Weird Research, Anomalous Physics


This suggested detector operates by graphing the Mie optical scattering distribution of pure water in realtime on an oscilloscope. The article by the original investigators Pyatnitsky and Fonkin [1] appeared in the Journal of Scientific Exploration (see their web site,) where the investigators used a physically-moving photomultiplier tube to measure the angular scattering curve. They found some people to have the ability to distort the scattering curve by focusing "healing energy" on the water samples, and the graph developed peaks and "noise" at particular spots.

One of their subjects was able to produce a scattering maximum at 135deg which was about one hundred times larger than that of normal water, as if the water's crystalline microstructure was forced to exist only across small range of sizes. Other subjects produced effects up to a couple of s.d. away from the untreated water baseline, demonstrating that the results are not swamped by noise. One subject produced scattering distortions lasting hours, after just a 40 second "treatment," while others only lasted during the time an "effort" was being made. 15 people were tested, and about 1/4 could produce an evident effect. By displaying the graph as operator feedback, subjects could be trained to improve their skill at obtaining the effect.

My idea depicted in the above diagram is only a suggestion and has NOT been tested. A Photomultiplier was used by the original investigators, but if the CCD is sensitive enough it should serve. The orientation of the camera and laser beam is important, since the relative angle determines which part of the scattering curve will be displayed. A simple lens of very short focal length placed very close to the CCD may be necessary in order to plot a wide distribution of scattering angles. The original experiment recorded angles between about 30 and 160 degrees, with interesting results at several different angles. Distilled water or even tap water is said to work.

I've not tried building this device, so it's open to experimentation to find out if it will actually produce any of the results claimed in the JSE article. A quick test shows that a .5mW laser gives scattering output which is nearly too low for dark-adapted human eyes, much less for that of a video camera. Try 10mW laser instead!

Another idea: if a suitable wide-angle eyepiece was held very close to a laser beam in a water cell, the lens would allow direct viewing of the angular scattering distribution. Peaks in the curve would be seen as bright vertical stripes in a fuzzy broad band. With a bright laser, perhaps realtime changes in water's structure would be directly visible, no electronics required.

1. L.N. Pyatnitsky and V.A. Fonkin, HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS INFLUENCE ON WATER STRUCTURE, Journal of Scientific Exploration, V.9 N 1, pp89-105, spring 1995

Comments from Sergei M.Godin:

Some words relatively your's " PSI FIELDS DETECTOR ". I think, that this design will to work, but within the limits of 10-30 degrees, where the intensity of dispersed light is high. It is necessary to replace a mirror by full absorber of light and to accept measures against of internal re-reflected dispersed light. If to speak about portable installation, instead of CCD Camera, it is better to use an ordinary avalanche photodiode, having arranged it on a constant corner within the limits of 10-30 degrees. Thus there will be problems of maintenance of temperature stability of light emitter and absorber. For increase of a water sensitivity, it is possible to "energize" it, if to keep it some minutes in hands and to make some rotary movements and easy to shake up it. The best results are received with a "SUPER Q" water, but it is possible to use ordinary water ,cleared with the help of a home filter.

After "energizing" the water preserves increased sensitivity some days. The mechanisn of this it is not clear to the end, will be more than likely formed long-time lives vortexes structures, exchanged by energy with one another and with an environment. A floor level of sensitivity for beginnings of vortex formation, on all visibility, does not exist. Therefore such way is very sensitive but arises the problem how to separate a useful signal from a background.

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