15 September 2000

From: "Hunt, Brad" <[email protected]>
To: "Nicoletti, Maryann" <[email protected]>, subscribers of CPTWG
Subject: CPTWG Special Papers Session Agenda for September 20, 2000 Meeting
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 12:51:10 -0700

The attached document describes the agenda for the Copy Protection Technical Working Group (CPTWG) Special Papers Session on September 20, 2000.

Maryann Nicoletti
Assistant to Brad Hunt
Chief Technology Officer
Motion Picture Association of America
(818) 995-6600 x 222


SEPTEMBER 20, 2000


9:30am Opening Remarks/Roll Call/Status Reports
10–10:25am Digital Rights Management Talal Shamoon, InterTrust
10:25-10:50am A System Approach to Prevent the Napsterization of Video Mark Baugher, PassEdge
10:50-11:15am The EMMS Content Management Solution Paul Rettig, IBM
11:15-11:30am Coffee Break
11:30-11:55am Extended Copy Control Information Data Packet Proposal Brad Hunt, MPAA
11:55-12:20pm Conditional Access & Watermarking in ‘free to air’ Broadcast Applications R. Walker et al, BBC Research
12:20-12:45pm Beyond Copy Protection-Connecting Users Through Watermark Content Reed Stager, Digimarc Corp.
12:45-1:45pm Lunch Break
1:45-2:10pm Audio Watermarking Technology for Copyright Protection of Digital Audio & Video Joseph Winograd, Verance Corp.
2:10-2:35pm Audio and Physical Watermarks/"Miraculous Watermark" Koji Yamasaki, JVC
2:35-3:00pm How to Achieve Robustness & Fragility in Watermarking Technology? Dr. Jong U. Choi, MarkAny, Inc.
3:00-3:15pm Coffee Break
3:15-3:40pm Software Tamper-Proofing Deployed – 2nd Year Anniversary Report Patrice Capitant, Macrovision
3:40-4:05pm Content Protection & Rights Enforcement Using Intel Software Integrity Kumar Ranganathan, Intel
4:05-4:30pm 3 Processes for Video & Copy Protection in the Analog Domain Mazen Abdin, Dwight Cavendish
4:30pm Closing Remarks

From: "Nicoletti, Maryann" <[email protected]>
Subject: Copy Protection Technical Working Group Meeting Notice Reminder! 
	 September 20, 2000
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2000 14:43:58 -0700

Copy Protection Technical Working Group Meeting reminder!

The next meeting is right around the corner. If you have a presentation for
the Copy Protection Technical Working Group Meeting on September 20, please
forward a copy to me or Alan Bell as soon as possible. The deadline for
paper proposals is this Friday, September 1st.


Maryann Nicoletti
Assistant to Brad Hunt
Chief Technology Officer
Motion Picture Association of America
(818) 995-6600 x 222

The next Copy Protection Technical Working Group Meeting Special Session is
Wednesday, September 20, 2000:

The September CPTWG meeting will include a special session for the
presentation of papers which go beyond the normal status reports and ad-hoc
presentations associated with the standard CPTWG monthly meeting.  The
objective of introducing the special session is to encourage and solicit
papers which introduce fresh concepts, including new encryption,
watermarking or other digital rights management technologies, etc. which
are broadly applicable to the general topic of secure delivery of digital
copyrighted audio or video content, either by electronic or physical means.
In addition the program committee would be interested in papers which deal
with either policy issues or novel concepts and the factors involved in
novel business models applicable to the digital media delivery environment.
Overview presentations which deal broadly with the future directions of
technology, policy and business issues, as well as more focused
presentations on specific approaches are both welcomed.  Presentations
dealing with pure audio (music) and/or video content are welcomed.

The Special Session will be conducted in the style of a mini-conference,
with each presentation allotted approximately 20-25 minutes, including
questions.  Interested authors should e-mail the title and a brief  summary
(less than 500 words) of their intended presentation no later than Friday,
September 1st to the CPTWG administrative office c/o Maryann Nicoletti
([email protected].).

The program committee will review the submissions and circulate the program
for the Special Session by Wednesday September 13th.  Authors will be 
required to provide and make available to the attendees an electronic copy 
of their presentation on the day of the Special Session.

It is important to note that the Program Committee strongly encourages the
submission of papers from outside of the CPTWG attendee community, as well
as the regular attendee, so please feel free to pass this announcement
along to those colleagues who you think might be interested in


Friday September 1st:         	Summaries due to CPTWG Administrative
Wednesday September 13th:	Special Session Agenda circulated
Wednesday September 20th:	Special Session at the CPTWG

If you have any questions please direct them to one of the Program Committee
members below:
Program Committee
Alan Bell
Chris Cookson
Bill Connolly
Bob Lambert
Brad Hunt

Los Angeles Airport  Marriott Hotel

5855 West Century Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90045 USA
(1 mile west of the 405 fwy.)
Tel: (310) 641-5700
Fax: (310) 337-5358
Ask for the CPTWG RATE when making reservations:
Singe Room:		$ 159.00 USD
Double Room:		$ 159.00 USD
Suite:			$ 175.00 USD


Time		Event			Meeting Room(s)
8:00 AM	Co-Chair Meeting	Breakout room     [PRIVATE]	
		Continental Breakfast	Marquis Foyer	
9:00 AM	Registration		Marquis Foyer	
9:30 AM	General Session	Marquis Ballroom
		Breakout 1		Available 9:30AM - 4:00PM	
		Breakout 2		Available 9:30AM - 4:00PM	
12:00 PM	Lunch			Marquis Foyer (attendees may take
their lunch into the main room or out
by the pool)	
		MPAA Meeting	           [PRIVATE]	
		Breakout 2	           Available after MPAA Mtg	

Meeting Room locator maps will be provided at the CPTWG Reception Desk.


Due to economic considerations regarding CPTWG General Session Meeting costs
and payment scheduling, it has become necessary to implement an attendance
fee of One Hundred US Dollars ($100.00 US) per attending member to cover
meals, equipment and service.  This fee will be collected by the staff at
registration table prior to the start of the General Session.

Registration Fees for CEA and MPAA member participants are covered by dues
paid to each respective organization.  However, please check in at the CPTWG

Registration Desk in order to receive exemption receipts and lunch tickets.

(Failure to check in with CPTWG Staff will result in full Registration Fee
charges being added to Guest Room bill and/or participant's Company being
invoiced for this Fee.)


Questions regarding the implementation of this fee and/or MPAA membership
should be directed to me - Maryann Nicoletti at Brad Hunt's office at the
via e:mail at [email protected].	

Questions regarding special fee collection considerations for CEA
participants should be directed to Joe Peck via e:mail at [email protected].

Questions regarding having this fee included as a line item on your Hotel
room charges should be directed to Lisa Johns at the Marriott via e:mail
at [email protected]. 


For copying please go directly to Kinko's located in the Business Center,
Lobby level of the Marriott.
Phone: (310) 655-5955 Fax: (310) 337-5358


Attendance Report for the previous meeting will be posted to the CPTWG
Website prior to the next General Session for member information.

Maryann Nicoletti
Assistant to Brad Hunt
Chief Technology Officer
Motion Picture Association of America
(818) 995-6600 x 222