[Webfunds-commits] java/webfunds/token TokenTest.java
Edwin Woudt
[email protected]
Fri, 5 Jan 2001 03:40:16 -0400 (AST)
edwin 01/01/05 03:40:16
Added: webfunds/token TokenTest.java
Simple tests.
Revision Changes Path
1.1 java/webfunds/token/TokenTest.java
Index: TokenTest.java
/* $Id: TokenTest.java,v 1.1 2001/01/05 07:40:15 edwin Exp $
* Copyright (c) Systemics Ltd 2000 on behalf of
* the WebFunds Development Team. All Rights Reserved.
package webfunds.token;
import java.security.*;
import java.util.*;
import webfunds.token.algorithm.*;
public final class TokenTest {
// Constants
private static final long[] denominations = {1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128,
256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536, 131072, 262144,
524288, 1048576 };
private static final byte[] currencyID = "Grolsch beugels".getBytes();
private static final byte[] series = {1, 2, 3, 4};
private static final Date expiry = new Date(02, 01, 01, 00, 00, 00);
private static final SecureRandom sr = new SecureRandom();
// Step 1: generating parameters
private static byte[] pubparams, privparams;
private static PublicKey signkey;
public static void generate() throws DataFormatException, Exception {
// executed by Ivan
// Generate a DSA sign key. Normally the application would use an
// already established key for signing.
System.out.println(". random");
KeyPairGenerator gen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("DSA");
System.out.println(". DSA key");
KeyPair pair = gen.generateKeyPair();
signkey = pair.getPublic();
// The real work
System.out.println(". Chaum params");
ChaumPrivateTokenParameters params = new ChaumPrivateTokenParameters();
params.generate(sr, denominations, currencyID, series, expiry);
params.sign(pair.getPrivate(), "DSA", null, sr);
// Send this to the client
pubparams = params.encodePublicData();
// Keep this on the server
privparams = params.encodePrivateData();
// Step 2: generating prototokens on the client
private static byte[] blindedprotos, locallysaved;
public static void createprotos() throws DataFormatException, Exception {
// executed by Alice
// Decode public parameters received from the server
ChaumPublicTokenParameters params = new ChaumPublicTokenParameters();
params.decode(pubparams, 0, pubparams.length);
// Verify the signature
if (! params.verify(signkey, "DSA", null))
throw new RuntimeException("Incorrect param signature");
// Create a new blinded protocoin
ChaumProtoToken token = new ChaumProtoToken();
token.generate(sr, 4, params);
// Send this to the server for signing
blindedprotos = token.encodeBlindedProtoToken();
// Save this locally
locallysaved = token.encodeLocallySavedData();
// Step 3: server signs blinded protocoins
private static byte[] signedblinded;
public static void signblinded() throws DataFormatException, Exception {
// executed by Ivan
// Decode saved private parameters
ChaumPrivateTokenParameters params = new ChaumPrivateTokenParameters();
params.decode(privparams, 0, privparams.length);
// Verify the signature (may not be needed on the server)
if (! params.verify(signkey, "DSA", null))
throw new RuntimeException("Incorrect param signature");
// decode token received from client
ChaumBlindedToken token = new ChaumBlindedToken();
token.decode(blindedprotos, 0, blindedprotos.length);
// check if a client challenge is needed
// note: DO CHECK THIS, even if you don;t support it
if (token.needsClientChallenge())
throw new RuntimeException("Client challenge not supported");
// sign token
token.sign(sr, params);
// send this back to the client
signedblinded = token.encode();
// Step 4: client unblinds signed coins
private static byte[] coin;
public static void unblindsigned() throws DataFormatException, Exception {
// executed by Alice
// Decode public parameters received from the server
ChaumPublicTokenParameters params = new ChaumPublicTokenParameters();
params.decode(pubparams, 0, pubparams.length);
// Verify the signature
if (! params.verify(signkey, "DSA", null))
throw new RuntimeException("Incorrect param signature");
// Decode and unblind
ChaumToken token = new ChaumToken();
token.unblind(signedblinded, 0, signedblinded.length,
locallysaved, 0, locallysaved.length,
sr, params);
// Check the signature
if (! token.verifyPublic(params))
throw new RuntimeException("Incorrect token signature");
// Save this for later use
coin = token.encode();
// Step 5: client verifies paid coin
public static void transfercoinclient() throws DataFormatException, Exception {
// executed by Bob
// Decode public parameters received from the server
ChaumPublicTokenParameters params = new ChaumPublicTokenParameters();
params.decode(pubparams, 0, pubparams.length);
// Verify the signature
if (! params.verify(signkey, "DSA", null))
throw new RuntimeException("Incorrect param signature");
// Decode coin
ChaumToken token = new ChaumToken();
token.decode(coin, 0, coin.length);
// Verify coin
if (! token.verifyPublic(params))
throw new RuntimeException("Incorrect token signature");
// Now send the coin to the server for verification
// Step 6: server verifies paid coin
public static void transfercoinsserver() throws DataFormatException, Exception {
// executed by Ivan
// Decode saved private parameters
ChaumPrivateTokenParameters params = new ChaumPrivateTokenParameters();
params.decode(privparams, 0, privparams.length);
// Verify the signature (may not be needed on the server)
if (! params.verify(signkey, "DSA", null))
throw new RuntimeException("Incorrect param signature");
// Decode coin
ChaumToken token = new ChaumToken();
token.decode(coin, 0, coin.length);
// Verify coin with private parameters
if (! token.verifyPrivate(params))
throw new RuntimeException("Incorrect token signature");
// Check the following with the double spent database
byte[] unique = token.getUniqueID();
// Main method
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {