The Stavros' RF pendulum experiment
An electromagnetic interaction with the gravity field
Courtesy of Dimitriou Stavros
By Jean-Louis Naudin
created on September 3rd, 2000 - JLN Labs - Last update September 14th, 2000

This experiment has been done successfully by Dimitriou Stavros from the TEI-Athens, Dept. of Electrical Engineering in Greece.

This is my first attempt of replication of this experiment based on the paper published by Stavros :

" On the pendulum oscillations of a suspended RF resonant circuit " by Stavros G. Dimitriou
<< Abstract : The period of the pendulum oscillations of a suspended electromagnetic resonant circuit formed by quarter-wavelength transmission line sections is found to be affected by electrical parameters of the oscillator driving it. Of particular influence appears to the magntitude of current at resonance, which depends on the effective quality factor (Q) of the RF tank circuit and the input driving power. >>

The most interesting fact observed by Stavros is that " The maximum equivalent reduction of g locally is calculated to -1.3% " :
<< Conclusion : A gravity - interacting field can be generated electromagnetically and used to reduce the gravity vector locally. Its implementation uses the horizontal projections of electric currents, intensified through almost conventional RF techniques. >>

The full Stavros' paper and the original photos of the experiment can be found in the Jerry Bayles web site :

The RF pendulum experiment tends to confirm the Jerry Bayles theory and research concerning electromagnetic standing waves interaction with the gravity field, see : . This experiments is also fully in line with the System-G device and the theory from Prof. Fran De Aquino in Brazil, see :

The detailled photo above shows the hanging system and the setup of the quater-wavelength elements placed at 45 degres from each other. You may notice that twisted insulated wires have been used, the RF oscillator was not yet installed.

The photo above shows the Stavros' pendulum with the RF oscillator v1.0 ready for testing

Above, a RF oscillator diagram proposal currently under test.

The DC power input is 0.96 Watt ( 24 Volts, 40 mA ), the estimated RF power output is about 500 mW.

The RF oscillator is now installed, the resonance frequency of the apparatus is 99.5 MHz

FIRST TEST RESULTS : September 4th, 2000

TEST RUN #1 : 10 runs have been performed, each run contains 10 periods (10xT) and the chronometer has been started each time three periods after the initial launch. The pendulum suspension length was 115cm. This length has been measured between the lab ceiling (at the fixing point) and the center of gravity of the pendulum (not at the mounting base point)). The weight of the apparatus is 358 grammes and the apparatus was launched at 30 mm from the vertical position.

This first serie of tests seems to confirm the Prof. Dimitriou Stavros experiment, the gravity field reduction effect mesured is -1.9% when the RF power is sent to the pendulum.

Test RUN #2 ( 09-05-00 ) : A laser beam has been used for measuring the half-period of the pendulum. A BPW34 photodiode has been placed in line with the laser beam and connected to an oscillocope for measuring with accuracy the half-period of the oscillation. ( see the photo of the setup, below ).

The oscilloscope shows the signal received from the BPW34 photodiode, each pulse is the laser beam interruption signal by the pendulum. So, the duration between each pulse is the time required for the half-period of the pendulum oscillation.

You may notice that :

The gravity field reduction effect mesured is -2.9% when the RF power is sent to the pendulum.

Test RUN #3 ( 09-06-00 ) : The purpose of this test is to check if the period of the pendulum can be altered for different launch angles. So I have measured the half-period with the laser beam apparatus for two different launch positions : 20mm and 50mm. The photo below shows the testing setup. The RF oscillator has not been energized during all this test.

The scope picture shows the half-period measured for these two launch positions, you may notice that the period remains constant for 20mm and 50mm. The pulse width is bigger for 20mm than for 50mm because the oscillation speed is different for these two different angles, but the period remains constant.

The electronic diagram of the RF oscillator v2.0 (above)

The photo above shows the Stavros' pendulum with the RF oscillator v2.0 installed

Test RUN #4 ( 09-07-00 ) :

This new test use the latest RF oscillator v2.0, a plastic rule has been added for an accurate launching position ( at : 50 mm )

Tests Synthesis ( 09-10-00 ) :

After many tests ( RUN#1 to 4) and different setups of the RF pendulum, today, I can say that :

  1. The effect observed is weak ( reduction of g from 1 to 8 % ), and the effect can be reversed ( increase of g ) ( as noticed by Jerry Bayles, see at : )
  2. The effect observed is not so simple to replicate by anyone, in spite of the simplicity of the apparatus :
    The design must be closer to the original Stavros design presented in his paper at :

  3. A motion of the apparatus seems required for observing the effect, there are 2 explanations :
    - The basic explanation : Air drag (Cx) modification by the presence of the RF field,
    - The interesting explanation : EM interaction with the gradient of the gravity field, like the gravitationnal red-shift when a photon drops from the sky to the center of the
    planet. ( the R.V. Pound and G.A. Rebka experiment at the Harvard university, see the Bekeley Physics Course, volume 1 " Mechanics ", chapter 14 about the "Equivalence principle"(ed. McGraw Hill )).

  4. The surrounding seems to have no influence on the pendulum period.

  5. The use of electronic scales can create measurement artifacts due to the presence of RF > 100 MHz in the tested apparatus.

  6. When the RF power is sent to the pendulum, it is required to wait few seconds before measuring the period.

  7. Don't forget that the tank circuit is a quarter-wavelength transmission line which must have a High Q factor.

Yet, the Stavros' experiment seems worth to be study and developped. Today, the trick is to identify carefully all the possible artifacts which can affect and hide the real effect originally observed by the Dimitriou Stavros...

I am very grateful to Dimitriou Stavros for the support which he has given to me for a successful replication of this experiment. Many thanks to John Schnurer, Jerry Bayles and Steve Burns for their helpful advices about this field of research.

Good exploration and Best Regards,

Jean-Louis Naudin

See the tests reports with the diagram of the RF oscillator used by Stavros himself during his first experiment.

Reference documents :

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