Conditional branch

	Bcc -- Conditional branch

	Bcc	<label>

	Size = (Byte, Word, Long*)

	* 68020+ only

	If condition true then program execution continues at:
	(PC) + offset.
	PC value is instruction address more two.
	Offset is the relative value in bytes which separate Bcc instruction
	of mentioned label.
	Condition code 'cc' specifies one of the following:
0000 F  False            Z = 1      1000 VC oVerflow Clear   V = 0
0001 T  True             Z = 0      1001 VS oVerflow Set     V = 1
0010 HI HIgh             C + Z = 0  1010 PL PLus             N = 0
0011 LS Low or Same      C + Z = 1  1011 MI MInus            N = 1
0100 CC Carry Clear      C = 0      1100 GE Greater or Equal N (+) V = 0
0101 CS Carry Set        C = 1      1101 LT Less Than        N (+) V = 1
0110 NE Not Equal        Z = 0      1110 GT Greater Than     Z + (N (+) V) = 0
0111 EQ EQual            Z = 1      1111 LE Less or Equal    Z + (N (+) V) = 1

	|15 |14 |13 |12 |11 |10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
	| 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 |   CONDITION   |         8 BITS OFFSET         |
	|            16 BITS OFFSET, IF 8 BITS OFFSET = $00             |
	|            32 BITS OFFSET, IF 8 BITS OFFSET = $FF             |


	BRA  DBcc Scc 

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