28 August 2001

See earlier message of Leszek Kobiernicki: http://cryptome.org/mi6-mischief.htm

From: "Leszek Kobiernicki" <[email protected]>
To: "John Young" <[email protected]>
Subject: Fw: MI6
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2001 22:48:40 +0100
Organization: Educational Consultants ( Oxford )

Dear John Young

I forward this unpleasant, threatening e-mail, as an example of the nastiness which my attempt to do justice to some concerns ( particularly, attempts to neutralize and ruin MI6 ), attracts.  If this is the kind of gauntlet one has to run for speaking what one knows, I do not wonder that you have chosen to eschew any live contacts with the agencies !

I would be grateful, if you would post this on Cryptome, to convey the kind of handicaps a researcher has to face, in getting their own truth across.  Not only is one unable to find congenial minds easily, but attempts are made to imtimidate and silence that very truth.

My 6 contact is historical, not operational; the principals are among the dear departed now.  They belonged to a generation which believed in something - that there exists in this world, something more important than themselves alone and their corporate power.

With every kind wish,

Leszek Kobiernicki

----- Original Message -----

From: Point Blank Web Design Info
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 5:05 AM
Subject: MI6


I recently read your contribution to the cryptone.org web site. I am utterly astonished to hear these remarks from someone who clearly has no knowledge of SIS.

I personally served with SIS for 12 years, having resigned earlier this year. Your comments on the death of Princess Diana are, distasteful and inaccurate. I am curious to know what experience you speak of as I am certain you have never even spoken with anyone related to the firm, let alone have any physical contact with it.

It is persons such as yourself that dishonour the memory of such a graceful and unspoilt character such as her. I urge you to rethink any future comments as to any remarks about the firm or its operations and responsibilities.



P.S. Never communicate on subjects such as the firm from your own emails, they might not inspect the contents but other UK agencies do.