Cryptomb 7

JYA/Urban Deadline


File               Topic                                             Date

Cryptome        Current documents

Cryptomb 6     Documents July - December 1999

Cryptomb 5     Documents January - June 1999

Cryptomb 4     Documents June - December 1998

Cryptomb 3     Documents January - May 1998

Cryptomb 2     Documents June - December 1997

Cryptomb 1     Documents to May 31, 1997


MAY 2000

mpaa-v-2600-mpo.htm + MPAA v. 2600 - MPAA's Motion for Barring Press   May 31, 2000
intel-flab.htm      + Intel Flab Needs Knife Not Knish                 May 29, 2000
eu-snoop.htm        + More Secret EU Snooping                          May 29, 2000
hmg-fears-nw.htm    + Why HMG Fears Nigel Wylde Talking to the Press   May 26, 2000
nsakey-ms-af.htm    + Andrew Fernandes on MS/Campbell NSA_KEY Debate   May 26, 2000

nsl-99-00.htm       + Secret National Security List 1999-2000          May 26, 2000
mpaa-v-2600-poa.htm + MPAA v. 2600 - Protective Order Arguments        May 26, 2000
dmca-eff.htm        + EFF Testimony on DMCA                            May 26, 2000
kevin-gag.htm       + Mitnick Going to Court to Remove Gag             May 25, 2000
dvd-mpaa-ccd3.htm   + MPAA 2nd Cease and Desist Letter to Cryptome     May 25, 2000

dvda-crack.htm      + DVD Audio in July -- Who Wants to Crack It?      May 25, 2000
nsakey-ms-dc.htm    + Microsoft Stonewalls NSA_key Questions           May 25, 2000
dtsi052300.htm      + Export Exemption for Allies to Sell US Arms      May 24, 2000
cipn052400.htm      + Crypto Intel Privacy News                        May 24, 2000
mpaa-v-2600-ddm.htm + MPAA v. 2600, Disqualification Motion Denied     May 22, 2000

uk-spy-gag.htm      + Top Uk Spy Chief Leads Drive to Gag Press        May 21, 2000
ox-chill.htm        + Oxford Free Speech Chilled by MPAA and Shayler   May 21, 2000
pulse-code.htm      + Pulse Code Modulation Encryption Unit            May 21, 2000
nasa-comsec.htm     + NASA Communications Security                     May 20, 2000        + NASA Security Handbook (Zipped, 275K)            May 20, 2000

mccaffrey-bm.htm    + McCaffrey, Army Comment on McCaffrey War Crime   May 19, 2000
4th-sneaky.htm      + Fourth Amendment Sneak Attack                    May 19, 2000
s486rfh.txt         + Meth Anti-Proliferation Act of 1999              May 19, 2000
mccaffrey-nyt.htm   + NY Times Calls for McCaffrey War Crime Probe     May 18, 2000
hr106-620.txt       + House Report on Intel Funding 2001               May 18, 2000

sr106-279.txt       + Senate Report on Intel Funding 2001              May 18, 2000
wjc051700.htm       + $300M More for Anti-Terrorism                    May 18, 2000
mpaa-v-2600-frg.htm + MPAA v. 2600, Decl's Opposing Garbus Disqualify  May 16, 2000
mccaffrey-sh.htm    + Sy Hersh on McCaffrey's War Crime                May 15, 2000
spy-v-spy.htm       + Spy v. Spy: Bugging the Buggers                  May 15, 2000

mi5-lis-lz.htm      + HMG/USG Squelch British Citizen                  May 14, 2000
mpaa-v-2600-od.htm  + MPAA v. 2600, Order Denying 2600 Motions         May 13, 2000
mpaa-v-2600-rm.htm  + MPAA v. 2600, NY Times Affidavit                 May 13, 2000         + 14 GIFs of MI5 Libyan Intelligence Report (2.9M) May 13, 2000         + 14 JPGs of MI5 Libyan Intelligence Report (2.2M) May 13, 2000

mi5-lis-uk.htm      + Libyan Intelligence Service Activity in the UK   May 13, 2000
mpaa-v-2600-tc.htm  + MPAA v. 2600 Telephone Conference Barroom Brawl  May 11, 2000
anarchy-wins.htm   + Cyber Anarchy Wins, Stop Worrying                May 10, 2000
ns00085.htm        + How 5 Countries Combat Terrorism                 May 10, 2000
usss050900.txt     + Sentencing Guidelines for Net Crime et al        May 9, 2000

mpaa-v-2600-ao.htm + MPAA v. 2600 Order to Show Cause, Garbus Affd't  May 8, 2000
mpaa-v-2600-gs.htm + Declarations of Goldstein and Samuelson          May 8, 2000
echelon-ie.htm     + Ireland Joins ECHELON                            May 8, 2000
policecp.htm       + Euro Police Working Group Meeting Oct 99         May 8, 2000
ioss-opsec.htm     + National OPSEC Conference                        May 8, 2000

uscg050800.txt     + Security Zone Set for Vieques                    May 8, 2000
ustr050800.txt     + Rogue States for Intellectual Property           May 8, 2000
dvd-op-al.htm      + DVD Legal Battles: Suppressing Invention         May 4, 2000
dvd-eff2.htm       + EFF Challenges Ban on DVD Software               May 4, 2000
mpaa-v-2600-rb.htm + MPAA v. 2600 Defendants' Reply Brief on Linking  May 4, 2000

O f f s i t e  ( M o r e )
Openlaw               MPAA v. 2600 - Openlaw Amicus Brief /WS          May 30, 2000
TW Maw                US Helps Taiwan Build Spy Station /OM            May 24, 2000
CIA MKULTRA           Sims v. CIA on MKULTRA Drug Testing Records /A   May 24, 2000

EU FU US              EU Frees Crypto, FUs US /AH                      May 22, 2000
FBI Lie 2             Details on FBI Polygraph /A                      May 22, 2000
FBI Lie 1             FBI Polygraph Questions /A                       May 22, 2000
NASA-IT               NASA Security of Information Technology /WK      May 20, 2000
NSA-AES2              NSA on AES2 Hardware Performance Simulations     May 15, 2000

MSFOR!                MS Bloat A Danger to National Security /RF       May 15, 2000
UK Clamp3             UK Gov Censors Journalist /Z                     May 14, 2000
UK Clamp2             Telling the Truth /Z                             May 14, 2000
UK Clamp1             Shayler Coming Home for Trial /Z                 May 14, 2000
Nesson                Charles Nesson on MPAA v. 2600 /WS               May 11, 2000

RIAA                  Record Companies Plan to Swindle Artists /DM     May 11, 2000
DES-Yale             Cracking DES at Yale /RL                         May 8, 2000
MSNBC                U.S. steps up commercial spying /PP              May 8, 2000
ns00064.pdf          Combatting Terrorism: Dupe WMD Training          May 8, 2000
HAC                  Handbook of Applied Cryptography /QC             May 8, 2000

UK EENT              UK Spies Unite to Hunt Cyber Saboteurs /WK/HA    May 8, 2000
UK Ears              Birkett Report on UK Electronic Snooping /CB     May 8, 2000
Watch                Watching the Watchers: Cyber Activitism /CH      May 4, 2000
Sick                 Irish War: British Disease /CH                   May 4, 2000
ITeach               Teaching Intelligence /AS/JC                     May 4, 2000

APRIL 2000

uk-moles.htm       + UK Bunker Government                             April 30, 2000
eucrypt-rule.htm   + EU to Relax Rules on Data-Encryption Exports     April 29, 2000
cia-bmt2015.htm    + Ballistic Missile Threats to the US to 2015      April 29, 2000
echelon-cinsa.htm  + CIA and NSA on ECHELON                           April 29, 2000
nsakey-ms-dc.htm   + Microsoft/Campbell on NSA_KEY in Windows (more)  April 27, 2000

a51-bsw.htm        + Real Time Cryptanalysis of A5/1 on a PC          April 27, 2000
mi5-verio.htm      + British Intelligence Request to Remove Document  April 26, 2000
mi5-lis-nt.htm     + HMG Targets Internet Over New Libya Document     April 25, 2000
mi5-lis-ti.htm     + Shayler Targeted for New Libya Leak              April 25, 2000
bxa-lechart1.htm   + BXA Encryption License Exception Chart           April 24, 2000

cia-gak.htm        + CIA On Key Recovery Encryption Policy            April 21, 2000
s2430is.txt        + Internet Security Act of 2000                    April 19, 2000
s1769-041300.txt   + Wiretap Reporting Bill Amendment Remarks         April 19, 2000
sr106-259.txt      + Senate Report on Government InfoSec Act          April 19, 2000
nsa021500.txt      + Crypto Sec for Hand Emplaced Wide Area Munitions April 19, 2000

3des-units.txt     + Triple DES Units, Switches, Cable                April 19, 2000
dia041800.txt      + Defense Intel Secret Meet and Info Services      April 19, 2000
aimp030498.txt     + US Army Intelligence Master Plan                 A;ril 19, 2000
madsen-fas.htm     + Madsen Critiques FAS on Para-State Entities      April 16, 2000
gilmore-v-doe.htm  + Gilmore v. DOE Settlement Agreement              April 16, 2000

mi5-lis-uk.htm     + Libyan Intelligence Service Activity in the UK   April 14, 2000
nsa-snoops.htm     + NSA Defends Snooping                             April 13, 2000
omb041300.txt      + Management of Federal Information Resources      April 13, 2000
ncs041300.txt      + National Security Telecommunications Meet        April 13, 2000
dos041200.txt      + State Dept Meets on International Ops            April 13, 2000

wass041200.htm     + State and Commerce Depts on Wassenaar Pact       April 12, 2000
barr-nsa-law.htm   + Bob Barr on NSA Legal Authorities                April 11, 2000         + ETSI 3GPP Kasumi Cipher Specs (PDF, 241K)        April 11, 2000
bxa041100.htm      + BXA/CIAO Workshop on PKI for Advanced Networks   April 11, 2000
cylinked.htm       + Cylink Decrypted? w/2nd Letter/3nd Hylink Info   April 11, 2000

nara041000.txt     + Agency Records Availability                      April 10, 2000
dsb041000.txt      + DoD Secret Meet on Odd Nuke Attacks              April 10, 2000
dtra041000.txt     + Defense Threat Reduction Agency Privacy Act Reg  April 10, 2000
nsa-scif.htm       + NSA Secure Compartmented Information Facilities  April 8, 2000
mpaa-v-2600-nm.htm + MPAA v. 2600, Motion to Modify Prelim Injunct    April 6, 2000

cia-stasi.htm      + CIA Returns Part of Stasi Agent File             April 5, 2000
net-measure.htm    + Internet Topology and Traffic Measurement        April 5, 2000
wiretab.htm        + Telecoms Dun for Wiretab                         April 5, 2000
eaa040400.htm      + New Export Control Law Delay Expected            April 5, 2000
junger-ca-win.htm  + Junger Wins Court of Appeals Crypto Decision     April 4, 2000

echelon-de-spy.htm + German Spies: ECHELON Exists                     April 3, 2000
nsa-econ-spy.htm   + NSA Economic Intelligence Gathering              April 2, 2000
dvd-v-521-dl.htm   + DVD-CCA v. 521- Demand Letter to Cryptome        April 1, 2000
echelon040100.htm  + ECHELON News - 1 April 2000                      April 1, 2000
echelon-eb2.htm    + ECHELON Reports from Denmark                     April 1, 2000

O f f s i t e  ( M o r e )
Attache              NSA Deputy Director Assigned to UK /A            April 30, 2000

MI5-Attack           MI-5 To Build E-Mail Snooper /H/G                April 30, 2000
1A-Flak              USAToday/XDoJ-Spy Flak Free Press                April 30, 2000
MI6-Attack           British Officials Attack the Internet /A         April 25, 2000
MI5-Yard             Scotland Yard Asks Spies About Libyan Report     April 23, 2000
MI5-Switch           Web Leak Forces MI5 to Switch Phones             April 23, 2000

MI5-Leak             MI5 Action Against Web Leaks                     April 16, 2000
Big Biz              NBC Reports Big Business of Echelon /DC          April 16, 2000
FoNSA Help           Gates and Gerstner Helped NSA Snoop /JC          April 13, 2000
NL Snoop             Echelon in Holland /TS                           April 11, 2000
ns00145t             Managing Counterterrorist Programs               April 11, 2000

UK Mired             UK Seeks Way Out of Shayler Quagmire /A          April 10, 2000
FSE2000              Fast Software Encryption April 10-12 2000 NYC    April 10, 2000
AES3                 AES 3 Conference April 13-14 NYC                 April 10, 2000
KidBug               Kid Tracking Device /MF                          April 10, 2000
UK EU                UK Warns EU on Echelon Probe /PP                 April 10, 2000

Sucker               Echelon Vast Info Vacuuming Network /PP          April 10, 2000
Flaw                 ECHELON Reveals Flaw in Human Rights /FR         April 8, 2000
Kasumi (Now blocked) ETSI 3GPP Kasumi Cipher Specs /HE                April 7, 2000
IE-EC                Irish E-Comm Bill /DR                            April 7, 2000
FBI-Blow             Digital Storm at FBI /DN                         April 7, 2000

FBI-IN               FBI Head on Joint Work with India /RH            April 7, 2000
MPAA2                MPAA Sues 2600 for DeCSS Linking /PF             April 5, 2000
DVDLinux             Guide to Playing DVDs Under GNU/Linux /JB        April 3, 2000
NATOops              Nato Kosovo plan leaked on Net /M                April 2, 2000
AF No                Air Force Denies Red Cross Spying /A             April 1, 2000

MARCH 2000

atbcb033100.txt + Electronic and Info Tech Accessibility Rule March 31, 2000 fcc033100.txt + FCC Inquiry on Software Defined Radio March 31, 2000 echelon033000.htm + ECHELON News - 30 March 2000 March 30, 2000 leahy-kyl.htm + Senators Leahy, Kyl on Cyber Crime March 30, 2000 jdh032800.htm + Holum and House Debate Export Controls March 30, 2000 ai00135t.htm + Federal Info Security: Widespread Weaknesses March 29, 2000 echelon-news.htm + ECHELON News - 29 March 2000 March 29, 2000 bxa032700.htm + BXA Fines Computer Exporter March 29, 2000 dod032900.txt + DoD Secret Meets March 29, 2000 skala.htm + Matthew Skala on Microsystems Settlement March 27, 2000 mi6-laptop.htm + Second British Spy Laptop Lost March 27, 2000 bxa032000.txt + Two BXA Rules on EAR and Enforcement March 21, 2000 nsa-shamrock.htm + Recalling SHAMROCK: NSA Spying on US Citizens March 20, 2000 mock-terr.htm + U.S. Plans for Mock Terrorist Attacks March 20, 2000 dvd-mpaa-3-rk.htm + MPAA v. 3: Consent Judgment Against Roman Kazan March 17, 2000 loc031700.txt + Copyright Protection Circumvention Hearings March 17, 2000 echelon-cia2.htm + Ex-CIA Head: Why We Spy On Our Allies March 17, 2000 nro030800.htm + NRO Space Policy Report March 17, 2000 mi6-lies.htm + Secrets, Lies and David Shayler March 16, 2000 dcssi.htm + France Initiates New InfoSec Administration March 16, 2000 nist030900.htm + NIST on Computer Security Policy/Programs March 14, 2000 intel-forum.htm + Intelligence Forum March 14, 2000 fbi031400.txt + FBI Estimates Telco Costs of CALEA Wiretaps March 14, 2000 fcen031400.txt + FinCEN Expands Money Laundering Rules March 14, 2000 cn-ease.htm + China Eases Crypto Rules March 13, 2000 dod5240-1-r.htm + Procedures for DoD Intelligence on US Persons March 13, 2000 fbi-guide.htm + FBI Guide for Foreign Intel/Counterintelligence March 12, 2000 nsa-ussid18.htm + NSA US Signal Intelligence Directive 18 March 11, 2000 qadahfi-mi6.htm + MI6 Officers in Qadahfi Murder Plot Revealed March 11, 2000 cybpat4-hack.htm + Cyber Patrol Censorware Reverse Engineered March 11, 2000 usiid.htm + US Intelligence and Investigative Net Domains March 10, 2000 bernstein-bxa2.htm + Bernstein Second Inquiry to BXA on Crypto Regs March 10, 2000 esn031000.htm + Espionage and Secrecy News March 10, 2000 dos031000.txt + Orbit/FR Debarred for ITAR Violation March 10, 2000 bxa031000.txt + BXA Rule on Hi-Performance Computers March 10, 2000 dvd-mpaa-au.htm + MPAA Attacks DeCSS Down Under March 10, 2000 yahoo-qadahfi.htm + Yahoo on Secret Qadahfi Report March 9, 2000 nsa-sobell.htm + Decrypting Cold War Espionage Codes March 9, 2000 igear-fire.htm + Symantec Aflame over I-Gear Report March 9, 2000 h100059t.htm + Biological Terrorism: Medical Supplies Awry March 9, 2000 jad030800.htm + Julie-ann Davies March 8, 2000 igear-ire.htm + Free speech raises ire of filtering firms March 8, 2000 echelon-cia.htm + Ex-CIA Head Woolsey on Industrial Espionage March 8, 2000 echelon-id.htm + Echelon Extension to India? March 8, 2000 qc-gauge.htm + Gauging the Limits of Quantum Computing March 7, 2000 hjj030600.htm + WMD: Efforts to Reduce Threats From FSU March 6, 2000 bxa030600.txt + BXA Regs and Procedures TAC Meet / DTAG March 6, 2000 dia030300.txt + DIA Secret Meet March 3, 2000 af030300.txt + F22 Beddown March 3, 2000 bmdo030300.txt + BMDO DEIS March 3, 2000 fbi-spies.htm + New Files of FBI Spying on Americans March 2, 2000 echelon-60min.htm + Transcript of 60 Minutes on Echelon March 2, 2000 ai00107t.htm + GAO: Government Information Security Awry March 2, 2000 usd-fake.htm + Foreign Use, Counterfeiting of U.S. Currency March 2, 2000 trie-deals.htm + Trie’s Deadly Deals: Bio Weapons March 2, 2000 dos030200.txt + Arms Control Secret Meet March 2, 2000 igear-crack.htm + I-Gear Blocking Software Cracked by RE March 1, 2000 nstissp11.htm + National Info Assurance Acquisition Policy March 1, 2000 e2-v-wylde2.htm + The Queen v. Wylde: Britain's Algeria March 1, 2000 O f f s i t e ( M o r e ) EU v UKUSA EU Council to Eye UK USA Economic Spying /CM March 31, 2000 No Enfopol Enfopol Agreement Delayed /FR March 29, 2000 Berserk Space Imagery and Foreign Policy /FR March 29, 2000 Horror Can Law Halt Web Cracking of DVD Code? /R March 21, 2000 DC-JB Campbell and Bamford on Woolsey on Echelon /DM March 21, 2000 FRU British Mil Intel Arsons Met Police /AD March 18, 2000 ATDC Anarchism Triumphant: The Death of Copyright March 18, 2000 FR-Sig New French DigSig Law (FR) /A March 17, 2000 DE-Sig New German DigSig Law /HN March 16, 2000 cg031500 Crypto-Gram March 2000 /BS March 16, 2000 EU Boo EU Wants to Snare Net Terrorism /AM March 16, 2000 MDIP Managing Digital Intellectual Property March 16, 2000 Cpunks Cypherpunks Archive 1992-94 March 13, 2000 ChinEase China Eases Rules on Encryption Software /AR March 13, 2000 MI6 FOC Secrets and Lies March 13, 2000 CIA Yep Ex-CIA Head Says US Does Economic Spying /AH March 12, 2000 MPAACIC MPAA Continues Intimidation Campaign /M March 12, 2000 Unlaw DoJ Report: Unlawful Conduct on the Net March 11, 2000 TSX Echelon Information Site /JB March 10, 2000 RIP4 Computer crime plans attacked /CB March 9, 2000 RIP3 RIP for basic liberties /CB March 9, 2000 RIP2 House of Commons Research paper on RIP /CB March 9, 2000 RIP1 Seconding Reading debate in House of Commons /CB March 9, 2000 SFS2000 Scrambling for Safety 2000 /CB March 9, 2000 JA Brits Arrest Student Journo in Shayler Probe March 7, 2000 GCHQ GCHQ to Get New HQ March 7, 2000 Trace 1 Unlawful Conduct Involving the Internet /DM March 6, 2000 Trace 2 US Wants to Trace Net Users /DM March 6, 2000 DSS Jeffrey Richelson on Echelon March 4, 2000 CIA CT CIA on Cyber Threats & the US Economy/ BB March 4, 2000 JP2 Echelon Spying on Pope John Paul II? /CM March 2, 2000 IG JD CIA IG: John Deutch Classified Info Misuse /TB March 2, 2000 WSH US Army Weapon Systems Handbook /BT March 2, 2000


crack-cube.htm    + Cracking Cube: Cryptology and Ichnography        February 29, 2000
bne-madelin.htm   + The Break-And-Entry Specialists                  February 29, 2000

es-201-671.htm    + Interface for Lawful Interception of Telecomms   February 29, 2000
nssg022900.txt    + National Security Study Group Secret Meet        February 29, 2000
cia-nsa-scs.htm   + Secret CIA/NSA Crypto Crack/Black Job Teams      February 28, 2000
barr-nsa.htm      + Rep. Barr Letter to NSA on Privacy               February 28, 2000
echelon-adpe.htm  + Echelon Automatic Data Processing Equipment      February 27, 2000

nsa-bot-spy.htm   + The NSA Bot Now Spying?                          February 26, 2000
echelon-p377.htm  + Echelon: P377 Work Package for CARBOY II         February 26, 2000
echelon-mndc.htm  + Margaret Newsham: First Source on Echelon        February 25, 2000
s2089.txt         + Counterintelligence Reform Act of 2000           February 25, 2000
s2092.txt         + Wiretap/High Tech Crime Bill                     February 25, 2000

s2100.txt         + College Fire Prevention Act (.edu alarm!)        February 25, 2000
s2105.txt         + Anti-tampering Act of 2000                       February 25, 2000
newsham-hpsci.htm + Margaret Newsham Talks to House Intel Group      February 24, 2000
gilfoyle.htm      + Eddie Gilfoyle is Innocent                       February 24, 2000
brands-zks.htm    + Stefan Brands Joins Zero Knowledge Systems       February 24, 2000

e2-v-wylde.htm    + The Queen v. Nigel Wylde                         February 24, 2000
dst-pa.htm        + EuroParl on ECHELON: Presentation/Analysis       February 24, 2000
wh-infosec-gs.htm + Infosecurity at the White House                  February 23, 2000
bxa-bernstein.htm + BXA Response to Bernstein Query of Crypto Regs   February 22, 2000
afesc022300.txt   + Theater Deployable Communications REDCOM Switch  February 22, 2000

fcc022200.txt     + CALEA Wiretap Reporting Rules Go into Effect     February 22, 2000
doe022200.txt     + Radiation Effects in the Russian Federation      February 22, 2000
nsa-ms-spy.htm    + French Say NSA Agents Work at Microsoft          February 19, 2000
hague-draft.htm   + Draft Convention on Foreign Civil Judgments      February 18, 2000
madsen-hmhd.htm   + Madsen: Hackers, Media Hype and Disinformation   February 17, 2000

dmca-ccia.htm     + DMCA Comments by Comp/Comm Industry Associaton   February 17, 2000
dod-deutch.htm    + DoD Reviews Deutch Computer Files                February 17, 2000
nara021700.txt    + National Security Information Declassification   February 17, 2000
kiv7hs021700.txt  + Solicitation for KIV-7HS Data Encryption Devices February 17, 2000
shayler021600.htm + David Shayler Vindicated Over Qadhafi Plot       February 16, 2000

qadahfi-plot.htm  + Secret UK Report on Qadahfi Overthrow Plot       February 16, 2000
fbi021600.htm     + FBI CALEA Flexible Deployment Assistance Guide   February 16, 2000
wh-cybersec.htm   + White House Cyber Security Meeting               February 16, 2000
tempest-leak.htm  + The Tempest Over Leaking Computers               February 15, 2000
dmca-index.htm    + Digital Millennium Copyright Act Collection      February 15, 2000

nist021500.txt    + Digital Signature Standard Approved              February 15, 2000
nasa021100.txt    + Export Control of Space Technology               February 12, 2000
doe021100.txt     + Storage of Nuclear Pits at Pantex Plant          February 12, 2000
afesc021100.txt   + Multiband Satellite Terminal                     February 12, 2000
mas021000.htm     + CounterTerrorism Chief On Post-2000 Terrorism    February 12, 2000

usss021100.txt    + Sentencing for No Electronic Theft (NET) Act     February 12, 2000
menwith-mn60.htm  + Return to NSA's Menwith Hill with 60 Minutes     February 11, 2000
mil-hack.htm      + Madsen on Military Hacking of Commercial Sites   February 10, 2000
uk-cryptnot.htm   + UK Publishes "Impossible" Decryption Law         February 10, 2000
tempest-old.htm   + How Old Is TEMPEST?                              February 10, 2000

loc021000.txt     + Formats for DMCA Anti-Circumvention Comments     February 10, 2000
dvd-mpaa-dmca.htm + DMCA Anti-Circumvention Comments Deadline        February 9, 2000
ussc020900.txt    + Sentencing for Electronic/Telecomm/Gun Crimes    February 9, 2000
pecsenc020900.txt + Prez Export Crypto Panel Meet                    February 9, 2000
dvd-mpaa-ccd2.htm + Responses to MPAA Notice to Cryptome on DeCSS    February 9, 2000

decsspeech.htm    + DeCSS in Speech Format                           February 8, 2000
dvd-mpaa-ccd.htm  + MPAA Notice to Cryptome on DeCSS                 February 7, 2000
usn-ste-sol.txt   + Navy Solicitation for TS SLBM Data Encryptor     February 7, 2000
dvd-mpaa-3-mo.htm + MPAA v. 3 - DeCSS Memorandum Opinion New York    February 3, 2000
paul020200.txt    + Rep. Ron Paul on the American Republic           February 3, 2000

darpa020200.txt   + DARPA Advanced Technologies Solicitation         February 2, 2000
vg020200.txt      + Virtual Government Conference 2000               February 2, 2000
occ020200.txt     + OCC Boosts Electronic Banking                    February 2, 2000
ietf-no-tap.txt   + IETF-IAB Say No Wiretap Help                     February 2, 2000
dvd-mpaa-da.htm   + Protest Planned Against DVD Movie Industry       February 2, 2000

wh020100.htm      + White House Eases Export Controls on Computers   February 1, 2000
schiller.htm      + Information Inequality                           February 1, 2000
china-netsec.htm  + PRC Rules on Internet Secrecy Management         February 1, 2000
m2crypto-03.htm   + M2Crypto 0.03                                    February 1, 2000
doc020100.txt     + RFC on Laws Hindering E-Commerce                 February 1, 2000

O f f s i t e  ( M o r e )
HHDDoS              House Hearing on Denial of Service Attacks /SM   February 29, 2000
NSA Rpt             Intelligence Legal Standards for E-Spying /SA    February 29, 2000
SES                 TEMPEST, Infosec, EMC Training /BF               February 28, 2000

echres              Echelon Research Resource /PP                    February 28, 2000
FYF                 Echelon: Snooping on Friends? /DN                February 26, 2000
NSA Msg             NSA Letter to Members of Congress /SA            February 25, 2000
BAT 1               BAT Illegal Tobacco Smuggling Racket 1 /DC       February 24, 2000
BAT 2               BAT Illegal Tobacco Smuggling Racket 2 /DC       February 24, 2000

Maggie              Frost: Thatcher Used Echelon for Pol Spying /MN  February 24, 2000
NSA PPF             NSA Director Surveils Past Present Future /WK    February 24, 2000
Grande Fra          La Repubblica on Echelon (IT)                    February 24, 2000
Grand Frere         Le Monde on Echelon (FR)                         February 24, 2000
Big Bro             ZDNet on Echelon /JT                             February 24, 2000

iMP                 Government and Security: Laptop and Globe /RB    February 24, 2000
Deutch              CIA Inspector General Report on Deutch /SA       February 24, 2000
MI6                 Spies face inquiry into Gadaffi plot leak /GG    February 20, 2000
Frenchelon          France's Alleged Global Surveillance Network /MG February 19, 2000
Darth               The New Space Invaders: Spies in the sky /CM     February 19, 2000

AESource            Source Code for AES Finalist Algorithms /DC      February 18, 2000 
DeCSS               Pigdog Journal DeCSS Distribution Center /RM     February 17, 2000
FR Eyes             French Set Their Sights on Echelon               February 17, 2000
1201                DMCA Comments /MS                                February 17, 2000
COW                 The Trojan Cow Project /KP                       February 16, 2000

CX95/53452          MI6 Aided Gadaffi Hit Plot /GG                   February 13, 2000
iPKI                Netscape Source Code for iPlanet Servers /BL     February 11, 2000
RIP                 UK RIP Surveillance Bill Zipped /DH              February 11, 2000
H2O                 The Power of Openness /CS                        February 11, 2000
FRvUSUK             French to Sue US/UK on Echelon /SB               February 11, 2000

ET                  Encryption Tutorial /PG                          February 10, 2000
Play                Sam's Big Play Maker /SS                         February 10, 2000
Hit Man 1A          Godwin: Hit Man Case & 1st Amend /MG             February 9, 2000
Hit Man             Hit Man Online /MG                               Febraruy 9, 2000
ADR2000             DoD Annual Defense Report                        February 9, 2000

Echelon-Parl        Echelon to Be Debated in EuroParl (DE) /Q        February 9, 2000
DE Echelon          Amerika's «Echelon» überwachen /RS               February 8, 2000
Tap$                Clinton's Wiretap-Heavy Budget /DM               February 7, 2000
WAR                 BXA's Reinsch on Latest Crypto Export Regs       February 5, 2000
HTML Attack         Malicious HTML Tags Vulnerability                February 4, 2000

ECL                 Steptoe's Crypto Publications                    February 3, 2000
PSIMH               Y2K: Private Sector Intelligence, Media Hype /AS February 2, 2000
Canute              DVD Desperadoes: MPAA v. 1A                      February 2, 2000
Fade                Fade To Black: MPAA v. ISP+1A                    February 2, 2000
2100MR              EPIC Blasts FIDNet Snooping /DM                  February 1, 2000


dod-choke.htm     + DoD May Choke Communication Networks Use         January 30, 2000

echelon-fi.htm    + USA Spys Economic Information of EU-countries    Jamuary 30, 2000
dvd-mpaa-3-ht.htm + MPAA v. 3 - Hearing Transcript                   January 29, 2000
dvd-mpaa-3-ac.htm + MPAA v. 3 - Amended Complaint to Bar Net Linking January 28, 2000
dvd-hoy-reply.htm + DVD CCA: Reply Declaration of John J. Hoy        January 27, 2000
echelon-be.htm    + London Helps Washington Spy on Europe            January 27, 2000

bernstein-92.htm  + Bernstein Crypto Case Back to Panel              January 26, 2000
usa012600.txt     + Army Quantum Crypto Patent                       January 26, 2000
cn-crypto.htm     + Chinese Encryption Rules Threaten Web Growth     January 25, 2000
dvd-jj-bust.htm   + Norway on Jon Johansen DeCSS Arrest              January 25, 2000
tradesec-rip.htm  + The Death of Trade Secret Law                    January 25, 2000

copyright-com.htm + The Copyright Corporations                       January 23, 2000
digi-copy.htm     + Digital Copying Specification                    January 23, 2000
bernstein-bxa.htm + Bernstein Asks BXA to Clarify Crypto Regs        Janaury 23, 2000
dvd-mpaa-3-dr.htm + Defendants Reply in MPAA v. 3, New York          Janaury 22, 2000
bio-doom.htm      + Biology of Doom: US Secret Germ Warfare Project  January 22, 2000

dvd-mpaa-3-pi.htm + MPAA Preliminary Injunction Against DeCSS        January 21, 2000
stasi-no.htm      + Norwegian Reporter Charged as Stasi Spy          January 21, 2000
nro011900.txt     + National Reconnaissance Office Privacy Program   January 19, 2000
echelon-uk2.htm   + European legal aid agreement nears conclusion    January 19, 2000
istac011800.txt   + BXA InfoSec Advisory Panel Meeting               January 19, 2000

usss011800.txt    + Jail Time for Meth and Identity Theft            January 19, 2000
cuw.htm           + Chinese Unrestricted Warfare (Full 505K)         January 18, 2000           + Chinese Unrestricted Warfare (Full Zipped 188K)  January 18, 2000
cuw02.htm         + Chinese Unrestricted Warfare - Part Two          January 18, 2000
bxa011800.htm     + BXA On "Is this man a crypto-criminal?"          January 18, 2000

cuw01.htm         + Chinese Unrestricted Warfare - Part One          January 18, 2000
dvd-mpaa-v-3.htm  + MPAA v. Reimerdes, Corley and Kazan NY Filings   January 16, 2000      PGPfreeware 6.5.2a Windows 95/98/NT/2000 (8MB)   January 15, 2000 (via
PGP652aMac.bin      PGPfreeware 6.5.2a MacOS 7.6.1+ (6MB)            January 15, 2000 (via    + PGPfreeware 6.5.2a Windows 95/98/NT/2000 (8MB)   January 14, 2000 (via

PGP652aMac.bin    + PGPfreeware 6.5.2a MacOS 7.6.1+ (6MB)            January 14, 2000 (via
dvd-mpaa-v-4.htm  + MPAA Files DVD Suits Against Four in NY/CT       January 14, 2000
smallpox-wmd2.htm + Updating the Smallpox Vaccine                    January 14, 2000
bxa011400.txt     + New US Crypto Export Regulations                 January 14, 2000
sat-woes2.htm     + DoD Press Briefing on Intel Satellite Glitch     January 13, 2000

carrier-bugs.htm  + Carrier Current Surveillance Devices             January 13, 2000
sat-woes.htm      + Intel Satellite Problems Preceded Y2K Glitch     January 13, 2000
stasi-list.htm    + Stasi Informer List on the Internet              January 13, 2000
dodd5210-41p.htm  + Security Policy for Protecting Nuclear Weapons   January 12, 2000
dodd3150-2.htm    + Nuclear Weapon System Safety Program             January 12, 2000

dodm4540-5m.htm   + Nuclear Weapons Transportation Manual            January 12, 2000
bxa011200.htm     + US Announces Streamlined Crypto Regs             Janaury 12, 2000
iccss011299.txt   + Seaport Crime and Security Meetings              January 12, 2000
uk-crypto-go.htm  + UK Encryption Bill Gets Go-Ahead                 January 11, 2000
dim80626a.htm     + Request for Technical Surveillance CM Surveys    January 11, 2000

dodi5240-5.htm    + Technical Surveillance Countermeasures Survey    January 11, 2000
dodi5210-83.htm   + Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information      January 10, 2000
dodd5210-63.htm   + Security of Nuke Reactors and Nuke Materials     January 10, 2000
dodd5210-2p.htm   + Access to and Dissemination of Restricted Data   January 10, 2000
dodi5030-34.htm   + Secret Service/DoD Pact on Prez Protection       January 10, 2000

dvd-stevenson.htm + Frank Stevenson Declaration in DVDv521           January 10, 2000
nss2000.htm       + US National Security Strategy 2000 (232K)        January 8, 2000       + US National Security Strategy 2000 (Zipped, 76K) January 8, 2000
cybersec-plan.htm + US Cyber Security Plan (109K)                    January 8, 2000 + US Cyber Security Plan (Zipped, 32K)             January 8, 2000

cybersec-wh.htm   + White House Briefing on Cyber Security Plan      January 8, 2000
echelon-nz.htm    + NZ Calls for Echelon Inquiry                     January 6, 2000
bidzos-ct.htm     + Interview With RSA Jim Bidzos                    January 6, 2000
bxa121799.htm     + Revised Draft of US Crypto Export Regulations    January 5, 2000
dod010500.htm     + US Space Command on Cyberwar                     Janaury 5, 2000

infosec-int.htm   + Need for International InfoSec                   January 5, 2000
wjc010400.htm     + Prez Sends Nat Sec Strategy Report to Congress   January 4, 2000
tempest-fr.htm    + French Tempest Directive (EN)                    January 3, 2000
nlc0048.htm       + Modular Exponentiation Processor NLC0048 LSI     January 3, 2000
dvd-bogk.htm      + Critique of DVD DeCSS Claims                     January 3, 2000

natsec010399.txt  + Nat Sec Secret Meets                             January 3, 2000
echelon-dk3.htm   + DK Officials Overlooked Echelon Link             January 2, 2000
cwc123099.txt     + Chemical Weapons Convention Regulations (573K)   January 2, 2000     + Chemical Weapons Convention Regs (Zipped 145K)   January 2, 2000
doe123099.txt     + Carbon Sequestration Research Program            January 2, 2000

O f f s i t e

Markoff             Mitnick To NY Times Markoff: Tell the Truth      January 30, 2000

PWP                 Mitnick Case Harks Crypto Muzzle /LNN            January 28, 2000
DVDumb              Son of DIVX: DVD Copy Control                    January 27, 2000
MPAA                MPAA DeCSS Hearing Transcript/New York /EG       January 26, 2000
IPow                Creators Sue Copyright Industry for Theft /LNN   January 25, 2000
HPC                 New Rules for Supercomputer Export /DR           January 24, 2000

FRies               French Spy on British GSM Calls /CM              January 24, 2000
NSA 2               National Security Agency Declassified 2 /ME      January 24, 2000
NSA 1               National Security Agency Declassified 1 /ME      January 24, 2000
640                 FR Banks 640-bit RSA Cracked; Cracker Sued /DD   January 24, 2000
ISP Hit             Innocent ISP Wrongly Sued by Movie Industry      January 23, 2000

CCA PI              DVD CCA Gets California Injunction /SL           January 21, 2000
EFF Up              EFF Vows to Fight MPAA DVD Case                  January 21, 2000
BXA Says            BXA Answers to Crypto Regs Questions /AG         January 21, 2000
PGP-FR              French PGP 6.5.1 /A                              January 21, 2000
EU DigSig           EU Digital Signature Directive /SK/AH            January 21, 2000

Nuke Terror         Osama Bin Laden and Nuclear Terrorism /RK        January 21, 2000
DVDay (OK, Slow)    Report on DVD-DeCSS Hearing /DM                  January 19, 2000
Q&A                 BXA Q&A on New Crypto Regs                       January 18, 2000
SWL                 Security Wizard's Library /A                     January 11, 2000
CFP2000             Computers Freedom Privacy 2000                   January 10, 2000

BSHM                History of Cryptography /JF                      January 10, 2000
DSS Pubs            Defense Security Service Pubs /EO                January 10, 2000
Open Up             Classification/Downgrading/Declassification /EO  Janaury 10, 2000
Takedown            Targets, Tools & Technocracy /BF                 January 10, 2000
5200.1              Hostile Intelligence Threat - U.S. Technology    January 10, 2000

AHC                 Activism, Hacktivism and Cyberterrorism          January 10, 2000
MLP                 Backpropagating Neural Network Cipher /AA        January 8, 2000
521                 EFF Memo in Opposition to DeCSS Suit /LG         January 7, 2000
Code                Mike Godwin on Lessig's Cyberspace Code /MG      January 6, 2000
ECLW84              E-Commerce Law Week 84                           January 5, 2000

Trojans             Solaris Trojan Attack /MB                        January 5, 2000
SSI                 Military and Strategy Related Sites              January 5, 2000
DEm Bone            Digital European backbone antennas               January 5, 2000
GE-zines            Government Electronic Journals                   January 5, 2000
X-birds             The NeXt Generation X-Planes                     January 5, 2000

Taxpats             Taxpatriates /DF                                 January 4, 2000
Daly                Lukewarm View of Global Warming /R               January 3, 2000
Pathfinder          Pathfinder Intelligence Products Overview /PP    January 2, 2000
BND                 German Intelligence to Assist Cops /DH           January 2, 2000
400                 French SCSSI 1991 Tempest Directive (FR)         January 2, 2000


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