The Stavros' Wooden Balance
An electromagnetic interaction with the gravity field
Courtesy of Dimitriou Stavros
By Jean-Louis Naudin
created on October 15th, 2000 - JLN Labs - Last update October 15th, 2000

Sujet : wooden balance
Date : 15/10/00 00:54:44 Paris, Madrid (heure d'�t�)
From: xxxxxxxxx (Stavros Dimitriou)
[email protected]

Dear Jean-Louis

Here is the wooden balance I have used.

The wooden balance used by Stavros Dimitriou for measuring the weight change with his RF pendulum device

The pivot screws provide a minimum of turning resistance and at the same time serve as contacts for the supply rail to the experiment's end. The
screws pass through a copper ring (shown brown) each, which provides contact to the wire leading to the experiment end of the beam.
The still contacts, on the top of the support of the balance are made of two piecec of bronze, with a small inward bump in them, to accommodate the tip of the corresponding pivot screw.
The pivot screws permits adjusting the center of weight of the beam. They also adjust the horizontal correctness of the beam. Any little discrepancy of balance is set by using a small trimming wait. I used a school rubber in the photograph. ( It can be seen where it should not have been in one of the photos of the beam! ).
The counterweight is usually a 500 ml plastic bottle of some refreshment, filled with sand to the appropriate weight. The bottle hangs from its tap, which has been punched through in two places.
A 5 cm loop of thread through these holes serves to hung the counterweight bottle.

The supports, see the contacts

The Beam contacts

The pivots screws

The spacers in the beam ( see the pivots screws )

The beam ends

Sensitivity: About 0.1 gram for 1 mm deflection at a beam load of 0.8 kg in total. The sensitivity deteriorates with the increase of weight, as the screw tips bite into the bronze contacts. Any better ideas of pivoting are most welcome.

Dimensions: beam:122 cm, excluding the hooks.
Beam separation at center: 5.2 cm
Beam width: 3.7 cm
Beam wood thickness 5mm
Screw spacing: 6.5 cm

Support height: 52 cm
Bronze contacts: 1 by 3 cm by 0.5 mm
Support feet: 33 cm long
Support foot spacing: 57 cm
Feet connecting beam: 3 by 3 cm by 61 cm

The twin beam arrangement and the adjustable pivoting are credited to Dr David King of the University of Manchester.

Best Regards


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