[Webfunds-commits] java/webfunds/util Log.java
Ian Grigg
[email protected]
Thu, 12 Apr 2001 00:42:51 -0400 (AST)
iang 01/04/12 00:42:51
Added: webfunds/util Log.java
rewritten debug module, extends from PrintWriter, is intermediate
class on path to proper diagnostics regime, all debuggers should use
for now.
Revision Changes Path
1.1 java/webfunds/util/Log.java
Index: Log.java
* Copyright (c) 2001 Systemics Inc on behalf of
* the WebFunds Development Team. All Rights Reserved.
package webfunds.util;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
* Provide a diagnostics and errors log class for classes to write to.
* Extends from PrintWriter as a migration strategy.
public class Log
extends PrintWriter
* @param num is an error code, undefined here,
* extending classes to define
public Log(PrintWriter pw) { super(pw, true); }
public Log(PrintWriter pw, boolean b) { super(pw, true); }
public Log() { super(System.err, true); }
public void println(String s) { super.println(s); }
public void print(String s) { super.print(s); }
* All following methods to go later on.
public boolean checkError() { throw new Panic("checkError"); }
public void close() { throw new Panic("close"); }
//public void flush() { throw new Panic("flush"); }
public void print(boolean b) { throw new Panic("boolean"); }
public void print(char c) { throw new Panic("char"); }
public void print(char[] s) { throw new Panic("char[]"); }
public void print(double d) { throw new Panic("double"); }
public void print(float f) { throw new Panic("float"); }
public void print(int i) { throw new Panic("int"); }
public void print(long l) { throw new Panic("long"); }
public void print(Object obj) { throw new Panic("Object"); }
//public void println() { throw new Panic("NL"); }
public void println(boolean x) { throw new Panic("boolean"); }
public void println(char x) { throw new Panic("char"); }
public void println(char[] x) { throw new Panic("char[]"); }
public void println(double x) { throw new Panic("double"); }
public void println(float x) { throw new Panic("float"); }
public void println(int x) { throw new Panic("int"); }
public void println(long x) { throw new Panic("long"); }
public void println(Object x) { throw new Panic("Object"); }
//public void write(char[] buf) { throw new Panic("char[]"); }
//public void write(char[] buf,int off,int len) { throw new Panic("ch[],i,l"); }
//public void write(int c) { throw new Panic("int"); }
//public void write(String s) { throw new Panic("String"); }
//public void write(String s,int off,int len) { throw new Panic("String,i,l"); }