[Webfunds-commits] html/guide Intertrader.html
Ian Grigg
[email protected]
Tue, 20 Jun 2000 05:57:05 -0400 (AST)
iang 00/06/20 05:57:05
Modified: download zip_README.html
Added: guide Intertrader.html
checkpoint for next release
Revision Changes Path
1.20 +1 -1 html/download/zip_README.html
Index: zip_README.html
RCS file: /home/webfunds/cvsroot/html/download/zip_README.html,v
retrieving revision 1.19
retrieving revision 1.20
diff -u -r1.19 -r1.20
--- zip_README.html 2000/05/26 15:02:34 1.19
+++ zip_README.html 2000/06/20 09:57:04 1.20
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@
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1.1 html/guide/Intertrader.html
Index: Intertrader.html
The source is in the download on www.webfunds.org.
Ricardo terminology follows.
An Application is a programme that does something. For example,
<b>WebFunds</b> is a user client that can hold different
<a href="#wallet">wallets</a>,
and can use the payment technologies within in a sensible fashion.
<b>Teller</b> is a merchant application that can receive
requests to deposit incoming payments and requests to write outgoing
payments. It only works with one wallet, being the SOX Wallet.
<b>CashBox</b> is an <a href="http://www.intertrader.com/">Intertrader</a>
Payments management system that
works with many wallets (which they call Instruments). It
has a client side downloadable application and a merchant
side payments manager.
<h2><a name="wallet">Wallet</a></h2>
A Wallet is a module offering payments of a particular type
and technology. E.g., SOX wallet can do SOX payments and deposits.
There are two other wallets in preparation for WebFunds: a DBS wallet
using Wagner blinding, and a trading wallet. Both of these are
likely to be extensions of the SOX Wallet.
Each Wallet conforms to the interface located in
In the case of the SOX wallet, the module is at
The SOX Wallet will probably change to insert a GUI-free wallet
(and internal interface) in something
like <tt>webfunds/soxwallet</tt> or <tt>webfunds/sox/wallet</tt>.
Then, the original SOXWallet will add the GUI stuff to the new
GUI-free wallet. This is a precondition for non-GUI exporters
working with SOX (merchant applications like Teller and CashBox).
<h2>Item, Contract, Instrument</h2>
These terms may sometimes mean the same thing:
<b>item</b> is a SOX value identifier (byte array), literally, the
field in the SOX payment or the SOX sub account that identifies
value type.
<b>contract</b> is a Ricardian contract, the hash of which is used as
an item (SHA1). WebFunds assumes that all value, regardless of the
wallet, is identified by a Ricardian contract. So, if we were to
add a form of value that was distinct, say, smart card money, then
we may have to write some contract wrappers to keep WebFunds happy
with its assumption.
<b>instrument</b> is a financially traded ricardian contract, as opposed
to a contract that is not traded, or outside the trading context.
So, DigiGold might be an instrument, a contract, and an item,
depending on the context..
<h2>Some Intertrader Terminology</h2>
We have some words that are swapped with Intertrader usage.
<table border=5>
<tr bgcolor="#00FF00">
<td><i>Ricardo</i> <td><i>Intertrader</i>
<td>application <td>wallet
<td>wallet <td>instrument
<td>instrument (contract) <td>currency (payer?), instrument (payee?)