[Webfunds-commits] java/webfunds/sox/value ValueManager.java
Ian Grigg
[email protected]
Thu, 12 Apr 2001 00:52:59 -0400 (AST)
iang 01/04/12 00:52:58
Modified: webfunds/sox/value ValueManager.java
Tightened up definition of exceptions, DepositEx is now expected,
PaymentEx means the AP is junk. Still not clear how to handle the
marginal cases.
Revision Changes Path
1.6 +58 -10 java/webfunds/sox/value/ValueManager.java
Index: ValueManager.java
RCS file: /home/webfunds/cvsroot/java/webfunds/sox/value/ValueManager.java,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -r1.5 -r1.6
--- ValueManager.java 2001/04/10 20:14:20 1.5
+++ ValueManager.java 2001/04/12 04:52:57 1.6
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $Id: ValueManager.java,v 1.5 2001/04/10 20:14:20 iang Exp $
+/* $Id: ValueManager.java,v 1.6 2001/04/12 04:52:57 iang Exp $
* Copyright (c) Systemics Inc. 1995-2000 on behalf of
* The WebFunds Development Team. All Rights Reserved.
@@ -24,12 +24,12 @@
import webfunds.store.Store;
import webfunds.store.StoreException;
-import webfunds.store.SepFileStore;
import webfunds.sox.Account;
import webfunds.sox.AccountId;
import webfunds.sox.ArmouredPayment;
import webfunds.sox.Crypto;
+import webfunds.sox.Errors;
import webfunds.sox.ServerFinder;
import webfunds.sox.ItemId;
import webfunds.sox.MailId;
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
* (Was the SOXWallet -- attempt to separate and make simple!)
- * @version $Revision: 1.5 $
+ * @version $Revision: 1.6 $
public class ValueManager
extends Debug
@@ -470,7 +470,6 @@
"Payment no good: " + ex);
-logmsg("Payment Created::::: " + payment);
savePaymentAsPending(src, payment);
return payment ;
@@ -814,13 +813,21 @@
* @param desc description
* @param idempotentId is suggested id for deposit, ignored if null/empty
+ * @throw DepositException if the payment turns out to be invalid for
+ * some reason that is understood and expected at the user level
+ * @throw PaymentException if the payment is faulty for technical reasons,
+ * the payment target is junk (entered as field in dialog?),
+ * other payment paramaters were faulty (treat with suspicion).
* @throw AccountException if the target account does not exist, or
- * does not include the item as a subaccount
+ * does not include the item as a subaccount, or
+ * some other unexpected problem is detected (possible bug).
public Receipt deposit(AbstractPayment pay, AccountId accountid,
byte[] desc, String idempotentId)
- throws DepositException, AccountException
+ throws DepositException, PaymentException, AccountException
+ // throws AccountException if unknown item
ValueAccount val = getKnownValueAccount(accountid, pay.getItem());
String choice = val.getAccount().getName();
@@ -835,13 +842,39 @@
try {
mails = val.deposit(pay, new String(desc), idempotentId);
- } catch (SOXDepositException ex) { // webfunds.sox.Errors
+ } catch (SOXDepositException ex) { // routine payment errors
throw new DepositException(ex.getNumber(), ex.getMessage());
} catch (SOXLaterException ex) {
throw new DepositException(ex.getNumber(), ex.getMessage());
- } catch (SOXSubAccountException ex) { // negative
+ } catch (SOXSubAccountException ex) { // abnormalities
+ int err = ex.getNumber();
+ String error = ex.getMessage();
+ /*
+ * Anything that is to do with the payment is not
+ * our problem, caller supplied junk, and should
+ * have checked more carefully.
+ * For example, a junk target is probably a coding
+ * in the original payment dialog.
+ * What it means here is that there is no need to
+ * print a stacktrace at this level, but caller
+ * should treat this payment with suspicion.
+ */
+ if (
+ (err == Errors.ERROR_NOT_A_PAYMENT) ||
+ (err == Errors.ERROR_PAYMENT_NOT_SIGNED) ||
+ (err == Errors.ERROR_NOT_AN_ITEM) ||
+ (err == Errors.ERROR_NOT_A_QUANTITY) ||
+ ((err==Errors.ERROR_NOT_TARGET_KHID) && !pay.isOpen()) ||
+ (err == Errors.ERROR_ILLEGAL_PID) ||
+ (err == Errors.ERROR_NOT_PROTO) ||
+ (err == Errors.ERROR_NOT_TOKEN) ||
+ false
+ )
+ throw new PaymentException(err, ex.getMessage());
- throw new DepositException(ex.getNumber(), ex.getMessage());
+ throw new AccountException(ex.getNumber(), ex.getMessage());
} catch (SOXArgsException ex) {
@@ -869,7 +902,7 @@
String s = checkReceipt(mails[0], pss, ptt, item, qty);
if (s != null)
/// hmmm this is really a SubAccount failure, should never happen
- throw new DepositException(SOXSubAccountException.NO_RECEIPT);
+ throw new AccountException(SOXSubAccountException.NO_RECEIPT);
internalUpdate(val, mails);
@@ -967,6 +1000,7 @@
* Cancel a Payment (pid) within a SubAccount.
* And call the update. For high-level user programs.
+ * On return, the pid is cancelled for the named subaccount.
public void cancel(AccountId accountid, ItemId item, String pid)
throws CancelException, AccountException
@@ -1182,6 +1216,17 @@
// } catch (SOXLaterException ex) {
// return try_again_later;
// } catch (SOXSubAccountException e) {
+ } catch (SOXDepositException ex) {
+ int err = ex.getNumber();
+ if (err == Errors.ERROR_CANCELLED)
+ logmsg(pid + " cancelled already!");
+ else
+ {
+ logmsg("cancel " + pid + " failed: " + ex);
+ ex.printStackTrace(err());
+ }
+ throw new CancelException(err, ex.getMessage());
} catch (SOXException ex) {
throw new CancelException(CancelException.INTERNAL,
@@ -1397,10 +1442,10 @@
} catch (SOXSubAccountException ex) {
- throw new AccountException("EX?: " + ex);
+ throw new AccountException("SubEx: " + ex);
} catch (SOXAccountException ex) {
- throw new AccountException("EX?: " + ex);
+ throw new AccountException("AcEx: " + ex);
@@ -1533,7 +1578,10 @@
mails = sub.update(confirms);
if (mails == null || (mails.length == 0))
+ {
+ logmsg("for(;;;) update cycle complete");
return ;
+ }
logmsg("for(;" + i + "<4; ++) on " + mails.length + " mails");