10 November 2000

See related Gertz declassified docs: http://cryptome.org/tct-docs.htm

Cryptome respectfully disagrees with Mr. Aftergood's opinion of Bill Gertz's publication of classified information, expressed below.

Date: Mon, 06 Nov 2000 12:11:00 -0500
To: [email protected]
From: Steven Aftergood <[email protected]>
Subject: Secrecy News -- 11/06/00

from the FAS Project on Government Secrecy
November 6, 2000



In a dramatic victory over the government secrecy bureaucracy, President 
Clinton overruled several members of his own national security team and 

vetoed the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY 2001 "because of one badly 
flawed provision that would have made a felony of unauthorized disclosures 
of classified information."

"As President, ... it is my obligation to protect not only our Government's 
vital information from improper disclosure, but also to protect the rights 
of citizens to receive the information necessary for democracy to 
work.  Furthering these goals requires a careful balancing," the President 
said in a veto statement on November 4.  "This legislation does not achieve 
the proper balance... There is a serious risk that this legislation would 
tend to have a chilling effect on those who engage in legitimate 

In a rebuke to the congressional intelligence committees, the President 
noted that "The problem is compounded because this provision was passed 
without benefit of public hearings."

The whole effort to criminalize disclosures of classified information is an 
embarrassment, above all, to the Senate and House intelligence committees, 
which sought to advance the perceived interests of the intelligence 
community without any consideration of larger national interests.

The Presidential veto also signifies a reversal of the traditional roles of 
the legislative and executive branches.  Students of intelligence oversight 
will puzzle over the fact that the congressional intelligence committees 
acted on behalf of the agencies they oversee -- to the exclusion of the 
public voices they supposedly represent -- while the President intervened 
to block their attempt to grant broad new legal authority to the executive 

The President's veto statement is posted here:



The controversy over unauthorized disclosures of classified information is 
not over.

The controversy is inflamed, and opposing positions are hardened, by the 
remarkably brazen publication practices of the Washington Times.  The 
Times, more than any other party outside of government, is proximately 
responsible for the legislative hysteria that produced the now-vetoed 
"leak" statute.

In a front page story in the Washington Times today, Bill Gertz reports the 
not quite startling news that Russian merchant ships monitor U.S. nuclear 
submarines in the Pacific Northwest.  But he then goes on to quote from 
classified CIA and NSA documents which reveal that a specific Russian ship 
had sent certain specific messages to Russian intelligence officials in 

By describing the specific contents of these messages, The Washington Times 
is announcing to the world that U.S. intelligence has the capability to 
intercept and presumably decrypt a certain specified form of Russian 
communications.  It is reasonable to suppose that this will trigger an 
immediate upgrade in Russian communications security -- and a probable loss 
of information for U.S. intelligence in the future.  It is hard to identify 
any countervailing public interest in the reported details that would 
justify the accompanying loss to U.S. intelligence.

There is a school of thought that says one should always expose any 
government secrets that come to hand, as an appropriate response to the 
government's tendency to withhold too much.  "Authority always errs on the 
side of concealment, requiring subjects to strike a balance by erring on 
the side of revelation," wrote columnist William Safire in his book on the 
Book of Job entitled "The First Dissident" (p. 205).

But to argue that indiscriminate secrecy justifies indiscriminate 
publication of secrets is to give up any hope of reforming secrecy policy 
through remedial measures, and to invite punitive steps like the 
congressional leak statute.

The Government can hardly criticize the Washington Times, since to do so 
might smack of censorship or political vendetta.  Other news organizations, 
which compete with the Washington Times, cannot criticize the paper because 
that would seem disingenuous and self-serving.

So no one publicly criticizes the Washington Times' practice of 
indiscriminate publication of classified information.  But it stinks.

The Washington Times story, "Russian merchant ships used in spying," 
appears here:


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