14 December 2000
This responds to a message at: http://cryptome.org/cia-2619-rc.htm#afj
The Crowley list: http://cryptome.org/cia-2619.htm
From: [email protected] Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2000 16:33:23 EST Subject: My AFIO letter To: [email protected] Dear John Young: The anonymous freelance journalist who is trying to suggest that Cryptome is obligated to remedy this "Crowley list" situation is very much off the mark. Whether or not you call yourself a journalist, this is not the issue. There are no real standards, legal or ethical, that are observed in U.S. journalism today. If there were, we wouldn't need a site such as Cryptome, that covers stories that well-paid journalists are instructed to avoid. Cryptome's only obligation is toward the fullest possible disclosure regarding the source of the information it receives. You have met this obligation with respect to the Crowley list. As soon as it was suggested that it was misrepresented by the person who provided it, Cryptome posted the evidence for all to see and evaluate. It is unreasonable for anyone to expect more than this from you, whether you choose to call yourself a journalist or not. (I rather prefer your own self-description, that you are not a journalist, but rather a public forum for those who need one.) In any case, it's not easy to check out 2,500 names and addresses, and you had no obligation to do so. I don't feel that you are legally liable should you continue to make this list available on your site, as long as those who access it know what they are getting. However, I'm no Supreme Court judge, so I don't know anything about these subtle issues of law. I'm sure of one thing: there are at this moment some people, evil lawyers included, who are trying to devise strategies and arguments that will force you to remove the list. The issue will be this: Now that you know that the list is essentially the AFIO membership directory list, are you obligated to remove it, or to seek permission from AFIO before you decide to keep it on your site? That's the legal formulation. Let's be clear that in all probability, the list itself is no longer the issue. In the real world, any legal challenge to Cryptome by AFIO, or by one or more AFIO members, will only serve to make the list more interesting and more widely disseminated on the Internet. But that doesn't change the fact that a legal precedent in AFIO's favor would be an extremely important first step in the direction of curtailing Cryptome and sites like it. The list itself pales in comparison to what's really at stake here. This has the potential for becoming a replay of something we've already seen, except that now, instead of Hollywood vs. Napster, it could be AFIO vs. Cryptome. The former merely involved copyright vs. free music, while this one involves the public's right to know about secret agents who are following secret orders issued by the government the people elected. (Somehow, "government the people elected" sounds stranger than it used to). But I happen to feel that you are also in a strong legal position. Accordingly, I have scanned the correspondence between AFIO and me on this that occurred nearly four years ago, in case you want to encourage discussion or start looking for a lawyer. I never received a reply to my response to Mr. Whipple. In all probability, if you have legal problems, so does NameBase. We may as well put our cards on the table and invite them to show their hand. Sincerely, Daniel Brandt Attachment: AFIO.ZIP (38 K) [Attachment: text and images]March 11, 1997 Mr. David D. Whipple Association of Former Intelligence Officers 6723 Whittier Ave., Suite 303A McLean, VA 22101 Dear Mr. Whipple: I am surprised by your letter of 3 March 1997, in which you request that PIR discontinue the listing of names from the 1994 AFIO Directory. I would like confirmation that this is indeed the policy of AFIO, and clarification of why you feel that we have an obligation to comply. In the first place, this is a change of policy for AFIO, and you provide no evidence that this change has been approved by your membership or your Board. In Periscope, Winter 1988, page 19, you describe our database semi-favorably and note that it includes "the membership rosters of AFIO." The 1987 roster had the same notice in it as the 1994 roster. From this Periscope endorsement, I concluded that our use of your directory did not fall within the definition of the pro forma notice in your directory. Secondly, a number of AFIO members use NameBase and none has ever objected. And many journalists use NameBase, some of whom occasionally want to interview former intelligence officers. Your complaint is the first we have received since the 1983 directory was entered. My impression has been that one purpose of AFIO is to reach out to the media; you yourself spend much time and effort on this. Am I to assume that AFIO enjoys media exposure, but only on its own terms? Many of those who work in the same Washington circles as you support our work. Can you show that any damage resulted from our listing of your names for the last 14 years, or are you merely assuming that the potential for such damage exists? Third, your directory notice does not cover our use of the directory. We are using the names for informational purposes pursuant to the public's right to know -- not fund-raising, political, or commercial purposes. We are a 501(c)(3) public charity, much like a public library. Since we serve the journalistic community, we also claim First Amendment protection. Any information we acquire that we can legally make available for the purpose of serving the public's right to know, is within the mandate of our statement of purpose. Fourth, I believe you are misinformed about copyright law. Material which crosses our desk gets indexed by us at our discretion. Since we do our own name indexing of all material, without any scanning or copying of the index in the back of a book, the Library of Congress tells us that we own the copyright on our software and our data. For the 500 copyrighted books in NameBase, as well as for your directories, we did our usual name index (i.e., an index of only the names, compiled by us) of the source. No publisher has ever claimed that it violates their copyright, and I don't believe it violates yours either. Finally, you always give your members the option of leaving their names out of the directory. From this, we conclude that those who are listed are essentially willing to place their association with AFIO into the public record. Now you are asking us to purge our data þ a time-consuming and expensive task. You should instead explain to your members that once their name is listed in your directory, you have little or no control over who may become aware of their association with AFIO. That's a much more reasonable approach, and one which better serves both the privacy of your members and the public's right to know. Please do not construe this letter as a refusal of your request; I am willing to consider it further once the above points are addressed. Sincerely, /s/ Daniel Brandt President cc: Hayden Peake Elizabeth Bancroft