12 February 2001. Thanks to JA.

SISG NEWSLETTER                    January 2001

Royal United Services Institute & Security Intelligence Study Group
Conference, Thursday, March 15 2001
Venue: RUSI, Whitehall, London SW1A 2ET

The Oversight of Security and Intelligence

09.30 Registration/Coffee
10.00 Welcome (Director, RUSI; Convenor, SISG)
10.15 Keynote address (Tom King MP): 'Oversight and the I&SC: the view from within.'
10.45 Jack Straw MP, Home Secretary: 'Oversight: the view from Government.'
11.15 Stephen Lander, Director General, Security Service: 'Oversight: the view from (one of) the agencies.'
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Panel One: Oversight and the machinery of government - what have been the impact of the various developments since 1989? Where did the idea of the I&SC as a 'committee of parliamentarians' come from, what has been its impact on the pre-existing Whitehall intelligence structure adn the three main agencies (their policy, expenditure and administration)? How do UK arrangements compare with 'Washminister' equivalents? Is the Security Commission redundant?
14.45 Panel Two: Oversight, Parliament and Public - what has been the relationship between Parliament and the new structures of oversight? Should the I&SC be a Select Committee, how has the I&SC dealt with the media, how do latter perceive the former? Operating from within the 'barrier of secrecy', have the Commissioners, Tribunals and the I&SC succeeded in increasing the sum of Parliamentary and public awareness of security intelligence issues?
1615 Concluding Remarks: Whither oversight in the UK?
1630 Close


Please register me for the Conference on The Oversight Of Intelligence and Security at the Royal United Services Institute, Whitehall, London SW1A 2ET on Wednesday 15 March 2001 beginning at 1000 (coffee from 0930)

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Please forward to Andrew Kennedy, Meeting and Studies Co-ordinator,
Royal United Services Institute,
Whitehall, London SW1A 2ET, UK
Tel: 020 7930 5854  Fax: 020 7321 0943  E-mail: [email protected]