

The Rational Mean: The fifth arithmetical operation.
All means as particular cases of the Rational Mean (Generalized Mediant). The
new Arithmonic Mean as an essential arithmetical
operation for roots solving. New Properties and observations on Number.
Roots Solving: Bernoulli�s, Newton�s and many
other new algorithms --converging even faster than Halley�s-- trivially found
just by agency of arithmetic (The Rational Mean), no Cartesian system, no
decimals, no derivatives. No precedents, at all.
Generalized Continued Fractions: Traditional continued fractions as
particular cases of a new general concept "Generalized Continued
Fractions". (Fractal Fractions)
These pages are just a brief introduction to the book:
del N�mero�
(Translation: The Fifth Arithmetical Operation, Number Revolution)
ISBN:980-07-6632-4. 200 pages,
spanish language.
Copyright �. All rights reserved under international Copyright
�Author: D. G�mez.

Linked pages:
- BRITANNICA.COM Encyclopaedia Britannica. Best�s web sites
THEORY CENTER (CTC) Math and Science Gateway.
ALGORITHMS. Steven Finch
and related pages. (Another link)
K. Brown. Generalized Mediant
Numerical Analysis�� Math
Archives: Number Theory
- XCALIBRE University of Cambridge. Resources for the gifted and talented.
OF CAMBRIDGE Department of
Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics. Descriptions of areas/courses in number
theory, lecture notes
- Universit�t der
Bundeswehr M�nchen.
Fakult�t f�r Sozialwissenschaften
- Technische
Universit�t Dresden(Pdf-archive), Fakult�t Informatik, Institut f�r
Theoretische Informatik. LV Algorithmen and Datenstrukturen. Prof.
Dr.-Ing. habil. E.P. Stoschek.
- Workshop on Design
of Algorithms.� Related
- Cut-The-Knot
Key Topics.
- NRICH. University of Cambridge
ANTIOQUIA Dpto. de Ciencias exactas y Naturales
DE LAS MATEMATICAS Mirror: matematicas.metropoliglobal.com
- Mathematics Florida
State University. Math WWW VL: Specialized Fields. Mirror at Israel Institute
of Technology Mirror
Internet Mathematics Library, Number Theory
- The Farey Room interesting
transformations of the Farey and Continued Fraction Mapping
- N. J. A. Sloane:
Data Base of Integer Sequences
- Keith Matthews, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Queensland, Australia.
Mathematics. Mathematics Department, University of Georgia (Another
- Dipartimento di Matematica
dell'Universit� di Roma Tre Web di Teoria dei Numeri. Mirror
- Department of
Pure Mathematics, University of Cambridge. Mirror
- University of
Electro-Communication, Tokyo� Mirror
- Harish-Chandra
Research Institute, School of mathematics, India�
- www.numbertheory.org Canadian Site. Mirror
- Vedic Mathematics
- Prof. Athanassios
G. Kartsatos. Department of Mathematics, University of South Florida
- PhD.
Z�mplen G�bor Department of� History
& Philosophy of Science, E�tv�s University Budapest Hungr�a.
- The
Journal of Transfigural Mathematics� is an interdisciplinary
journal (English) of mathematics, logic, philosophy of mathematics and
science, literature and arts. The goal of the JTfM is to generate debate.
It looks around for inventions, discoveries and new scientific ideas,
specially, those that disturbs the 'status quo'. (Another link)
- A Catalog of
Mathematics Resources
Dr. M. Maheswaran, University of Wisconsin
- Catalog of
Mathematics Resources.
Dr. Farjami, University of Tehran, Iran
- Numbers
Constants and computation Xavier Gourdon and Pascal Sebah.
- Geometry
The online learning center.
- Numericana.
G�rard P. Michon, Ph.D.
- Real M. A. T. H.
S. University at Buffalo.
State University of New York
- Appetizers and
Lessons for Mathematics and Reason. � Alan Selby, Ph. D, Montreal
- Prof. David
eppstein. The geometry junkyard. Department of Information and Computer Science at the
University of California
- Prof.
Salvador Vera Ballesteros
Dpto. Matem�ticas Aplicada. Universidad M�laga
- Prof. Kirby Urner Phyton-list posting
- St. George�s School
- Pakistan Khkhan, Sir Syed University of
Engineering & Technology
- The
National Urban Alliance for Effective Education Founded by The College
Board & Teachers College, Columbia University, NYC
- University of
Surrey, R. Knott, Fascinating Facts and Figures about the Golden Section
- J. Wilson, The
University of Georgia, new constructions ...
- GLad Construction Home Page
- William Johnston, new Euclidean constructions ...
- Carlos Mart�n
Piera� Madrid.
- ArmedForces
Military guide.
- Euphrates
Web Page Community, hosting the Web Pages of William Paterson University
students and faculty.
- Nerdworld
- FirstScience.com
- Count on
- www.sitesforteachers.com
- Education Planet� SocialStudiesPlanet
- World of Education
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& Research
- Links of Interest
to a Mathematics Teacher
- DMOZ. Math-Number
- Tu
aprendes matematicas
- www.1000dictionaries.com
- YourMathematicsLinks
- NumbersOrg
- Ideas And
- Encyclopedia.Smartengine
- The Teachers
Guide. Mathematics
- Numbers
- Jos� L�pez
Goitia. UPV/EHU. Vizcaya. Pa�s Vazco.
- Principia
- Biblioteca
Nacional de Venezuela. Search
by using �otros� option and ISBN: 9800766324.

Some authors have pointed out
that "Arithmetic" was the main obstacle ancients should overcome in
order to solve problems involving what we call nowadays "roots-solving
methods of higher degree", and that such analytic algorithms could only be
found, formulated and explained by agency of the modern Cartesian system and
infinitesimal calculus. Now, the facetious response to such statements is:
"Number beats Axes. Arithmetic beats Fluxions", mainly because, we
can see now that ancients certainly had at hand the most simple arithmetical
tool (The Rational Mean, The Fifth Arithmetical Operation) for solving all
those problems of higher degree. The implausible fact that ancients and many
modern mathematicians could have easily carried out such an elemental operation
but --from all the evidences-- they didn't, bring to light an astonishing
testimony of something wrong about the whole story of roots-solving and the definition
of irrational numbers and their arithmetical operations. Worst, all these
observations throw many doubts about the so-called "rigorousness" of
modern mathematics.
Based on the extremely simple arithmetical
processes and wonderful properties of Number shown in the book and its
introductory web pages: Rational Mean Definition-&-Evaluation, Roots Solving and Continued fractions) and considering the incomprehensible and
astonishing� absence of any precedent on
this matter all through the history of Arithmetic and roots solving, one can
realize now that it is certainly a ridiculous arrogance to think that the
artificial and personal creations (i.e.: Cartesian system; decimal
fractions; imaginary numbers, etc.) of any individual could ever exceed the
natural order determined by God in accordance with the harmonies of Number. Indeed, it is
so hard to realize these so simple arithmetical methods do not appear in any
book on numbers since ancient times up to now. No matter� all the absurd attacks and troubles these
comments have caused to me in the Usenet since long time ago,� these very simple arithmetical web-pages
will continue their task: Bringing to light the true story on roots solving and
the irrational numbers.
Nowadays, people of modern societies are
suffering the consequences of social leaderships that have been thoroughly
affected (mainly, since the rise of Cartesian system and mechanistic
philosophy) by egotistic conceptions of people who use to consider about
themselves as better planners than God. Many bizarre "scientific"
conceptions have certainly inspired people with confusedness, atheism, chaos
and dehumanisation.
These are not pessimistic
conclusions, at all, but an encouraging message based on all those elemental
and natural principles of Quantity which have been passed over by many
"great mechanistic" minds.
Indeed, there are very good news here,
specially, for young people because from now on, by means of simple arithmetic
they will be able to learn at primary or secondary school the "most
advanced" analytic methods (Halley�s, Newton�s, Bernoulli�s, Power series
expansions) which have been brought to us as exclusive superb products of the
"divine" Cartesian system and its fluxions.

Some other works:
- "Superior
Arithmetic, New Developments and Applications".
- Book
(English), ISBN: 980-07-1451-0. Copyright �, 1993.
- "Los n�meros irracionales, nuevos elementos".
- Paper
(Spanish), ISBN: 980-07-2792-2.
- "New Elements For
The Irrational Numbers". The Journal Of
Transfigural Mathematics (JTfM), September edition, 1996.
- Scalene and Isosceles
Partitions (SIP)
- New simple
method for dividing any line segment AB into an arbitrary number of equal
parts. The new SIP construction allows to find a wide variety of
partition sequences ruled by second-order recurrence relations, as for
example, the well known FIBONACCI SEQUENCE !. It also leads the way for
using higher-order recurrence relations!. The Journal Of Transfigural Mathematics (JTfM),
January edition, 1997.
- Structural Design

Other useful web sites:

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All rights reserved under international
Copyright Conventions.
No part of this page may be reproduced, stored
or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the
author: D. G�mez.
Last revision: 2002