30 October 2000|
Source: Public records, Southern District of New York
See related court docket: http://cryptome.org/qaeda102000.htm
[18 pages.]
DOC #78
JUL 29 1999
UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x UNITED STATES OF AMERICA : - v - : PROTECTIVE ORDER USAMA BIN LADEN, et al. : 98 Cr. 1023 (LBS) Defendants. : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x WHEREAS this matter comes before the Court upon the motion of the United States for a Protective Order to prevent the unauthorized disclosure or dissemination of classified national security information and documents belonging to the United States Government which may be reviewed by, made available to, or may otherwise come to be in the possession of the defendants and defense counsel in this case, and WHEREAS the Government personnel in this case, including Assistant United States Attorneys Patrick J. Fitzgerald, Kenneth M. Karas, Michael J. Garcia and Paul W. Butler, who have had, and will have, access to national security information and documents relating to this case have "Top Secret" security clearances, and WHEREAS the Government maintains and has access to storage facilities necessary for the storage, maintenance and handling of "Top Secret" and "Secret" national security information and documents, and WHEREAS the national security information in this case may be classified at the "Secret" and "Top Secret" levels, and WHEREAS having considered the motion of the Government, the defendants' opposition, all other related submissions and proceedings, and having heard oral argument, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that pursuant to Fed. R. Crim. P. 16(d), Sections 3 and 9 of the Classified Information and Procedure Act, Title 18, United States Code, App. III, ("CIPA"), and the Court's inherent authority, the following Protective Order is entered. 1. The Court finds that this case will involve classified national security information, the storage, handling and control of which requires special security precautions, and access to which requires a security clearance and a "need to know." 2. The purpose of this Order is to establish the procedures that must be followed by all defense counsel of record, their respective defendants, all other counsel involved in this case, translators for the defense, any Court personnel, and all other individuals who receive access to classified national security information or documents in connection with this case. 3. The procedures set forth in this Protective Order and the Classified Information Procedures Act will apply to all pre- trial, trial, post-trial, and appellate aspects concerning this case, and may be modified from time to time by further order of the Court acting under Fed. R. Crim. P. 16(d), Sections 3 and 9 of CIPA, and its inherent supervisory authority to ensure a fair and expeditious trial. 4. In accordance with the provisions of CIPA and the Security procedures promulgated by the Chief Justice of the United States pursuant to that Act, this Court appoints James Londergan as the Court Security Officer (hereinafter "Administrative CSO") who will provide security arrangements necessary to protect from unauthorized disclosure any classified information or document made available to the defense or the Court in connection with this case. The Court also appoints Charles L. Alliman, Christine E. Gunning, Earl D. Hicks, Michael P. Macisso, and Barbara J. Russell as alternate Administrative CSO's. Defense counsel and Court personnel shall seek guidance from the Administrative CSO's with regard to appropriate storage, handling, transmittal, and use of classified information. Furthermore, the Court appoints James P. Walker as the "Security Clearance CSO" whose sole responsibility will be to process the security clearances for defense counsel, their staff, and any designated Court personnel who will have access to classified information in this case. The Court may appoint alternate or additional Administrative and/or Security Clearance CSO's for either purpose at a later date. 5. No defendant, counsel for a defendant, employee of counsel for a defendant, defense witness, or Courtroom personnel required by the Court for its assistance, shall have access to any classified information involved in this case unless that person shall first have: (a) received the necessary security clearance as determined by the Department of Justice Security Officer working in conjunction with the Security Clearance CSO, or approval from the Court (as set forth below in paragraph 8), or the Government for access to the particular classified information in question; approval by the Court shall not occur but upon a showing to the Court's satisfaction of a "need to know" the particular classified information; and (b) signed the Memorandum of Understanding in the form attached hereto agreeing to comply with the terms of this Order. 6. Standard Form 86, "Questionnaire for National Security Positions," attached releases, and full fingerprints shall be completed and submitted to the Security Clearance CSO forthwith by all defense counsel, persons whose assistance the defense reasonably requires and by such courtroom personnel as the Court requires for its assistance. The Security Clearance CSO shall undertake all reasonable steps to process all security clearance applications in accordance with applicable regulations. 7. Prior security clearance and a "need to know" as determined by any government entity or the Court as applying to one person does not give that person the authority to disclose any classified national security documents or information to any other individual. By way of example, but not limitation, defense counsel with appropriate clearances and a "need to know," as determined by the Court or the government, are not authorized to discuss such classified information with an uncleared defendant absent written permission of either the Court or the government. 8. The Court will be the final arbiter of all classified information questions. In the event that the Department Security officer working in conjunction with the Security Clearance CSO determines, after exhausting all administrative processes of review (including meeting with counsel applying for the clearance), that any counsel is not to be granted a security clearance, the Security Clearance CSO shall advise the Court promptly of the fact that such a clearance is not forthcoming but not the underlying reasons. In that event, the Court will conduct an ex Parte hearing to determine that person's eligibility to see classified materials. In the first instance, the Court will schedule a conference with such counsel (in the absence of the Government or other counsel) at which time defense counsel will advise whether counsel wishes the Court to undertake a review of the security clearance determination in order to make an access decision. If the Court reviews such a determination, only the Court, counsel seeking the clearance and the Security Clearance CSO shall participate in that process, absent further order of the Court. If counsel seeks a revision of this Protective Order in any manner, the Government shall be notified of the proposed amendments and provided an opportunity to be heard on the proposed amendments. 9. The substitution, departure, or removal for any reason from this case of any defense counsel, defendant, or anyone associated with the defense as a witness or otherwise shall not release that individual from the provisions of this Order or any form or document executed in connection with this Order. Because classified information remains the property of the United States 'Government, the persons covered in this order are bound by any subsequent conditions imposed on the classified information or documents, even if more restrictive. 10. As used herein, the term "classified national security information or document" refers to: A. any classified information or material, regardless of its physical form or characteristics, that is owned by, produced by or for, or is under the control of the United States government, its agencies, employees and contractors including research and development; B. any document, including notes and regardless of form or characteristic, or information contained therein, which contains classified information; C. verbal classified information known to the defendant or defense counsel; D. classified documents (or information contained therein) or information disclosed to the defendant, defense counsel or others governed by this order as part of the proceedings in this case; E. classified documents and information which have otherwise been made known to defendant, defense counsel or others governed by this Order and which documents have been marked or designated: "CONFIDENTIAL", "SECRET", "TOP SECRET", or "SENSITIVE COMPARTMENTED INFORMATION", or concerning which the defendant or defense counsel or others governed by this Order have been orally advised of the classified nature of the document or information; F. information and documents covered by Presidential Executive Order 12356; and G. any information or document, regardless of place of origin and including foreign classified documents, that could reasonably be believed to contain classified information, or that refers or relates to national security or intelligence matters. Any document or information including but not limited to any subject referring to the Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, Department of State, National Security Council, Federal Bureau of Investigation, or intelligence agencies of any foreign government, or similar entity, or information in the possession of such agency, shall be presumed to fall within the meaning of "classified national security information or document" unless and until the Administrative CSO or counsel for the government advises otherwise in writing. H. This provision shall not apply to documents or information which the defense obtains from other than classified materials, or to public court documents or to documents which are provided by the Government with a marking to indicate that the document has been "declassified." While information in the public domain is ordinarily not classified, however, such information may be considered as classified, and therefore subject to the provisions of CIPA and this Order, if it is confirmed or denied by any person who has, or has had, access to classified information and that confirmation or denial corroborates or tends to refute the information in question. Any attempt by the defense to have such information confirmed or denied at trial or in any public proceeding in this case shall be governed by CIPA and all provisions of this Order. 11. All classified documents and information contained therein shall remain classified unless and until anyone covered by this Order has been notified in writing by the appropriate attorney for the government or the Court Security Officer that the document or information has been declassified and marked declassified by the appropriate classifying authority; or the documents bear a clear indication that they have been declassified by the agency or department of government that originated the document or the information contained therein. 12. "Documents" or "associated materials" or "information" include, but are not limited to, all written or printed matter of any kind, formal or informal, including the originals, all identical copies, and all non-identical copies, whether different from the original by reason of any notation made on such copies or otherwise, including without limitation pleadings, papers, correspondence, memoranda, notes, letters, telegrams, reports, summaries, inter-office and intra-office communications, notations of any sort concerning conversations, meetings or other communication, teletypes, telefaxes, invoices, worksheets, and all drafts, alterations, modifications, changes, and amendments of any kind of the foregoing; graphic or aural records or representations of any kind, including without limitation, photographs, charts, graphs, microfiches, microfilm, video tapes, sound recording of any kind, motion pictures, any electronic mechanical or electric records or representations of any kind, including without limitation, tapes, cassettes, computers, discs, CD-ROMs, recordings, films, typewriter ribbons, correcting ribbons, and word processor discs, tapes and ribbons; and information acquired orally. 13. The Administrative CSO shall arrange for the creation, construction, maintenance and operation of a "secure room" hereinafter referred to as an "SR", for the storage, handling, and control of classified documents and information to which the defense counsel, defendants, and other persons assisting in the preparation of the defense case are cleared for access. The Administrative CSO shall establish procedures to assure that the SR is accessible to defendants (if such access should be determined by the Court to be necessary), counsel for defendants, employees of counsel for defendants and authorized witnesses accompanied by counsel for defendants. The Court Security officer, in consultation with counsel for defendants, shall establish procedures to assure that the SR is maintained and operated in the most efficient manner consistent with the protection of classified information. The government may also construct a separate SR for the storage, handling, and control of classified documents and information in accordance with the security procedures required by the Administrative CSO. For the convenience of the Court, the defense counsel, and the Government, the Government may provide classified materials to the defense pursuant to Fed. R. Crim. P. 16, CIPA, Brady v. Maryland, Giglio v. United States, and the Jencks Act by providing it to the Administrative CSO and making it available at the SR without requiring the Court to pass upon the identified recipient's "need to know." If it is necessary for a defendant to review or discuss classified matters, or otherwise meet with defense counsel, in the SR, this will only occur under appropriate supervision to ensure that the defendant does not escape, attempt to escape, cause physical injury to himself or others, or remove, copy, alter, or destroy classified information, or obtain access to classified information the defendant is not entitled to review, and to ensure that the defendant does not use the opportunity to review the classified materials to circumvent any applicable security restrictions, including the Special Administrative Measures imposed by the Bureau of Prisons, other prison regulations, and the other orders of this Court governing discovery in this case. 14. Classified national security documents and information or information believed to be classified shall only be kept, discussed, or reviewed, in a SR. 15. Defendants, defense attorneys, and those persons whose assistance the defense reasonably requires shall not disclose or discuss classified national security documents or information, o information believed to be classified, with other defendants or with counsel for other defendants without prior consent of the Government with notification to the Administrative CSO, or the prior approval of the Court. That authorization will not be unreasonably withheld but, when granted, will be subject to all the provisions of this Order. Moreover, the Government shall attach a cover page to each installment of classified materials indicating the names of other counsel who have received the same materials. Counsel may discuss the contents of any such installment he or she receives if counsel (i) verifies that other counsel are also on the list of addressees for that particular installment of classified information and (ii) conducts the conversation in an appropriate place and manner (e.g. in the SR but not on an unclassified telephone). If counsel are not certain as to which counsel have received particular materials, they should ask either an attorney for the Government or the Administrative CSO for clarification of whether particular classified in formation has been shared with any other counsel. 16. No one shall discuss any classified national security information or document over any standard commercial telephone instrument or office intercommunication system. Nor shall any person covered by this Order discuss or disclose such information in the presence of any person who does not have a clearance certified by the Administrative CSO as applicable to this case, and either a "need to know" as determined by the Court or written approval from counsel for the government. 17. Written materials presumed to contain classified national security information which are prepared for this case by a defendant or defense counsel shall be transcribed, recorded, typed, duplicated, copied or otherwise prepared only by persons who have received access to classified information pursuant to this order, and in accordance with conditions prescribed by the Administrative CSO. 18. Machines of any kind used in the preparation or transmission of classified information in this case may be used only with the approval of the Administrative CSO and in accordance with instructions he shall issue, including instructions as to where such machines must be operated and stored. 19. To facilitate the defendants' filings of notices as required under Section 5 of CIPA, the Administrative CSO shall make arrangements with the respective agencies for a determination of the classification level, if any, of materials or information either within the possession of the defense or about which the defense has knowledge and which the defense intends to use in any way at trial. Nothing thus submitted by the defense to the Administrative CSO pursuant to this paragraph shall be made available to the prosecutors unless so ordered by the Court, or so designated by the defense. Any and all of these items which are classified shall be listed in the defendant's Section 5 notice. 20. All written pleadings, filings, attachments, or documents involving classified information, or those which reasonably might cause the disclosure of classified information, or which concern or relate to national security or intelligence matters (as defined in paragraph 10 above) shall not be publicly filed, but shall be filed under seal to the Administrative CSO and shall be marked: "Filed in Camera and Under Seal with the Court Security Officer," with separate service of copies upon counsel for the Government and co-defendants (except in the event of an ex parte application), provided that the materials be transported by, and delivered to, persons known to have the appropriate security clearance. Service upon other defense counsel with security clearances shall be effected by depositing such counsel's copy (in an envelope marked on the outside to indicate the addressee and the fact that the document enclosed contains classified information) in the drawer of the safe in the SR which will be designated as a drawer to be shared in common by cleared counsel (the "common drawer"). Notice shall be sent to all cleared counsel by hand or by facsimile which shall simply state that a document which may contain classified information has been filed with the Administrative CSO and served upon the Government and is available in the safe in the SR. Service shall be effected upon the Government by personal delivery by cleared counsel to one of the following persons: Assistant United States Attorneys Patrick J. Fitzgerald, Kenneth M. Karas, Michael J. Garcia, or Paul W. Butler, or Paralegal Specialists Gerard Francisco or Lillie Grant, or Intelligence Officer Harry Brady, all of whom have Top ecret clearance and who will thereafter be responsible for the documentts secure storage within the United States Attorney's Office. If for any reason, none of the seven named Government personnel are available at the time of attempted service, then defense counsel shall maintain the Government's copy in the common drawer in the SR (in an envelope marked on the outside to indicate t e copy is for delivery to the Government and the fact that the document enclosed contains classified information) and send a notice to the Government by hand or by facsimile indicating hat the delivery of a filing which may contain classified needs to be arranged. Thereafter, the Government may obtain the document from any cleared defense counsel (or the Administrative CSO) with access to the common drawer, and the Government personnel obtaining such documents shall sign a receipt indicating the date and time of receipt and the cleared person from whom it was received. The Government shall not have direct access to the common drawer of the SR but shall only be provided such documents by cleared defense counsel or the Administrative CSO." The date and time of physical submission to the Administrative CSO, which shall be noted on the document, shall be considered the date and time of filing. Upon receiving a pleading rom a defense counsel, the Administrative CSO shall notify by the end of the next business day the Court of the fact that a pleading has been filed. Thereafter, any defense counsel with the appropriate security clearance and who has been granted access to the particular classified information in question by the government or the Court pursuant to paragraph 5(a) of this order will be permitted to review such pleadings in the SR under the same conditions as they would review other classified information. The Administrative CSO shall promptly review such pleading and shall detiermine, with the assistance of and in consultation with personnel from the appropriate agencies, whether any of the submitted material is classified, and the level of any classified information. If the Administrative CSO, working in conjunction with appropriate Intelligence Community member agencies, determines that the pleading or document contains classified information, the Administrative CSO shall insure that the portion of the document, and only that portion, is marked with the appropriate classification marking and remains sealed. All reasonable efforts to declassify such materials will be undertaken by the agencies coriducting the review. Portions of the pleading or documents that do not contain classified information shall be unsealed by the Administrative CSO and placed in the public record. 21. The Administrative CSO shall maintain a separate sealed record for those materials which are classified. The Administrative CSO shall be responsible for the maintaining of the secured record for purposes of later proceedings or appeals. 22. Pleadings containing classified information which are filed by any one defendant on behalf of a single defendant or other defendants, can only be disclosed to other defense counsel whom counsel knows is authorized pursuant to paragraph 15 to discuss all the classified information contained in the document therein. 23. Persons subject to this Order are advised that all information to which they obtain access by this Order is now and will forever remain the property of the United States Government. They shall return all materials that may have come into their possession or for which they are responsible because of such access upon demand by the counsel for the government or the Court Security Officer. 24. Persons subject to this Order are further admonished that they are obligated by law and regulation not to disclose any national security classified information in an unauthorized fashion and that any breach of this order may result in the termination of their access to classified information. In addition, they are admonished that any unauthorized disclosure of classified information may constitute violations of the United States criminal laws, including without limitation, the provisions of 18 U.S.C. Sections 371, 641, 1001, 793, 794, 798, 952, and 1503; 50 U.S.C. Sections 421 (the Intelligence Identities Protection Act) and 783; and that a violation of this Order or any portion hereof may be chargeable as a contempt of Court. 25. Nothing contained in this Order shall be construed as a waiver of any right of any defendant. 26. A copy of this Order shall be issued forthwith to counsel for all defendants who shall be responsible for advising defendants, employees of counsel for defendants, and defense witnesses of the contents of this Order. Each defendant, counsel for defendant, employee of counsel for defendant, defense witness, or any other person associated with the defense to be provided access to classified information shall execute the Memorandum of Understanding described in paragraph 4 of this Order, and counsel for defendants shall file executed originals with the Court and the Administrative CSO and serve an executed original of such document upon the government. The execution and filing of the Memorandum of Understanding is a condition precedent to receiving access to classified information. Dated: New York, New York July 29, 1999 SO ORDERED [Signature] HON. LEONARD B. SAND United States District Judge Southern District of New York
[This is a prior protective order; 7 pages.]
DOC #27
DEC 17 1998
UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK ----------------------------------------- x UNITED STATES OF AMERICA : - v. - : USAMA BIN LADEN, : PROTECTIVE ORDER et al., : S (3) 98 Cr. 1023 (LBS) Defendants. : ----------------------------------------- x WHEREAS the defendants have rights under the United States Constitution, federal statutes and the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, to pre-trial discovery; WHEREAS defendants' preparation of their defenses will be facilitated by the most expeditious production of discovery materials; WHEREAS the Government recognizes its obligation to provide such discovery materials to defendants in the most expeditious manner possible, consistent with public safety and the confidentiality of sensitive ongoing investigations; WHEREAS the Government has a continuing investigation of the international terrorist organization alleged to be responsible for the bombings of the United States Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, which investigation could be compromised by the dissemination of sensitive discovery materials to third parties; WHEREAS production of discovery materials would be substantially delayed if the Government were compelled to seek a protective order modifying, withholding or delaying production of each particular item of discovery material, as the Government would be required to do absent a generally applicable protective order restricting further dissemination of discovery materials by the defense; UPON the application of the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, by and through Assistant United States Attorneys Patrick J. Fitzgerald, Kenneth M. Karas and Michael J. Garcia, and the Court having heard from all parties; IT IS HEREBY ORDERED pursuant to Rule 16(d) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure that the Government shall segregate the discovery materials it produces into two categories: (1) general discovery materials and (2) particularly sensitive discovery materials. The category to which particular discovery materials belong shall be clearly identified by the Government; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that "general discovery materials" shall not be further disseminated by the defendants or their counsel to any individuals, organizations or other entities, other than: (i) members of the defense team (co-counsel, paralegals, investigators, translators and secretarial staff) who have received clearance from the Government, which shall not unreasonably be withheld; and (ii) experts retained to assist in the preparation of the defense, who have been cleared to receive the materials after notice to the Government (or -ex parte notice to the Court). Each of the individuals to whom disclosure is made pursuant to the above provision shall be provided a copy of this protective order and will be advised that he or she shall not further disseminate the materials except by the express direction of counsel of record. In addition, the undersigned attorneys of record for the defendants may show (but not provide copies of) any of such general discovery materials to witnesses or potential witnesses, if an attorney of record for a defendant determines that it is necessary to do so for the purpose of preparing the defense of the case; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that "particularly sensitive discovery materials" shall not be further disseminated by the defendants or their counsel to any individuals, organizations or other entities, other than: (i) members of the defense team (co- counsel, paralegals, investigators, translators and secretarial staff) who have received clearance from the Government, which shall not unreasonably be withheld; and (ii) experts retained to assist in the preparation of the defense, who have been cleared to receive the materials. Each of the individuals to whom disclosure is made pursuant to the above provision shall be provided a copy of this protective order and will be advised that he or she shall not further disseminate the materials except by the express direction of counsel of record. Moreover, any copies provided by counsel shall be clearly marked as sensitive discovery materials. It is expressly understood that the undersigned attorneys of record for the defendants may not show any of such particularly sensitive discovery materials to witnesses or potential witnesses. The defendants may seek relief from these provisions as to a particular item of discovery by making a inotion for such relief to the Court upon notice to the Government, which notice shall identify the particular item(s) at issue. The motion shall be made under seal. For good cause shown, such part of the application that identifies the person(s) to whom the materials are intended to be disseminated (and the reason therefor) may be f iled with the Court ez parte and under seal; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that all such discovery materials are to be provided to the defense, and used by the defense, solely for the purpose of allowing the defendants to prepare their defenses and that none of the discovery materials produced by the Government to the defense shall be disseminated to, or discussed with, the media; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that none of the discovery materials produced by the Gcvernment to the defense shall be disseminated to, or discussed with, the media by the Government; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that nothing in this order prohibits the media from obtaining copies of any items that become public exhibits at any conference, hearing, trial or other proceeding; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that nothing in this Order in any way releases counsel for the Government or counsel for the defense from the obligations of the "Free Press-Fair Trial Directives" of Local Rule 23.1 of the Local Criminal Rules of the Southern District of New York; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that any papers to be served upon the Court by either party which either: (i) include copies of materials from either the general discovery or particularly sensitive discovery categories, or (ii) refer to the contents of the particularly sensitive discovery materials, shall not be publicly filed (or otherwise disseminated) in the first instance. The party filing the papers shall either: (i) file such papers under seal with an application indicating which portions the submitting party believes ought to be filed under seal and which portions ought to be made public and shall indicate an intention to file a set of papers so redacted five business days after service of the unredacted papers upon the Court and counsel and that party shall not file the redacted set of papers if such party receives an application in opposition from one of the parties within those five (5) business days and shall instead await a ruling of the Court, or (ii) await two full business days from hand service upon the Court's Chambers and the other parties (or five full business days following service by mail) before publicly filing (or otherwise disseminating) the papers, in order to allow the other parties the opportunity to apply for a protective order (or to apply for the sealing of such papers in whole or in part) if deemed necessary. In either event, if the party submitting the papers wishes to file the papers publicly after awaiting the appropriate number of business days that party shall speak to the opposing parties prior to filing the papers publicly to make certain that the absence of objection has not resulted from the unavailability of counsel or other law office failure; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that any papers to be served upon the Court in response to papers served in conformity with the preceding paragraph shall either (i) be filed under seal (with an application indicating which portions the submitting party believes ought to be filed under seal and which portions ought to be made public and shall indicate an intention to file a set of papers so redacted five business days after service of the unredacted papers upon the Court and counsel and that party shall not f ile the redacted set of papers if such party receives an application in opposition from one of the parties within those five (5) business days and shall instead await a ruling of the Court) , or (ii) shall not be publicly filed (or otherwise disseminated) until two business days have elapsed from hand service upon the Court's Chambers and the other parties (or five business days following service by mail), in order to allow the other parties the opportunity to apply for a protective order (or to apply for the sealing of such papers in whole or in part) if deemed necessary. In either event, if the party submitting the papers wishes to file the papers publicly after awaiting the appropriate number of business days that party shall speak to the opposing parties prior to filing the papers publicly to make certain that the absence of objection has not resulted from the unavailability of counsel or other law office failure; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that nothing in this Order shall preclude the Government from seeking a further protective order pursuant to Rule 16(d) as to particular items of discovery material. Dated: New York, New York December 7, 1998 S O O R D E R E D [Signature] HON. LEONARD B. SAND United States District Judge COPIES MAILED TO COUNSEL OF RECORD KSM 12/17
[Handwritten note; 1 page.]
DOC #43
MAR 17 1999
March 10, 1999
To: Hon. Leonard B. Sand
Re: United States v. Usma Bin Laden, et al.
Dear Sir:
On Feb. 9th, 1999, I handed a letter to the prison officer on duty. It was address to your honor.
In that letter I requested to be allowed to substitute my current attorney, Mr. McIntyre, but no response so far.
Again I would like to request to substitute Mr. McIntyre because I am not satisfied with his performance.
Wadi El Hage
[Judge's handwriting:]
Application granted
in open court on
3/15/99LB Sand
[1 page form.]
DOC #42
MAR 16 1999
UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK ---------------------------------------x : UNITED STATES OF AMERICA : : -against- : ORDER : Wadih El Hage : S (4) 98 Crim 1023 (LBS) : Docket # : : ---------------------------------------x Leonard B. Sand , DISTRICT JUDGE Judge's name THE C.J.A. attorney assigned to this case Bruce McIntyre, Esq. is hereby ordered substituted and Attorney's name the representation of the defendant in the above captioned matter is assigned to Sam A. Schmidt, Esq. Attorney's Name SO ORDERED [Signature] UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE Dated: New York, New York March 15, 1999
[1 page letter.]
DOC #173
APR 20 2000
APR 19 2000
NEW YORK, N.Y. 10006
(212) 346-4666
FACSIMILE (212) 346-4665
e-mail [email protected]
Sam A. Schmidt, Esq.
Deborah I. Meyer, Esq.
Of Counsel
Peter Nissman, Esq.
April 18, 2000
Honorable Leonard B. Sand
United States District Court
500 Pearl Street
New York, N.Y. 10007
Re: Transcribing machines for US v. bin Laden 98 Cr. 1023 (LBS)
Dear Judge Sand:
I have received approximately 250 of the 560 cassettes from the recently declassified intercepted conversations in Kenya. Having already reviewed the few draft transcripts and the summaries or notations, I note that there are thousands of conversations that must be transcribed. Those conversations are in English, Arabic, Swahili, Somali, Comoran and French. To transcribe these tapes, I am trying to obtain the services of numerous translators.
In order to transcribe these conversations quickly, and efficiently and in time for the trial, I need to have to have numerous translators working on different cassettes. The Arabic translators will note the counter number of the conversations in other languages that need to be translated and pass on the cassettes to the translators of other languages. In order for this system to work, each translator needs to use the same transcribing machine, otherwise the counter numbers will be different.
I have determined that the least expensive adequate machine to do this will cost approximately $300 per machine. I am requesting that Your Honor authorize the purchase 8 of these machines in order for us to transcribe the cassettes as soon as possible to allow us to prepare for trial.
Very Truly yours,[Signature]
Sam A. Schmidt
cc: all counsel
[Judge's handwriting:]
Expenditure authorized.
4/19/00LB SAND
[1 page letter.]
DOC #185
MAY 26 2000
NEW YORK, N.Y. 10006
(212) 346-4666
FACSIMILE (212) 346-4665
e-mail [email protected]
Sam A. Schmidt, Esq.
Deborah I. Meyer, Esq.
Of Counsel
Peter Nissman, Esq.
May 22, 2000
Honorable Leonard B. Sand
United States District Court
500 Pearl Street
New York, N.Y. 10007
Re: Transcribing machines for US v. bin Laden 98 Cr. 1023 (LBS)
Dear Judge Sand:
The translators of the 560 cassettes from the recently declassified intercepted conversations in Kenya have reported to me that substantially more than one-half of the cassettes have been copied in faster speeds. (See attached letter from Molisen Shawarby). As a result, the previously purchased traditional transcribers are of no assistance in the transcription of substantially more than one-half of the tapes. The government informed me that it believes that the speed of the tapes are at double speed which will require the use of a machine capable of reducing the speed of the tapes. The machine that is available to do so, a Marantz PMD-201 that will also allow for the use of a foot pedal, at a price of $345.95. Additional foot pedals for each of the machines will need to be purchased.
Because I have already purchased five conventional machines for the interpreters, I request that either I or the interpreters be allowed to purchase a total of six additional Marantz PMD-201 nlaciiines and foot pedals to enable the translators to complete this job. I apologize for the delay and tile added expense but I was just notified by my translators of this problem.
Therefore, I am respectfully requesting that Your Honor authorizes the purchase of the additional six Marantz PMD-201 machines and floor pedals to transcribe all the cassettes as soon as possible.
Very Truly yours,[Signature]
Sam A. Schmidt
cc: all counsel
[Judge's handwriting:]
Authorization granted.
So orderedLB SAND
[1 page letter.]
DOC #209
JUN 13 2000
JUN 12 2000
NEW YORK, N.Y. 10006
(212) 346-4666
FACSIMILE (212) 346-4665
e-mail [email protected]
Sam A. Schmidt, Esq.
Deborah I. Meyer, Esq.
Of Counsel
Peter Nissman, Esq.
June 8, 2000
Honorable Leonard B. Sand
United States District Court
500 Pearl Street
New York, N.Y. 10007
Re: Transcribing machines for US v. bin Laden 98 Cr. 1023 (LBS)
Dear Judge Sand:
Mohsen Shawarby has been able to locate satisfactory transcribers at less than $250 (when purchasing five at a time) that are capable of reducing the speed of the tapes. I have also been successful at returning the other transcribers for a full refund. Because of the need to have many translators in three languages translate the tapes, as well as counsel to review the conversations in English, I am requesting that we be allowed purchase five more transcribers.
I apologize for the repeated requests but we received no notice of the difficulties we would have in transcribing the conversations.
Thank your for your prompt consideration of all our prior requests.
Very Truly yours,[Signature]
Sam A. Schmidt
cc: all counsel
[Judge's handwriting:]
Requisiton of 5 more transcribers
is authorized.LB SAND
[3 pages.]
DOC #240
JUL 25 2000
UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK -------------------------------x UNITED STATES OF AMERICA -against- ORDER USAMA BIN LADEN, et al. S (7) 98 Cr. 1023 (LBS) WADIH EL HAGE Defendant. -------------------------------x WHEREAS, SAM A. SCHMIDT, Esq., having been assigned to represent WADI EL HAGE, pursuant to the Criminal Justice Act; WHEREAS, it is necessary for Mr. Schmidt to retain the services of persons to prepare transcripts of tape recorded conversations from cassette audiotapes from Arabic and Swahili and transcribe said translations into a digitized format; WHEREAS, the number of cassette audiotapes that required translation are so numerous, it is impractical to estimate the compensation and expenses; WHEREAS, translators will require approval of the government and clearance to view documents subject to the protective order; WHEREAS, CJA counsel for the defendant Mr. El-Hage and other counsel having spent a substantial amount of time attempting to locate qualified translators to prepare said transcriptions and having conferred with the supervising interpreter for the District Court for the Southern District of New York as to reasonable compensation for such services; WHEREAS, approved translators have already begun the transcriptions in order to complete this process and enable the use of such transcriptions at trial; WHEREAS, the folowing translators, companies or supervising translators shall be authorized to receive compensation as set forth below: Swahili Pan International Conference and Language Services EIN: 150-46-0688 Bruce McKim DOB: 2/26/69 Soc Sec. No.: 212-04-8280 Martin Benjamin (for classified) DOB: 7/6/68 Soc. Sec. No.: 089-56-3596 Mary De Wolfe Stone DOB: 7/7/63 Soc. Sec. No. : 047-60-6209 AIMM EIN: 133-747-48 Arabic Pan International Conference and Language Services EIN: 150-46-0688 AIMM EIN: 133-747-48 IT IS SO ORDERED that all approved Swahili and Arabic translators of tape recorded conversations receive $75 an hour in compensation for the transcription from Arabic and Swahili in English and necessary expenses, such compensation considered to be reasonable for such services; IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that said translators may submit interim vouchers for full payment. Dated: New York, New York July 24, 2000 SO ORDERED [Signature] Hon. LEONARD B. SAND United States District Judge
[Attorney Michael Young, representing defendant Mohamed Odeh from the time of his arrest in 1998, protested the requirement to obtain a security clearance to see classified materials and filed several lengthy motions to justify his refusal to comply, all of which were opposed by the Department of Justice in lengthier responses. Judge Sand ruled in favor of the Department of Justice. Mr. Young withdrew from the case and was substituted as set forth in this document.]
[1 page form.]
DOC #191
JUN 2 2000
UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK ---------------------------------------x : UNITED STATES OF AMERICA : : -against- : ORDER : MOHAMED SADEEK ODEH : S (4) 98 Cr. 1023(LBS) : Docket # : (re: Bin Laden et al) : ---------------------------------------x Leonard B. Sand , DISTRICT JUDGE Judge's name THE C.J.A. attorney assigned to this case Michael Young is hereby ordered substituted and Attorney's name the representation of the defendant in the above captioned matter is assigned to ANTHONY L. RICCO and co-counsel Edward D. Wilford Attorney's Name SO ORDERED [Signature] UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE Dated: New York, New York May 31, 2000
[1 page letter; no document number.]
DEC 06 1999
TELEPHONE 212-242-4336
FACSIMILE 212-924-4007
[email protected]
December 4, 1999
The Honorable Leonard B. Sand
United States District Judge
United States Courthouse
500 Pearl Street
New York, New York, 10007
Re: United States v. Bin Laden et al., S(2) 98 Cr. 1023 (LBS)
Dear Judge Sand:
Enclosed please find courtesy copies of the motions which the attorneys for defendant Mohamed Odeh are filing at this time. The omnibus motion is being filed under seal because it contains letters from Mr. Fitzgerald which he has labeled discovery material. The defense believes that the omnibus motion does not contain any protected materials, however, and requests that it be publicly filed. The rest of the motions do not contain any materials covered by the protective order and are therefore being filed publicly.
Thank you for your attention to these matters.
Respectfully submitted,[Signature]
cc.: Patrick Fitzgerald, Esq.
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