The Nicolay Zaev Generator
FAQ and Test report #2 from Sergey M. Godin
Created on 10-25-98 - JLN Labs - Last update 10-25-98
Some Frequently Asked Question from Sergey M.Godin :
What is the curie point of BK2 ?
75+/-10 Celsius
degrees as and the BK5 type.
Coefficient of nonlinearity for BK2>=8; for
Permitivity (initial) (under 20 C.dg. and 2-5
V/mm) 2000-2500 for BK2 : 2000-3000 for BK5
Permitivity max:. 40000-50000 for BK2 and
80000-100000 fro BK5
How much does capacitance of BK2 change from 10 to 85 degrees C ?
You can find below some curves, which I had found in a book of T.N. Verbitskaja "Variconds in Electronic and Pulsed Schemes", Moskow, "Sov. Radio" 1971.
What is the capacticance of each BK2 capacitor ?
0,15uF nominal.
Can we buy BK2 capacitors today ? What do they cost ?
Unfortunately not,
it was produced 10 y. ago, now the factory in
Vitebsk in Belorussia is stopped. I'm doing some
efforts for reproducing this kind of capacitors
Yesterday, I had conducted some tests with my
10mkF varicond battery.
1) I repeated the Quick test of Stefan with
"hair dryer heater". Battery has been
charged up to 20V, then has been heated by
"HDH", I don't know exactly the final
temperature (50-70 C.dg. by fingers sense), but
voltage rapidly was dropped to 5V. I measured
this voltage again after approx 30 min, it was
raised up to 25 volts!
Its seems Ok with full Dieter theory agree.
2) I powered varicond battery with by short
pulses from special generatorvia fast diode,
which broke back dicharged current. Battery was
loaded on 4.7KOhm resistor. Pulse period was
10Hz, amplitude 11V.
After fast charging was observed only exp. smooth
Hmm...Or the slope of charging current is not so
sharp, or the physics of this effect is a much
more complexity. The last is more likely by my
3) Look at the setup above and the table below :
Vinput = about 2V pic-to-pic, 1KHz
Without comments, I don't know how to explain this. May be the variconds was grew old? or other?
All comments are welcome.
Best Wishes,
Sergey Godin (10-28-98)
If you need more informations or if you have any suggestions send me your Feedback
: [email protected]
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