Some notes about 020+
Most of 020 cycletimes are same than on 030; haven't found any differenties.
clr.l -(a0)
clr.l -(a0)
is 25% faster than
clr.l (a0)+
clr.l (a0)+
move.l (a0,d0.l) is faster than
move.l (a0,d0.w)
same with adda.w <-> adda.l etc.
move.b d0,-(a7) will decrease a7 with 2!
Never use those silly #xx,([a0]) new modes, they are slower than
move.l (a0),a0
move.l #xx,(a0) you have no extra spare registers, but... that's rare.
Time-optimizing on A1200 is more sparing BUS than CPU; the CHIP RAM
is just too slow.. Remember to adjust your WRITES to CHIP; Adjusting
memory READS wont do you no good. (Naturally, how could computer keep
going on without knowing have we read something we're using?)
Interrupts are deadly slow, try to figure out something better.. like
Copper ;-) Just plain movem*2, Trap and RTE will take HUGE amount of
movem.l all,-(sp)
movem.l (sp)+,all
will take about 80 Cycles... okey, why use all regs ;-)
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