

Additional Summit topics may include:

1. CALEA's September 2001 compliance date, and the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA) petition to extend it;

2. Effects of the Court Order on J-STD-025 Packet Mode Solution, and;

3. Effects of JEM on J-STD-025 Packet Mode Solution

There is a participation fee of $265 to cover the costs for this event.  If you are unable to attend, please pass this invitation on to others within your company with an interest in CALEA's regulatory and operational impact.  To register, please complete the attached Summit registration form found at www.atis.org/atis/atisinfo/calea_program.htm or contact Michelle Cooper at 202/434-8846 (email: [email protected]) or Trina Akers at 202/662-8652 (email: [email protected])


Susan Miller

ATIS President & CEO