Magnetic Transistor Theory
By Dave Squires
Date: 11-03-2000
To make any transistor you need a material region where you
can control a great amount of the flow of something with a small
amount of something. This gives gain or amplification. For a
magnetic amplifier the goal would be to use a small amount of
input current to switch a large amount of magnetic flux into an
output coil. A strong rare earth permanent magnet would be used
to serve as a magnetic battery or permanent source of magnetic
If any core material the amount of coil flux required to
switch the magnet flux would be equal to the magnet flux. The H
or magnetic potential required to reach this flux level is
determined by the permeability, the shape of the BH curve, the
number of coil turns, the coil length, and the coil current. The
equation is stated as follows.
H = NI/L -- where N is the number of turns, I is the coil
current and L is the coil length in meters.
The magnetic flux density, B, is written as:
B = aH;
is the permeability and H is the magnetomotive force or potential
as shown above.
here is the absolute permeability and not the relative
Relative permeability is expressed as,
0 where
is the permeability of vacuum
So the absolute permeability we need is:
Substituting in the equation for B we get,
B = r
Then substituting for H we get,
B = r
For the case where we will be switching a constant magnetic
flux from a permanent magnet the magnetic flux density B will
then be constant as long as the same core cross section is
Now lets assume that we will use two different core
materials in the magnetic circuit. We will use a core material of
relative permeability r1for one core and
for the other core. Also, lets assume that N and L could be
different for the general case. So we have N1, N2,
L1, and L2.
Now since the magnetic flux density B will be constant we can
set two equation equal to each other as follows.
B1 = B2 and then substituting the
expanded formulas for each we get,
If we then solve for I2 we get
I2 = ------------------ = -------------------
As you can see0 will cancel out and the result for the general case reduces to,
I2 = I1 --------------
So it can be seen that if the number of coil turns and the
coil lengths were equal the output current would be the ratio of
the control coil relative permeability r1
to the output coil core permeability
the input current. The equation for this special case would
reduce to,
I2 = I1 ----------
Now we must keep in mind that we need a changing magnetic
field to cause any induction in the output coil. So the control
coils in a magnetic transistor device must be constantly switched
with a periodic waveform of some kind. The rate of change of the
flux or dB/dt must be as fast as possible to get the maximum
output from the output coil. Also, the cores must never go much
past the saturation point. The material can be made to traverse
its BH curve just up to the knee of the curve for the material,
but should remain on the steep slope portion so that extra H is
not wasted with little change in B. Even going around the knee of
the curve would waste energy with little benefit unless the knee
is sharp.
It can also be seen from the above special case that if the
material is uniform in permeability that there is no gain and you
have a 1:1 transformer. Of course this is the ideal case where
core losses are not taken into account. When core losses are
subtracted the output current is less than the input current by
some small amount of 1% to 5%.
The objective is to use as small as possible an input control
current to control a large flux from a strong permanent magnet.
It is obvious we need to match the magnets B field for the
given core cross section to be able to switch the magnet flux
completely. The control coil would operate in blocking mode with
opposing flux to do this. It would then have its permeability
approach 1 and look like an air gap. To get the smallest H to do
this we need the highest permeability material we can find with a
high enough saturation induction level capability. We also need a
square loop BH curve with a small sharp knee to the curve. The
more vertical the curve the better. Metglas 2605SA1 material from
Honeywell Amorphous Metals fits this bill nicely. For the rest of
the core we can use cheap M1 grain oriented silicon electrical
steel. Metglas is expensive, but fortunately we only need a small
amount for the coil core.
One other item is that we must make sure that there is no coil
wound on the same high permeability material that is allowed to
conduct when switching the magnet flux with the control coil. If
this is allowed then the Lenz's Law back flux reaction (counter
EMF) will oppose the control coil equally with lower current and
destroy the gain we want. Any power extracting coil must be wound
on the lower permeability material so that higher current and
power can be extracted to generate the equivalent Lenz's Law back
reaction to the changing flux from the magnet.
It should be easy to see that saturation of any of the cores
must be avoided. Otherwise flux will be lost outside the core. If
this happens the required H is lowered and the gain will be
reduced. Therefore it is desirable to keep all the flux contained
inside the core at all times. Flux leakage will be detrimental to
maximum efficiency.
Summary and Conclusions
1. A magnetic transistor can be made by using materials in
the magnetic circuit that have widely differing relative
2. The gate or control area should use the highest
permeability material so that a lower magnetomotive force H is
required to generate the same magnetic flux density B in the
magnetic circuit core. Lowered H means lower coil current and
lower input power.
3. A constant cross section of core material for the
control section and the lower permeability section should be
4. Magnetic saturation should be avoided in all core
sections. The control gate core can be taken right up to
saturation, but should not be pushed beyond it because the H
requirement goes up rapidly and energy will be wasted lowering
the efficiency.
5. The BH curves of the core materials should have square
loop characteristics with low hysteresis. This means that a small
H is required to get a large B field density.
6. The control coil section operates to oppose the magnet
flux. When not required it must be open circuited and no current
allowed to flow. It does not need be used to generate attractive
mode flux to favor the magnet flux flow. There is no need to do
this. The off core simply completes the magnetic circuit for the
magnet through the control core.
7. The gain realized is the ratio of the control coil core
relative permeability divided by the output coil core relative
8. Since the control coil current is so much lower small
power MOSFETs or medium power bipolar transistors can be used for
the switching controller.
Why this Should Work in the MEG
Lenz's Law back reaction says this must work.
Consider that the magnet flux is constant through all portions of
the magnetic circuit. We just need a lower H value to switch the
magnet flux because of the very high permeability material in the
control coil core. We assume we must create a B field in the
control coil core equal in magnitude to the magnet's B field in
order to block it completely. Now we have switched the
magnet flux into a different magnetic circuit by blocking the
magnet flux and allowing it to flow into the opposite leg. The
control coil there is off and no Lenz's Law back reaction is
allowed from the "off" state control coil. One hundred
percent of the magnet flux is switched to the opposite leg of the
circuit. Now Lenz's Law says that while the flux in the output
core is changing there will be a back reaction to oppose the
change in flux that will be equal in magnitude. This assumes that
maximum current is allowed to flow in the output coil. To get a B
field of equal magnitude to the magnet flux you will need a much
larger value of H due to the much lower permeability of the
output coil core. A larger value of H means a larger current must
be generated in the output coil to create this amount of back
flux. So Lenz's Law is responsible for the OU gain we can achieve.
OU factors in the range of 30x to 50x should be easily attainable.
These are efficiencies of 3000% to 5000% minus some small core
and copper losses. And the whole unit would be solid state
increasing the reliability tremendously.
Dave Squires (
11-03-00 ) [email protected]
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