Aether Tensile Stress, B-Field Torsion, Axion (spin) Field
created on 01-17-99 - JLN Labs - last update on 08-29-01
You will find in this topic some
personal and speculative
thinkings, based on my experimental approach and personal
readings about some means and methods for generating a "dynamic
tensile stress" on the Aether by using the B-Field Torsion
effect. The purpose is to use this effect for tapping Free Energy
and/or generating space propulsion devices. Now, I think that it
is possible to use induced vortexes in the Ather for tapping free
energy and also to generate spacetime distortion effect (torsion
fields) for inducing antigravitational thrust. I shall try to
adopt an experimental approach, so all ideas will be checked by
experiments and testings....
All suggestions and ideas are always welcome....
Jean-Louis Naudin, January 17th 1999
The Magnetic Moebius Tripole, a very simple
Does the B-Field
Torsion generator generate a magnetic
vortex ?
Some magnetic field
pictures of the B-Field Torsion generator
The Dual Vortex Generator, towards Free Energy ?
The Dual Vortex Engines SpaceCraft, warping to deep space
A simple Time Shifting Detector
Generators of
Axion (Spin) Field by Alexander A.Shpilman
The Vortex Lab
Some real magnetic
spectrum pictures
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