JMP, JSR, LEA, PEA and MOVEM Instruction Execution Times

This Table indicates the number of clock periods required for the jump,
jump-to-subroutine, load effective address, push effective address and
move multiple registers instructions. The number of bus read and write 
cycles is shown in parenthesis as (r/w).

	JMP, JSR, LEA, PEA and MOVEM Instruction Execution Times

instr	size	(An)		(An)+		-(An)	d(An)	
JMP	-	  8(2/0)	   -		  -	10(2/0)
JSR	-	 16(2/2)	   -		  -	18(2/2)
LEA	-	  4(1/0)	   -		  -	 8(2/0)
PEA	-	 12(1/2)	   -		  -	16(2/2)
MOVEM	word	   12+4n	   12+4n	  -	  16+4n
M->R		 (3+n/0)	 (3+n/0)	  -	(4+n/0)
	long	   12+8n	   12+8n	  -	  16+8n
		(3+2n/0)	(3+2n/0)	  -    (4+2n/0)
MOVEM	word	    8+4n	   -		  8+4n	  12+4n
R->M		   (2/n)	   -		 (2/n)	  (3/n)
	long	    8+8n	   -		  8+8n	  12+8n
		  (2/2n)	   -		(2/2n)	 (3/2n)

instr	size	d(An,ix)+   xxx.W      xxx.L      d(PC)      d(PC,ix)*
JMP	 -	 14(3/0)    10(2/0)    12(3/0)	  10(2/0)    14(3/0)
JSR	 -	 22(2/2)    18(2/2)    20(3/2)	  18(2/2)    22(2/2)
LEA	 -	 12(2/0)     8(2/0)    12(3/0)	   8(2/0)    12(2/0)
PEA	 -	 20(2/2)    16(2/2)    20(3/2)	  16(2/2)    20(2/2)
MOVEM	word	   18+4n      16+4n      20+4n	    16+4n      18+4n
M->R		 (4+n/0)    (4+n/0)    (5+n/0)	  (4+n/0)    (4+n/0)
	long	   18+8n      16+8n      20+8n	    16+8n      18+8n
		(4+2n/0)   (4+2n/0)   (5+2n/0)	 (4+2n/0)   (4+2n/0)
MOVEM	word	   14+4n      12+4n      16+4n	    -		-
R->M		   (3/n)      (3/n)      (4/n)	    -		-
	long	   14+8n      12+8n      16+8n	    -		-
		  (3/2n)     (3/2n)     (4/2n)	    -		-

n is the number of registers to move
* is the size of the index register (ix) does not affect the instruction's
  execution time

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