The Time Energy Pump project
created on 09/15/97 - JLN Labs - last update on 09/16/97
Suj : New TEP 6.1 circuit ! Date : Tue, 16 Sep 1997 01:41:23 +0100 From: [email protected] (Stefan Hartmann) To: [email protected] Hi, here are a few new ideas to use my new proposed circuit TEP 6.1 to just extract back EMF energy without putting much energy into the circuit and without having a load effect onto the battery. Please look at the attached GIF picture and let me know your view. What do you think of this ? Thanks. Best regards, Stefan. -- Hartmann Multimedia Service, Dipl. Ing. Stefan Hartmann Keplerstr. 11 B, 10589 Berlin, Germany Tel: ++ 49 30-345 00 497 FAX: ++ 49 30-345 00 498 email: [email protected] Web site:
SEE ALSO : TEP V 6.1a4 - Schemes and tests results by JL Naudin