How to build yourself

a One Atmosphere Plasmoid

Advanced Reduced Drag Aircraft project
By Jean-Louis Naudin
created on February 23th, 2000 - JLN Labs - Last update February 27th, 2000

I am glad to present you a very simple experiment that you can conduct yourself with common material that you already have in your house. This experiment will allow you to see and check by yourself that a stable Plasmoid ( an artificial Plasma Ball ) can be created in air ( at a pressure of one atmosphere ). This simple and basic experiment is one of the main part of the working principle of an enhanced EHD Plasma reactor used in some advanced flying crafts ( see the Active GDP skin principle )...

This experiment has already been tested successfully by many ball lightning experimenters in the world. I am grateful to Alexandre Szames for this fascinating experiment that he has recently suggested to me.

BE CAREFUL : Don't forget that the Plasmoid generates ozone (O3) and nitrogen oxydes ( NO and NO2), so you need to do this experiment in an open and well ventiled area. If you do it the risk of any results is just yours. I take no responsibility of anything that might happen to yourself or your material.

To conduct a successful Plasmoid experiment, you need only :

- A microwave oven,
- 3 plastic caps ( about 10mm thick ) used as a support,
- a cylindrical cork,
- a wooden toothpick,
- a transparent vessel for microwave cooking (
it must be heat resistant ).


STEP 1 : Preparing the mounting base and the plasmoid igniter.

Cut a 15 mm slice from the cork and stick the toothpick in it, as shown above, then place the 3 plastic caps
so the build the mounting base for the transparent vessel ( to let the air flows inside the vessel).


STEP 2 : Check your setup before placing it into the microwave oven.

The final setup is now ready for the plasmoid experiment.


STEP 4 : Place the mounting base with the igniter in the center of your microwave oven and ignite the toothpick.
Notes : You may add a cup of water in the microwave too absorb excess microwaves.

STEP 5 : Cover the apparatus with the transparent vessel.

STEP 6 : Close the door and switch on your microwave at full power...and see what happens......


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