16 August 2000. Excerpts from the report are copyrighted.

15 August 2000

Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 12:49:38 -0400
To: [email protected]
From: [email protected] (Klaus-Peter Zauner)
Subject: Estonia Ferry

Parts of the report published on the following page might be of interest to cryptome readers:


Please find below some excerpts from this page for your information.



According to information from Tallinn, about half an hour before the loading of the car deck was completed two big trucks were escorted on board by military personnel whereby the whole area around ESTONIA's berth was shut off by military forces.  This was also the reason why passenger Carl ÷vberg almost missed the ferry, because his friend could not drive - as usual - to the terminal building to drop Carl off in time.  He just made it and as soon as he was on board the gangway was pulled in - see the statement Carl ÷vberg - Enclosure  Names and ranks of the soldiers having escorted the two trucks on board are known to this 'Group of Experts'.

Reportedly the two trucks were loaded with sensitive military equipment of unknown origin which were sent by the Estonian Army directly to the Swedish military for on-transport to another Western country.  The transport was accompanied by militaries of unknown nationality who were not identified as such on the passenger list respectively who were probably not even entered on the passenger list.


In the previous subchapters many of the survivors have made a number of relevant observations of which the following shall be quoted:

Motorman Elmar Siegel: He saw from the liferaft the "man over board" boat proceeding away from the ESTONIA without caring for those in the water or in the liferafts.

Note: This boat is a motor launch located on the starboard side behind the bridge.  It is lifeboat no.  1 specially equipped for emergency actions, e.g.  if somebody has fallen over board.  - See further in Subchapter 23.1.

Passenger Thure Palmgren: He saw from the liferaft something like a fishing boat proceeding away from the vessel without taking care for those in the water and in the liferafts.


I. The underside of the port bridge wing had apparently been torn open, when the vessel was already resting on the seabed.  (See Chapters 27 and 34.6)

II. Divers of the "official" teams took time to search for, find and salvage a certain suitcase belonging to a gentleman with the reputation of being engaged in the smuggling of weapons.  (Chapter 27 and 34.6)

III. There is evidence, that there has been movement of the bow ramp, when the vessel was already resting on the seabed.  (See Chapter 34.6)

IV. There is evidence, that other than the "official" diving teams were in the vessel, especially in the car deck.  (See Chapters 25.1, 27 and 34.6) It has to be assumed that the other divers had entered the wreck with the knowledge and permission of Swedish Government Authorities.  No records of their activities are available.

After thorough investigation of some of the underwater videos a world renowned expert came to the conclusion, that explosions had occurred on MV ESTONIA's bow.  (See Chapters 32.1, 7 and 34.7.1) These conclusions have not been taken into consideration when establishing the casualty scenario. The sole reason was, that these conclusions have to be seen in conjunction with the repeated reports about a "big hole on the starboard side" (See Chapter 36.3).  Whether there were explosions can only be established with certainty by metallurgical examination of the metal affected from the wreck and whether there actually is a big hole on the starboard side can only - but easily - be established with certainty, if and when the Swedish authorities release the underwater video tapes taken of the wreck by different diving teams in their original version i.e.  without any tapering therewith.  Only after such further investigations have been held, is it possible for anybody to establish the true causes for the foundering of MV ESTONIA.


Klaus-Peter Zauner                     [email protected]
B i o C o m p u t i n g  G r o u p     http://www.cs.wayne.edu/~kjz/
Wayne State University, Detroit, USA   fax: +313-577-6868
