[Webfunds-commits] java/webfunds/sox Utils.java
Jeroen C. van Gelderen
[email protected]
Tue, 29 Aug 2000 22:12:41 -0400 (AST)
gelderen 00/08/29 22:12:41
Modified: webfunds/sox Utils.java
Lobotomize some example functions that have their tentacles into crypto.
Revision Changes Path
1.19 +7 -49 java/webfunds/sox/Utils.java
Index: Utils.java
RCS file: /home/webfunds/cvsroot/java/webfunds/sox/Utils.java,v
retrieving revision 1.18
retrieving revision 1.19
diff -u -r1.18 -r1.19
--- Utils.java 2000/08/17 18:17:46 1.18
+++ Utils.java 2000/08/30 02:12:41 1.19
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * $Id: Utils.java,v 1.18 2000/08/17 18:17:46 iang Exp $
+ * $Id: Utils.java,v 1.19 2000/08/30 02:12:41 gelderen Exp $
* Copyright (c) Systemics Ltd 1995-1999 on behalf of
* the WebFunds Development Team. All Rights Reserved.
@@ -183,53 +183,11 @@
* Don't try and do public key on this!
- public static PublicKey examplePublicKey()
- {
- byte[] nData = exampleData(50);
- nData[0] &= 0x7F; // positive!
- byte[] risky = "NSABackdoorKey".getBytes();
- for (int i = 0; i < risky.length; i++)
- nData[i+4] = risky[i];
- byte[] eData = exampleData(2);
- eData[0] &= 0x7F; // positive!
- java.math.BigInteger n;
- java.math.BigInteger e;
- try {
- n = new java.math.BigInteger(nData);
- e = new java.math.BigInteger(eData);
- } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
- throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage());
- }
- PublicKey pk;
- pk = (PublicKey)new cryptix.provider.rsa.RawRSAPublicKey(n, e);
- return pk;
- }
- // Hmm, this doesn't actually work, cryptix barfs.
- public static PrivateKey examplePrivateKey()
- {
- byte[] dData = exampleData(50);
- dData[0] &= 0x7F; // positive!
- byte[] pData = "SubliminalChannel".getBytes();
- byte[] qData = exampleData(20);
- qData[0] &= 0x7F; // positive!
- byte[] uData = "BXAApproved".getBytes();
- java.math.BigInteger d, p, q, u;
- try {
- d = new java.math.BigInteger(dData);
- p = new java.math.BigInteger(pData);
- q = new java.math.BigInteger(qData);
- u = new java.math.BigInteger(uData);
- } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
- throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage());
- }
- PrivateKey pk;
- pk = (PrivateKey)new cryptix.provider.rsa.RawRSAPrivateKey(d, p, q, u);
- return pk;
+ public static PublicKey examplePublicKey() {
+ throw new RuntimeException("No crypto here!");
+ }
+ public static PrivateKey examplePrivateKey() {
+ throw new RuntimeException("No crypto here!");