27 June 2001. Thanks to Anonymous.

Original .DOC file: http://cryptome.org/pgp-hmg.doc (1.8MB)

Anonymous: "This is the data sheet for the version of PGP to be used in British public service. It has a number of interesting features, of which the most notable is that it doesn't do key generation. You get your key material supplied by CESG, the `defensive' arm of GCHQ.

It also seems that you need Windows, IE and CAPI - so there are some more restrictions / potential exploits / control points, or whatever you want to call them."

[2 pages; images omitted.]


CESG Assisted Products Scheme

A Network Associates Company


PGP Security, Protecting your Privacy

Comprehensive, Enterprise ready, File & E-Mail Security Solution for Individual Computers

PGP Security is a worldwide leader solving privacy and data confidentiality issues. Used by over 7 million people worldwide, PGP is the de facto encryption standard.

PGP for HMG provides complete e-mail and file security in a single, tightly integrated pack encryption.

PGP protects messages against unauthorized reading. Digital signatures guarantee authenticity and data integhty. PGP e-mail plug-ins support the majority of e-mail applications.

Quick, seamless integration of PGP's tools encourages data security. The intuitive interface assures corporate policies are carried out daily. E-mails and files can be secured and authenticated,


Assurance Level: CESG Assisted Product Scheme - Restricted Level/Baseline Standard

Certification No: CAPS 0125183D

Evaluation Facility: CESG CAPS Office, 10/2WO3, PO Box 144,  Cheltenham CL52 5UE

PGP runs on all major desktop platforms. PGP provides the trusted personal security required for every employee desktop and laptop computer.

Features & Benefits


· PGP de facto encryption standard. Used by over 7 million people. PGP strong encryption ensures privacy,

· Digital Signature for authentication and non-repudiation. You are guaranteed the author is who he claims to be. The Sender cannot deny having sent the document.

· Signature Integrity to ensure that the data has not been altered

In storage

Secure your data in storage: unlike other security software, PGP Corporate Desktop Suite not only encrypts data passing between two machines, it also protects information stored cn youir computer against internal attacks

In Transit

Protect your data in Transit: Using the widely accepted and highly trusted public key encryption system, you can maintain secure communications. Transferred data is always digitally signed to ensure proper authentication.

The De-facto Standard for E-mail Encryption is PGP

E-mail traditionally hops from iystem to system, where en-route Interception is highly possible. Dials up connections provide transparent mailboxes where o-mails await collection. It is an Electronic era where business is conducted via e-mail. With over 7 million users, PGP is the de facto standard program for secure E-mail and file encryption on tie Internet. It's public-key Cryptography system enables the transmission of secure messages Against unauthorized reading. Digital signatures added to messages guarantee their autienticity and data integrity. PGP E-mail plug-ins support the majorityof e-mail applications so that Users and recipients can mair tain their e-mail programs.

Messaging Platforms Supported

· Microsoft Outlook 97/98

· Microsoft Outlook Express 4.x and 5.x

· Lotus Notes 4.5.x, 4.6.x and 5.0

· Qualcomm Eudora 4.x

System Requirements

· PC: Windows 95b/98/NT4.0

· 16MB RAM

· 15MB free disk space

· Internet Eplorer 4.0.1 or greater with Extra Security 128-bit Browser option provided by Microsoft for RSA / CAPI functionaility (optional)

PGP Security Products

PGP Security, a Network Associates Company, protects your privacy through a full range of security products: Gauntlet Firewall, PGP Corporate Desktop Suite, PGPwireless, CyberCop and PGP E-ppliances.

Further information on this product can be obtained by contacting:

PGP Government Sales
Network Associates International Ltd.
227 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire SL1 5PP
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone +44 (0) 1753 217500
Fax +44 (0) 1753 217520

For more information on products, worldwide services and support, contact your authorized PGP Security sales representative or visit us at:

3965 Freedom Circle
Santa Clara, CA 95054-1203
Tel (888) 747 3011
Fax (888) 203 9258


A Network Associates Company

CESG Assisted Products Scheme