The ArapXML Consortium is an informal
association committed to
developing the most open, platform independent design and semantics for
representing accounting information in computer systems. This
ambitious goal is detailed in the Requirements
document, and within the RFP document on the OMG
AR/AP submission page.
The Consortium has already produced a UML model of the accountant's
viewpoint of business data (the general ledger representation), a draft
submission to OMG and a draft set of Information Entities in ebXML Core
Components format.
founding members at right are inviting individuals,
companies, and web
application hosts to participate. Participation from the
accounting and web services and e-business domains is solicited. If standardization of the vocabulary and basic
behaviors of general ledger or AR/AP are in your organization's interests,
then you should join this consortium, contribute to development and
influence its design.
We expect to have a physical meeting of arapXML
with co-founders, some time in the second half of 2001 or early 2002.
The ARAP RFP and submission to OMG referenced on this
website were created by NetAccount AS and SINTEF who hold their
copyrights. They have been contributed to OMG and are now governed
by the OMG's IP terms.
The ARAPXML schema, and GL components were created by NetAccount
AS and SINTEF who hold their copyrights. They are now governed by
the LGPL IP terms. Netaccount's intention is that the control of
the schema will be one company one vote and it will be freely available to
the public under the LGPL or other liberal terms. However this
depends on the desires of founding members. Netaccount and SINTEF
are considering placing these works into an OASIS TC or within an ebTWG
workgroup, for further development.
contact us by email at [email protected]