23 July 2000
<[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Confidential
Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2000 15:03:03 JST
Dear Mr.Young,
I am very grateful to receive helpful tips from you.
From unknown reason, now it takes quite a long time to access your site. It also seems to be impossible for me to download the files.
I am just an ordinary computer-user and unable to find solutions.
Mr. [Duncan] Campbell gave us an excellent presentation using many colorful slides. He is very friendly and joined the party held at "Izakaya" ( Japanese "sake" bar).
I think that the Japanese media will be astonished if the Washington Post or the AP deal with this matter. At present, as I mentioned, only two major newspapers, Nikkei and Yomiuri reported the leaked name lists. Other newspapers may follow the topic. There is a strange tendency in the Japanese media that they will not follow news untill foreign authoritative media report it.
In my opinion, this matter might lead to a diplomatic problem.
One of the reasons is that legal basis is not so clear about the liasion contact between PSIA and CIA. PSIA is based on "Subversive Activities Prevention Law" and this law does not clearly mention whether PSIA can send its members overseas.
In this case, the partner is CIA and there is a natural question from civil people why PSIA have to have contacts with CIA ( In fact, PSIA passes to CIA sensitive data about Japanese national elections. PSIA routinely investigate and predict the result of elections----this is also beyond the legal basis.)
The opposition party will have a lot of chance to attack the government.
In addition, there is a rule in Japan that every foreign issues must finally be attributed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In this point of view, I am very much interested in the process that the MOJ request FBI to urge Cryptome to delete the files. I imagine, the MOFA must be irritated because the MOJ probably have direct contact with FBI. As a result, the situation becomes more complicated and the problem has developed out of range of the problem about PSIA lists. Now it has wider significance ( that is because U.S major media followed the topic ).
It sounds a little bit exaggerated but I would say that not only the relation between CIA and PSIA but also the alliance between U.S. and Japan might be endangered.
CIA knows that I have spoken about the training course and its relation with PSIA. However, untill now, CIA and PSIA has ignored me probably because what I say or write is not so prevalent in Japan. Now that this becomes a major topic, they may change their strategy and take severe legal action. It is also true of the National Police Agency. ( Please don't be afraid. That is what I am hoping for.)
Actually I have already broken the National Public Servant Law which prohibits officials and former officials from leaking the secret obtained from their job. Why am I not arrested yet? That is because once the problem is brought into courts, they themselves have to submit evidence about the secrets and thus worsen the situation also for them. The provisions is virtually not effective.
The secrets includes PSIA's unlawful acitivities such as illegal accounts , civil rights invasion, and so on. ( As I wrote, I was arrested last year but from reasons above mentioned, they prosecuted me for threatening a former co-worker not directly for breaking the National Public Servant Law. Their hidden intention is clear. I was arrested by Kanagawa Police after I pubished two books criticizing PSIA. At the same time, PSIA was in delicate situation, trying to pass the renewed "Subversive Activities Prevention Law. )
I am not opposed to publicizing this E-mail account.
( Attached Chinese charcter "¼cYêYg is one of my Japanese pseudonyms. Sorry for using a lot of pen names and e-mail accounts. I wrote a book using the name of "¼c" but related persons know "handa" is "noda".)
Surely I wll inform you of what is happening around me but if something critical takes place, I think it difficult for me to contact you.
About telephone, I am not a fluent English speaker and it is especially difficult for me to exchange messages using telephone.
Both of us will be embarrassed, I imagine.
The last part of this message is my PGP public key ( mail address [email protected] will expire from August.)
I am not a FBI special agent and so you can freely use any part of this message if you think it worth publicizing it on Cryptome.
Best regards,
Hironari Noda,
Ishi-sou B-tou 203 gou,1-29-3,wakamiya,nakano-ku,tokyo,165-0033,
Japan 03-5373-5698
( On the name lists, I wrote my name as "Takao Noda". It is another way of prounauncing the Chinese characters "h¶". Even a Japanese cannot read this as "hironari". I did this in order to disguise as if someone besides me had leaked the documents.)
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