LOAD of an entry in the ATC (PRIVILEGED)

	PLOAD -- Load of an entry in the ATC (PRIVILEGED)

	PLOADR	<FC>,<ea>
	PLOADW	<FC>,<ea>
	No size specs.

	Those instructions are used to load in the ATC (PMMU cache), one entry
	following to logic specified <ea>. A research in table  is made for
	this cache modification and attributes of final descriptor are updated
	(bits U and M for PLOADW, bits U for PLOADR) according to the executed
	instruction. PLOADR makes a loading of an entry in the ATC, as if a
	read cycle was made. PLOADW makes a loading of an entry in the ATC,
	as if a write cycle was made.

	The status register of the PMMU, MMUSR, isn't affected by this

	<FC> operand can be mentioned:
	�in immediate.
	�by the three lower bits of a data register.
	�by the register SFC or DFC.

	|15 |14 |13 |12 |11 |10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
	| 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |    MODE   | REGISTER  |
	| 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |R/W| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |         FC        | 

	R/W field indicates type of access used for research:
	0->write access.
	1->read access.

	FC field indicates value of Function Codes of the entry to

	10XXX	The Function Codes are XXX.
	01DDD	The Function Codes are the bits 2 to 0 of a DDD data register.
	0000	The Function Codes are specified in SFC.
	0001	The Function Codes are specified in DFC.

	<ea> specifies logic address to load, allowed addressing modes are:
	--------------------------------- -------------------------------
	|Addressing Mode|Mode| Register | |Addressing Mode|Mode|Register|
	|-------------------------------| |-----------------------------|
	|      Dn       | -  |    -     | |    Abs.W      |111 |  000   |
	|-------------------------------| |-----------------------------|
	|      An       | -  |    -     | |    Abs.L      |111 |  001   |
	|-------------------------------| |-----------------------------|
	|     (An)      |010 |N� reg. An| |   (d16,PC)    | -  |   -    |
	|-------------------------------| |-----------------------------|
	|     (An)+     | -  |    -     | |   (d8,PC,Xi)  | -  |   -    |
	|-------------------------------| |-----------------------------|
	|    -(An)      | -  |    -     | |   (bd,PC,Xi)  | -  |   -    |
	|-------------------------------| |-----------------------------|
	|    (d16,An)   |101 |N� reg. An| |([bd,PC,Xi],od)| -  |   -    |
	|-------------------------------| |-----------------------------|
	|   (d8,An,Xi)  |110 |N� reg. An| |([bd,PC],Xi,od)| -  |   -    |
	|-------------------------------| |-----------------------------|
	|   (bd,An,Xi)  |110 |N� reg. An| |    #data      | -  |   -    |
	|-------------------------------| -------------------------------
	|([bd,An,Xi]od) |110 |N� reg. An|
	|([bd,An],Xi,od)|110 |N� reg. An|

	Not affected.


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