[Webfunds-commits] java/webfunds/utils VersionNumbers.java
Ian Grigg
[email protected]
Sat, 14 Apr 2001 13:48:01 -0400 (AST)
iang 01/04/14 13:48:00
Added: webfunds/util VersionNumbers.java
Removed: webfunds/utils VersionNumbers.java
moved into utils
Revision Changes Path
1.1 java/webfunds/util/VersionNumbers.java
Index: VersionNumbers.java
* $Id: VersionNumbers.java,v 1.1 2001/04/14 17:48:00 iang Exp $
* Copyright (c) 2001 Systemics Inc on behalf of
* the WebFunds Development Team. All Rights Reserved.
package webfunds.util;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Enumeration;
// import webfunds.util.Log;
* Work out version numbers embedded in file names.
* A version number is a series of {dash number}
* where there is a leading dash and all numbers
* are separated by dash.
* -1
* -1-2-3
* The version number must be the last component in the string.
* Note that plugins and wallets use this code.
* @return a list of latest-version plugin directories.
public class VersionNumbers
static Log bug;
static void logmsg(String s) { if (bug != null) bug.println(s); }
* Note that plugins and wallets use this code.
* @return a list of latest-version plugin directories.
static public String[] getListOfAddOns(File dir)
bug = null;
return getList(dir);
* Note that plugins and wallets use this code.
* @return a list of latest-version plugin directories.
static public String[] getListOfAddOns(File dir, Log callerBug)
bug = callerBug;
return getList(dir);
* XXX: Deprecated
static public String[] getListOfAddOns(File dir, PrintWriter callerBug)
bug = new Log(callerBug);
return getList(dir);
static protected void checkOutDirectory(File dir)
logmsg("directory: " + dir + " list is null");
logmsg("absolute path: " + dir.getAbsolutePath());
if (!dir.exists())
logmsg("version directory: " + dir + " is non existant");
if (!dir.isDirectory())
logmsg("version directory: " + dir + " is not a directory");
if (!dir.canRead())
logmsg("version directory: " + dir + " is not readable");
String pp = dir.getParent();
logmsg("pp is " + pp);
if (pp == null)
pp = ".";
File parent = new File(pp);
if (!parent.exists())
logmsg("parent directory: " + parent + " is non existant");
return ;
if (!parent.isDirectory())
logmsg("parent directory: " + parent + " is not a directory");
String[] list = parent.list();
if (list == null || (list.length == 0))
logmsg("parent directory: " + parent + " has no list "+list);
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
logmsg(" ++++ " + i + " " + list[i]);
if (!parent.canRead())
logmsg("parent directory: " + parent + " is not readable");
static protected String[] getList(File dir)
String[] list = dir.list();
if (list == null) // means "not a directory" or "IO error"
return new String[0] ;
Vector victor = new Vector();
// There is a directory per plugin here.
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
String product = list[i];
File pugDir = new File(dir, product);
if (!pugDir.isDirectory())
continue ;
//logmsg(" dir " + product);
// There is a directory per version within each plugin.
String[] versions = pugDir.list();
String thisOne = null;
String thisName = null;
for (int j = 0; j < versions.length; j++)
// Each name is of the form name-i-j-k.
// The first dash signifies the start of the 3 component
// version code.
String name = versions[j];
int dash = name.indexOf("-");
if (dash < 0 || dash > (name.length() - 1))
logmsg("no dash, skipping " + name);
continue ;
String vers = name.substring(dash + 1);
if (vers == null || vers.equals(""))
logmsg("no version, skipping " + name);
continue ;
logmsg(" " + name + " gives " + vers);
boolean isBetter;
try {
isBetter = isGreater(vers, thisOne);
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
ex = null; // jikes
logmsg("not valid version: " + name);
continue ;
if (isBetter)
logmsg(" raising " + name);
thisOne = vers;
thisName = name;
if (thisName != null)
victor.addElement(product + File.separator + thisName);
logmsg(" " + dir + " has no version directory?");
int siz = victor.size();
//logmsg(" found " + siz + "!");
String[] found = new String[siz];
Enumeration e = victor.elements();
for (int k = 0; k < siz; k++)
found[k] = (String)e.nextElement();
//logmsg("adding ... " + found[k]);}
if (e.hasMoreElements())
throw new RuntimeException("more elements in vector");
return found ;
* is one greater than two?
* Empty string or null counts as version -1.
* @return true if one is a more recent version than two, else false
public static boolean isGreater(String one, String two)
throws NumberFormatException
if (two == null)
return true ;
if (one == null)
return false ;
int[] oneV = getVersionsFromString(one);
//System.err.println("test " + one + ": " + oneV.length);
//if (oneV.length > 0) System.err.println(" " + "<<" + oneV[0] + ">>");
int[] twoV = getVersionsFromString(two);
//System.err.println(" " + two + ": " + twoV.length);
//if (twoV.length > 0) System.err.println(" " + "<<" + twoV[0] + ">>");
int min = (oneV.length < twoV.length) ? oneV.length : twoV.length;
for (int i = 0; i < min; i++)
if (oneV[i] > twoV[i])
return true ;
if (oneV[i] < twoV[i])
return false ;
if (oneV.length >= twoV.length)
return true ;
return false;
* Looks for the first dash '-' and then looks for a triplet
* of numbers after that, something like 1.2.3 or 3-2-1.
* @return list of ints that correspond to this version
public static int[] getVersionsFromString(String versionString)
throws NumberFormatException
Vector vv = new Vector();
int i = 0;
int dashes = 0;
int len = versionString.length();
//logmsg(" len == " + len);
while (i < len)
if (versionString.regionMatches(i, "-", 0, 1) ||
versionString.regionMatches(i, ".", 0, 1))
//logmsg(" skipping dash");
continue ;
int end = versionString.indexOf("-", i); // dash separated or dot
if (end < 0)
end = versionString.indexOf(".", i); // might not work on M$
if (end < 0)
end = len;
String num = versionString.substring(i, end);
//logmsg(" found " + num);
i = end;
int[] found = new int[vv.size()];
//logmsg(" count == " + vv.size());
Enumeration e = vv.elements();
for (int k = 0; k < found.length; k++)
String s = (String)e.nextElement();
//logmsg(" got == " + s);
int v = new Integer(s).intValue();
found[k] = v;
if (e.hasMoreElements())
throw new RuntimeException("more elements in vector");
return found ;
* Test the comparisons.
public static void main(String[] arg)
bug = new Log();
if (arg.length > 0)
File d = new File(arg[0]);
String[] found = getList(d);
for (int i = 0; i < found.length; i++)
logmsg(i + ": " + found[i]);
System.exit (0) ;
check(false, "", "0");
check(false, null, "0");
check(true, "4", "");
check(true, "4", null);
check(false, "1", "2");
check(false, "1", "2");
check(false, "2-5", "3");
check(true, "5", "4");
check(true, "7", "6-8");
check(true, "1-2-0", "1-2");
checkEx("a", "1");
checkEx("1a", "1");
checkEx("a1", "1");
checkEx("-a1", "1");
checkEx("-1-a", "1");
checkEx("-1-a-", "1");
checkEx("-1-a-1", "1");
* throws an Ex if false.
public static void check(boolean result, String one, String two)
boolean b = isGreater(one, two);
if (b != result)
throw new RuntimeException(one + " > " + two + " is " + b);
* Must throw an exception.
public static void checkEx(String one, String two)
boolean b;
try {
b = isGreater(one, two);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
ex = null;
return ;
throw new RuntimeException(one + " > " + two + " is " + b);