Specificational Instruction Execution Times
This table indicates the number of clock periods for the conditional
instructions. The number of read and write cycles is shown in parenthesis
as (r/w). The number of clock periods and the number of read and write
cycles must be added respectively to those of the effective address
calculation where indicated.
Conditional Instruction Execution Times
instruction displacement branch branch
taken not taken
Bcc byte 10(2/0) 8(1/0)
word 10(2/0) 12(1/0)
BRA byte 10(2/0) -
word 10(2/0) -
BSR byte 18(2/2) -
word 18(2/2) -
DBcc CC true - 12(2/0)
CC false 10(2/0) 14(3/0)
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