Chemistry, Magnets, & Skepticism

Mainstream scientists resist the idea that magnetism can affect chemistry. For example, they see any use of PM-magnets to relieve human pain as disgusting pseudoscience which should be stamped out. And part of the continuing controversy about a possible link between EMFs and Cancer is due in part to the widespread scientific skepticism regarding the ability of DC and low-frequency magnetic fields to affect chemical bond. The skeptics seem to think that if such an important phenomena was real, researchers would already know about it.

However, the sneering skeptics are wrong. Research increasingly reports evidence that EMF and permanent magnets DO have significant effects upon chemical reactions, especially on sensitive biochemistry. This is 'taboo science', and it causes some of the more-conventional researchers to react with a skepticism almost approaching violence. After all, if this simple phenomenon was missed by thousands of professional chemists, it damages their reputations as experts and makes them look like fools. It is especially painful to those who have loudly and publicly ridiculed these ideas.

Evidence should have a clear voice, but when personal reputations and "science politics" are involved, the voice of the evidence often goes unheard. Disgust and derision take the place of curiousity and truth-seeking, and the verification of the reported observations can conveniently become unimportant.

At the same time, scam artists try to sell expensive magnetic devices which most probably do not work. Where your own wallet is concerned, be VERY skeptical.

Below are some articles and links, some of which describe simple experiments which demonstrate unexplained effects of magnetism on water.


Water Physics

Magnetic fields & Biology

Created and maintained by Bill Beaty. Mail me at: [email protected].
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