Berkeley Lab M-VIA and MVICH Downloads
Welcome to the Berkeley Lab M-VIA and MVICH download information page.
About The Berkeley Lab M-VIA and MVICH License
The Berkeley Lab M-VIA and MVICH software are distributed in source
form, and are covered by the Berkeley Lab M-VIA
and MVICH License, which is similar in spirit to the BSD
license. Both M-VIA and MVICH can can be modified and
redistributed, for personal and commercial use.
M-VIA and MVICH were developed under U.S. Government contract at Lawrence
Berkeley National Lab.
It is our intent to make M-VIA and MVICH as useful as possible, and we
believe the license accomplishes that.
We have compiled answers to a list of frequently asked questions
about the license.
If you have additional questions or concerns about the license,
please write to [email protected].
About registration.
You fill out your name and contact information and certify that it's
correct and that you accept the license. We need this information to
be able to certify that we're not shipping the software to "rogue
states". The information will be used only internally, by the
University of California, which runs Berkeley Lab.
After you register and agree to the license terms, we give you a
URL to the download page. This URL contains essentially a cookie that
says you've already registered. It's valid only from the host you
originally registered from, and it's valid for 1 year.
Ready to download?
Go to the Berkeley Lab M-VIA and MVICH
Registration Page.