A Successful working
Tim Ventura ( USA )
created on
March 5, 2002 - JLN Labs -
Last update March 5, 2002
All informations in this page are published free and
are intended for private/educational purposes and not for
commercial applications
Dear Jean-Louis
Thank you so much for your assistance with my dysfunctional lifter.......
I made a few changes to it today and it now lifts off !!!
I'm not using tie-downs on it yet, so it currently doesn't do a whole lot (takes off, loops the wires, arcs, and drops), but I've tried using a guide and it climbs right up it -- at least 8 inches high (the plastic guide is only a foot tall -- and I'm holding it with my hand on top!)
Here is a lifter test-video that I took this evening. I used black tie-down threads on the table surface and the 14" computer-monitor for power. It levitates perfectly...!
Tim Ventura
See the video of Tim Ventura Lifter1 experiment
To see the videos, the free
downloadable RealPlayer is required
Click on the picture above to see the video ( 134 Kb )
Link to the Tim Ventura's "American Antigravity" web site
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