

Category: exceptions Component type: type


ValidityException is thrown by classes in the DTL that derive from ValidatedObject. Such classes maintain state information that allows them to determine whether they are in a valid state or have been corrupted. Once an operation is performed in one of these self-validating classes that detects that the object is no longer in a valid state, the operation will throw a ValidityException. An exception of this type stores strings representing which method the exception was thrown in and a message describing what error occurred. The call to the constructor initializes these strings. The user can extract a stringified message with all of this information from the exception using the standard what() method.


Defined in the validate.h header file.

Example: Trivial case of throwing and catching a ValidityException

class MoneyAccount : public ValidatedObject
   // if less than 0 money left, we're broke --> object corrupted!
   // (must then see MoneyAccount manager to revalidate() or go to jail:P)
   // (in this example though, once you're in debt, your account is frozen!)
   double balance;
   MoneyAccount(unsigned double initialDeposit) : ValidatedObject(), balance(initialDeposit) { }

   // should be able to see balance even if account is frozen!
   double GetBalance() { return balance; }

   // account only valid if not in debt!
   virtual bool valid()
      // if we know the object is invalid from a previous error,
      // object is still invalid (in this case, account still frozen)
      if (!ValidatedObject::valid())
         return false;

      // freeze account by invalidating object if in debt
      if (balance < 0)}
         return false;
         return true;

   // these operations work only if the account is not frozen
   void deposit(unsigned double amt)
      validate(); // call to validate will throw if object not valid
      balance += amt;

   double withdraw(unsigned double amt)
      validate(); // call to validate will throw if object not valid
      // can withdraw up to how much we have left in the account
      double amtWithdrawn = (balance - amt >= 0 ? amt : balance);
      balance -= amtWithdrawn;
      return amtWithdrawn; // return actual amount withdrawn

   // called by creditors to make bank pay! Account could get frozen here!
   // assume bank always pays creditors even if account is frozen
   // calls to any other MoneyAccount methods should properly discover
   // any new debt and thus freeze account
   void pay_creditors(unsigned double amt) { balance -= amt; }

void IWillThrow()
   // create account and then perform some transactions
   MoneyAccount acct(200.00);
   // uh oh ... now creditors take my money away, my account is frozen

   // now trying to do something with my frozen account will throw ValidityException

int main()
       // call our method which throws
   catch (RootException &ex)
       // can also say: cout << ex << endl;
       // operator<<() for RootExceptions just streams out what()
       cout << ex.what() << endl;
   return 0; // won't reach here ... exception thrown above

Model of

Standard C++ library exception.

Public base classes



Member Where defined Description
ValidityException(const string &meth, const string &obType, Revalidation reval = NONE_TRIED) ValidityException Constructor which takes a specific method where the exception is being thrown from and a stringified version of the type of the object where validation failed.
virtual const char* what() const throw() ValidityException Overrides behavior in RootException. Returns a C string describing the exception, including the method it was thrown in, the type of the object where validation failed, and what type of exception was thrown. Subclasses do and may override what() based on their needs. See Note [1] in class RootException.
virtual const TCHAR* twhat() const throw() ValidityException Returns a pointer to a TCHAR describing the exception, including the method it was thrown in, the error message describing why it was thrown, and what type of exception was thrown. Subclasses do and may override twhat() based on their needs. See Note [1] in RootException. This is useful for returning unicode error messages. See Unicode documentation.
friend wostream &operator<<(wostream &o, const RootException &ex) RootException Note that this is a friend function, and not a member. Streams out ex.twhat() to o. As twhat() is virtual, the appropriate version of that method will be called for ex.
friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &o, const RootException &ex) RootException Note that this is a friend function, and not a member. Streams out ex.what() to o. As what() is virtual, the appropriate version of that method will be called for ex.



See also

RootException, ValidatedObject.

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Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. Corwin Joy and Michael Gradman make no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.

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