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My favorite (printed) textbook on mathematical
logic, since many years:
to Mathematical Logic",
by Elliott
In preparation (however, already for 1-3
years, Sections 1, 2, 3.1-3.4, 4.1-4.3, 5.1-5.5 have been
used successfully in a real course for computer science
students). |
Introduction to Mathematical Logic
Hyper-textbook for students
by Vilnis Detlovs, Dr. Math.,
and Karlis Podnieks, Dr. Math.
University of Latvia
Sections 1, 2, 3 represent
an extended translation of the corresponding chapters of
the book: V.Detlovs, Elements of Mathematical
Logic, Riga, University of Latvia, 1964, 252 pp.
( in Latvian). With kind permission of Dr. Detlovs.
�This work is
licensed under a Creative Commons License and is copyrighted � 2000-2004 by �us, Vilnis
Detlovs and Karlis Podnieks. |
Latvian glossary
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction.
What is logic, really?
1.1. Total formalization is
1.2. First order languages
1.3. Axioms of logic: minimal
system, constructive system and classical system
1.4. The flavour of proving
1.5. Deduction theorems
2. Propositional
2.1. Proving formulas
containing implication only
2.2. Proving formulas
containing conjunction
2.3. Proving formulas
containing disjunction
2.4. Formulas containing
negation - minimal logic
2.5. Formulas containing
negation - constructive logic
2.6. Formulas containing
negation - classical logic
2.7. Constructive embedding.
Glivenko's theorem
2.8. Axiom independence.
Using computers in mathematical proofs
3. Predicate logic
3.1. Proving formulas
containing quantifiers and implication only
3.2. Formulas
containing negations and a single quantifier
3.3. Proving formulas
containing conjunction and disjunction
3.4. Replacement theorems
3.5. Constructive embedding
4. Completeness
theorems (model theory)
4.1. Interpretations
4.2. Classical propositional logic
- truth tables
4.3. Classical predicate logic -
Goedel's completeness theorem
4.4. Constructive propositional
logic - Kripke semantics
4.5. Constructive predicate logic - Kripke semantics
5. Normal forms.
Resolution method
5.1. Prenex normal form
5.2. Conjunctive and
disjunctive normal forms
5.3. Skolem normal form
5.4. Clause form
5.5. Resolution method for
propositional formulas
5.6. Herbrand's theorem
5.7. Resolution method for
predicate formulas
6. Complexity and unsolvability
6.1. Classical propositional logic - complexity
6.2. Classical predicate logic - unsolvability
6.3. Constructive propositional logic - complexity
6.2. Constructive predicate logic - unsolvability
7. Miscellaneous
7.1. Negation as contradiction or
7.2. Finite interpretations - Trakhtenbrot's theorem
7.3. Principle of duality
7.4. Set algebra
7.5. Switching circuits
7.6. Kolmogorov interpretation
7.7. Markov' s principle
8. References
Burris S.N. [1998]
Logic for Mathematics and Computer Science, Prentice Hall,
1998, 425 pp. (see also online Supplementary
Text to this book)
D., Bernays
P. [1934]
Grundlagen der Mathematik. Vol. I, Berlin, 1934, 471 pp.
(Russian translation available)
S.C. [1952]
Introduction to Metamathematics. Van Nostrand, 1952 (Russian
translation available)
Kleene S.C. [1967]
Mathematical Logic. John Wiley & Sons, 1967 (Russian
translation available)
Mendelson E.
Introduction to Mathematical Logic. Fourth Edition.
International Thomson Publishing, 1997, 440 pp. (Russian
translation available)
mathematical logic, tutorial, what is logic,
logic, mathematical, online, hyper-text, web, book, textbook,
teaching, learning, study, student, Podnieks, Karlis, Detlovs,
Vilnis, introduction, students, hypertext, text, hyper, free,