
Local BCA and Local BPA

Category: functors Component type: concept


Local BCAs and Local BPAs allow you to declare BCAs and BPAs "inline" in the constructor for a DBView . There are three parts to defining a local BCA.

1. Define a local variable for the row.

2. List the columns you want to bind. Individual column bindings are added to the list using the && operator.

3. Pass the set of columns to a BCA constructor to create the local BCA for you.

Refinement of


Associated types

BoundIOs, BCA, BPA.

Example 1:

// simple example for Local BCA ... reading doubles from a table

vector<double> ReadDataLocalBCASingleField()
    // declare our BCA locally
    // note how we bind using the COLS class to identify columns
    double rowbuf;  // row object used by BCA() to guide binding process
    DBView<double> view("DB_EXAMPLE",
        BCA(rowbuf, COLS["DOUBLE_VALUE"] >> rowbuf)

    // copy the doubles from the view into the vector and return
    vector<double> results;
    copy(view.begin(), view.end(), back_inserter(results));
    return results;

Example 2:

// Example for Local BCA's and BPA's

class Example
  public:                                       // tablename.columnname:
	int exampleInt;                         // DB_EXAMPLE.INT_VALUE
	string exampleStr;                      // DB_EXAMPLE.STRING_VALUE
	double exampleDouble;                   // DB_EXAMPLE.DOUBLE_VALUE
	long exampleLong;                       // DB_EXAMPLE.EXAMPLE_LONG

vector<Example> ReadDataLocalBCA()
    // declare our BCA locally
    // note how we bind using the quasi-BoundIOs named COLS
    // and each binding is separated by operator&&() rather than semicolons
    Example rowbuf;  // object used by BCA() to guide binding process
    DBView<Example> view("DB_EXAMPLE",
            COLS["INT_VALUE"]      >> rowbuf.exampleInt &&
            COLS["STRING_VALUE"]   >> rowbuf.exampleStr &&
	    COLS["DOUBLE_VALUE"]   >> rowbuf.exampleDouble &&
	    COLS["EXAMPLE_LONG"]   >> rowbuf.exampleLong &&
	    COLS["EXAMPLE_DATE"]   >> rowbuf.exampleDate

    // copy DB_EXAMPLE records that matched the query into the vector and return
    vector<Example> results;
    copy(view.begin(), view.end(), back_inserter(results));
    return results;


Name Expression Precondition Semantics Postcondition
Create local BCA with multiple fields
template<class DataObj>
    LocalBCA<DataObj> BCA(DataObj &rowbuf, const BoundIOs &boundIOs);
BoundIOs constructed using COLS syntax (see description) Defines a Local BCA with multiple fields. The rowbuf passed in guides the actual binding process. The returned LocalBCA object is a valid BCA.
Creates local BCA with single field.
template<class DataObj> 
    LocalBCA<DataObj> BCA(DataObj &rowbuf, const BoundIO &boundIO);
BoundIO constructed using COLS syntax (see description). Defines a Local BCA with multiple fields. The rowbuf passed in guides the actual binding process. Note that the actual DataObj passed in here can be the actual field type (in that case, rowbuf is bound directly using BoundIO::operator==()). See Note [1]. The returned LocalBCA object is a valid BCA.
Create local BPA for multiple parameters.
template<class ParamObj> LocalBCA<ParamObj>
     BPA(ParamObj &parambuf, const BoundIOs &boundIOs);
BoundIOs constructed using COLS syntax (see description). Defines a Local BPA with multiple parameters. The parambuf passed in guides the actual binding process. The returned LocalBCA object is a valid BPA.
Create local BPA for single parameter.
template<class ParamObj> LocalBCA<ParamObj>
     BPA(ParamObj &parambuf, const BoundIO &boundIO);
BoundIOs constructed using COLS syntax (see description) .

Defines a Local BPA with a single parameter. The parambuf passed in guides the actual binding process. Note that the actual ParamObj passed in here can be the actual field type (in that case, rowbuf is bound directly using BoundIO::operator==()). See Note [1].

The returned LocalBCA object is a valid BPA.



[1] There is a bug if DataObj == string. Trying to build a IndexedDBView in such a situation results in a crash at runtime.

See also

BoundIOs, BCA, BPA, DBView, IndexedDBView

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