[Webfunds-commits] html/ricardo/contracts/hansa e-tender.asc e-tender.loc e-tender.txt Makefile index.html HansaBux.asc HansaBux.loc HansaBux.txt
Ian Grigg
[email protected]
Mon, 12 Mar 2001 22:20:19 -0400 (AST)
iang 01/03/12 22:20:19
Modified: ricardo/contracts/hansa Makefile index.html
Added: ricardo/contracts/hansa e-tender.asc e-tender.loc
Removed: ricardo/contracts/hansa HansaBux.asc HansaBux.loc
Trial - minted - hansa dollar
Revision Changes Path
1.2 +2 -2 html/ricardo/contracts/hansa/Makefile
Index: Makefile
RCS file: /home/webfunds/cvsroot/html/ricardo/contracts/hansa/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- Makefile 2001/01/01 15:52:14 1.1
+++ Makefile 2001/03/13 02:20:16 1.2
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
export: \
index.a \
- HansaBux.a \
- HansaBux.aa \
+ e-tender.a \
+ e-tender.aa \
1.2 +13 -12 html/ricardo/contracts/hansa/index.html
Index: index.html
RCS file: /home/webfunds/cvsroot/html/ricardo/contracts/hansa/index.html,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- index.html 2001/01/01 15:52:14 1.1
+++ index.html 2001/03/13 02:20:17 1.2
@@ -28,14 +28,14 @@
-The contracts presented below are preliminary and
-probably won't be minted as, allegedly, the lawyers
-have not had their say as yet.
+The contract presented below is currently in trial
+with users and market makers closely related to
+picoIPO and Hansa Bank.
- Prelimnary Hansa Bank US Dollar Contract:
+ Trial Hansa Bank US E-Tender Dollar Contract:
@@ -51,12 +51,12 @@
<td > LaVella </td>
<tr bgcolor="#DDFFFF">
- <td bgcolor="#DDFFFF"> <b>HansaBux</b>
- <td> <a href="HansaBux.asc">HansaBux.asc</a>
- <td> <a href="HansaBux.loc">.loc</a>
+ <td bgcolor="#DDFFFF"> <b>Dollars</b>
+ <td> <a href="e-tender.asc">e-tender.asc</a>
+ <td> <a href="e-tender.loc">.loc</a>
+ <td> <a href="http://hayek.ai:8010/ricardo/sheet?contract=SHA:bb5453cdd036a8bc14433ce525b6fcc3ac10664f">Sheet</a>
<td> <i>(reserved)</i>
<td> <i>(reserved)</i>
- <td> <i>(reserved)</i>
@@ -64,17 +64,18 @@
- The HansaBux contracts will be reserved with dollars stored
+ The Hansa Bank US E-Tender dollars contracts
+ are reserved with dollars stored
on account with the Hansa Bank. At the present time, Hansa
Bank is not displaying or making available the quantity
of reserves available at any one time, but have committed
- to doing the necessary work to display this on the web somehow.
+ to doing the necessary work to display this on the web.
As a bank, Hansa Bank is regulated by the Ministry of Finance
- in Anguilla, and audited by Ernst and Young.
- Thus, by conventional financial logic, it could be considered
+ in Anguilla, and audited by Ernst and Young's Barbados practice.
+ Thus, by conventional financial logic, it might be considered
that the reserve position is something that users could accept
on trust.
However, it is highly encouraging to see even a bank adopt
1.1 html/ricardo/contracts/hansa/e-tender.asc
Index: e-tender.asc
Hash: SHA1
; Hansa Bank US E-tender Dollars
; Being, Demand Promises to Pay in US Dollars (USD)
; As Issued by Hansa Bank & Trust Company Limited for
; microfinance and other related purposes.
definitions_dollars = *
Hansa Bank US E-tender dollars means the electronic currency,
denominated in United States of America dollars, as facilitated
by this Ricardian contract. Other dollars, which may be used as
exchange for Hansa Bank US E-tender dollars, are referred to as
Account Dollars.
definitions_ricardian_contract = *
Ricardian contracts are developed by Systemics to provide a mechanism
to accurately express any form of contractual value. More on Ricardian
contracts can be found at http://www.systemics.com/docs/ricardo/
definitions_purpose = *
The purpose of the Hansa Bank US E-tender Dollars is to facilitate the
exchange of units of monetary value securely and efficiently over the
definitions_operator = *
The Operator is responsible for the technical hosting and management
of system hardware and software and the creation of a Mint account.
The Mint consists of secure software through which a Mint account and
a Currency Manager's account may receive newly authorized Hansa Bank
US E-tender dollars as authorized by the Bank.
definitions_currency_manager = *
The Currency Manager is appointed by the Bank to manage issued
Hansa Bank US E-tender dollars issued to his Currency Manager's
account from the Mint account.
definitions_law = *
The laws of Anguilla shall apply to this contract.
definitions_date = *
The date of this contract between Hansa Bank and the users of Hansa
Bank US E-tender dollars is March 1, 2001
entity_shortname=Hansa Bank
entity_longname=Hansa Bank & Trust Company Limited
; Note: In the following, Hansa Bank & Trust Company Limited
; may also be referred to as "the Bank" or "Hansa Bank" or "Issuer".
entity_address= *
Hansa Bank Building,
Landsome Road, The Valley
Anguilla, British West Indies, TV1 02P
entity_email=[email protected]
; The Contract itself and other information is posted on
; the Issuer's Website at:
; http://www.hansa.net/ricardo/contracts/
; hereafter referred to as the "Contract Publication Page".
; **Notices issued pursuant to this currency contract, such as
; changes in contact addresses, will be published
; and maintained at the Contract Publication Page**
; This section identifies the Operator of the Issuance Server,
; (the "Operator") who is responsible for the technical hosting
; and management of system hardware and software which responsibility
; shall include the establishment of a Mint Account through which the
; Bank can authorize issuance of Hansa Bank US E-tender dollars
; which dollars must be transferred to an account which shall be
; administered solely by the "Currency Manager" who shall be appointed
; by the Bank to manage issued Hansa Bank US E-tender dollars.
issue_company = Systemics, Inc.
; Systemics, Inc. is the initial contracted Operator appointed by
; the Bank.
issue_email=[email protected]
issue_contract_url= http://www.hansa.net/ricardo/contracts/
currency_name=Hansa Bank US E-tender dollars
: The symbol $ and the ISO/TLA of USD are not unique identifiers for
; Hansa Bank US E-tender dollars.
; This currency is denominated in dollars, with an underlying
; unit of contract of cents.
conditions_backing= *
Hansa Bank US E-tender dollars are redeemable by the user in
United States of America dollars, on demand, subject to the conditions
specified in this currency contract.
Hansa Bank will maintain a reserve of account-based United States of
America dollars at all times.
Hansa Bank is a bank incorporated in Anguilla, under the Trust
Companies and Offshore Banking Act 2000 and is regulated by the
Director of Financial Services of the Government of Anguilla.
conditions_reserves= *
Hansa Bank will maintain at all times a reserve of United States
of America dollars on account in the name of the Bank in an amount
equivalent to 100% of the Hansa Bank US E-tender dollars in
circulation. The type of account, whether interest bearing or demand,
will be made solely by the Bank, but will be limited to being
denominated in United States of America Dollars.
Hansa Bank reserves the right to select the institution or institutions
based upon its own judgment into which it will place the reserve funds.
In the case of redemption or otherwise, the Bank shall have the right
to substitute the reserve account itself or the monetary instruments
being held in the reserve account in full satisfaction of the pro-rata
redemption notwithstanding that the said reserve account, institution
or monetary instrument is illiquid or in default. The Bank's sole
liability shall be to turn said assets over to the holders of Hansa
Bank US E-tender dollars or to a trustee appointed on their behalf.
conditions_audit= *
Hansa Bank is audited by Ernst & Young by their offices in Bridgetown,
The account or accounts which Hansa designates to hold the reserves
for this currency are hereby designated public and non-confidential.
Any and all balances and amounts of transactions may be reviewed,
published, declared and that information may be distributed by the
Bank or any holder of Hansa Bank E-tender dollars.
Methods of access to the specific reserve account will be published on
the Contract Publication Page, and may include telephone enquiries,
email enquiries, Web pages or other methods as made available from
time to time by the Bank.
conditions_purchase= *
a) All Purchase requests must include the users WebFunds account
number obtained through the software program, WebFunds which program
can be downloaded from a number of sites including
b) purchase requests should be delivered by secure means,
and delivery details must be accepted and authorized in advance
by the Bank, before funds are sent based upon disclosure of the
source and origin of the funds and other factors determined by the
c) Issuance of Hansa Bank US E-tender dollars will be based upon
strict payment of equivalent amount of dollars, and applicable
fees, using one of the following methods:
1. transfer from purchaser's existing USD account held with Hansa
Bank, at no additional charge
2. cheque written on purchaser's USD account held with any retail
bank in Anguilla, at nominal charge and transferable as and
when the said cheque has cleared,
3. Wire or SWIFT to Hansa Bank's trading account,
purchaser to pay all incurred fees, purchaser to provide full
and acceptable identification details, and transaction to occur
within 24 business hours of clear and settled funds being
made available within Hansa Bank's trading account.
4. any other method suitable to banking probity and acceptable
to the Hansa Bank.
c) Purchase will attract a percentage fee that is subject to changes
from time to time and is published on the Contract Publication
d) Purchase limits will be set from time to time as published on
the Contract Publication Page. Third-party market makers are
encouraged to deal in lesser amounts. Hansa Bank reserves the right
to reject any purchaser and to impose other limitations on initial
conditions_redemption = *
a) Redemption requests from the user must be accepted and authorised in
advance by the Bank before funds are sent, as per c) below.
b) In order for the user to redeem Hansa Bank US E-tender dollars, user
shall request a redemption in account or wire dollars in one of the
following forms:
1. transfer to user's USD account held with Hansa Bank,
at no charge, payable on demand,
2. transfer to user's USD account held with any retail bank
in Anguilla, at nominal charge, within 24 business hours
of approval by the Bank.
3. Wire or SWIFT to the user's account provided the
user shall pay all incurred fees, user to provide
full and acceptable identification details, and transaction
to occur at the pleasure of the wire or SWIFT operator, or
4. any other method acceptable to the Hansa Bank and
agreed by the user.
c) Once accepted, the user will be given a WebFunds Account
number to which the user will make a secure payment of his US Hansa
Bank E-Tender dollars in order to effect the redemption.
d) Redemption limits will be set from time to time as published on
the Contract Publication Page. Third-party market makers are
encouraged to deal in smaller amounts.
conditions_buyback = *
The Issuer reserves the right to buy back all outstanding Hansa
Bank US E-Tender dollars, thereby terminating the use of this
instrument and contract. Notification of buyback shall be made
at the Contract Publication Page Web site, and in other such media
as the Bank in its sole discretion shall deem to be appropriate
and adequate. Failure by a currency holder to accept and execute
the buyback within six months of the date of first notice shall
allow the Bank to terminate its obligations under this contract
by depositing the unclaimed reserve into the Anguillian Court.
conditions_liability = *
The Hansa Bank is liable solely to the extent of performance
according to the conditions specified in this contract.
Hansa Bank US E-tender dollars do not constitute deposits and are
not protected, insured or guaranteed other than by the reserve
provisions outlined in conditions_reserves.
Losses of Hansa Bank US E-tender dollars through theft, escheat,
estate or otherwise constitute a loss to be borne by the user.
Where the user cannot identify his WebFunds account or key, the
cost of such recovery, if possible, must be borne by the user.
Users of this contract should be aware that Hansa Bank US
E-tender dollars are issued for microfinance and trading purposes
only and may not be acceptable to others.
conditions_mint = *
Float - the total quantity of Hansa Bank US E-tender dollars
Outstanding is created by a Mint account, specially set by the
Authorization to the Operator is hereby included to specially set
one Mint account for creation of Hansa Bank US E-tender dollars, and
to make this account publicly viewable.
Disbursements from the Mint account are to be made on receipt of
duly signed and public authorization from Hansa Bank. All
disbursements from the Mint account are to be made to the single
Currency Comptroller account identified by that authorization.
From time to time, the Currency Comptroller may direct the
Currency Manager to return Hansa Bank US dollars. Dollars so
delivered are to be deposited into the Mint account, thus
reducing the float by that amount.
conditions_privacy = *
The purchase, redemption and trading of Hansa Bank US E-Tender dollars
by users utilizes strong privacy, security and encryption.
The exception to this is the ongoing publication of balances of,
and transaction amounts into and out of, reserve accounts and
Mint accounts and any Comptroller or Manager accounts as duly
designated by the Bank to provide users with confirmation that
these balances are being maintained.
Version: Cryptix OpenPGP
Version: Cryptix OpenPGP
Version: Cryptix OpenPGP
Version: Cryptix OpenPGP
1.1 html/ricardo/contracts/hansa/e-tender.loc
Index: e-tender.loc
# alternate locations for the server info file
# V3: This means that the hash is SHA1 calculated over space-stripped
# DOS lines from BEGIN to END and no funny business with the last line.
local_digest_version = 3
1.1 html/ricardo/contracts/hansa/e-tender.txt
Index: e-tender.txt
; Hansa Bank US E-tender Dollars
; Being, Demand Promises to Pay in US Dollars (USD)
; As Issued by Hansa Bank & Trust Company Limited for
; microfinance and other related purposes.
definitions_dollars = *
Hansa Bank US E-tender dollars means the electronic currency,
denominated in United States of America dollars, as facilitated
by this Ricardian contract. Other dollars, which may be used as
exchange for Hansa Bank US E-tender dollars, are referred to as
Account Dollars.
definitions_ricardian_contract = *
Ricardian contracts are developed by Systemics to provide a mechanism
to accurately express any form of contractual value. More on Ricardian
contracts can be found at http://www.systemics.com/docs/ricardo/
definitions_purpose = *
The purpose of the Hansa Bank US E-tender Dollars is to facilitate the
exchange of units of monetary value securely and efficiently over the
definitions_operator = *
The Operator is responsible for the technical hosting and management
of system hardware and software and the creation of a Mint account.
The Mint consists of secure software through which a Mint account and
a Currency Manager's account may receive newly authorized Hansa Bank
US E-tender dollars as authorized by the Bank.
definitions_currency_manager = *
The Currency Manager is appointed by the Bank to manage issued
Hansa Bank US E-tender dollars issued to his Currency Manager's
account from the Mint account.
definitions_law = *
The laws of Anguilla shall apply to this contract.
definitions_date = *
The date of this contract between Hansa Bank and the users of Hansa
Bank US E-tender dollars is March 1, 2001
entity_shortname=Hansa Bank
entity_longname=Hansa Bank & Trust Company Limited
; Note: In the following, Hansa Bank & Trust Company Limited
; may also be referred to as "the Bank" or "Hansa Bank" or "Issuer".
entity_address= *
Hansa Bank Building,
Landsome Road, The Valley
Anguilla, British West Indies, TV1 02P
entity_email=[email protected]
; The Contract itself and other information is posted on
; the Issuer's Website at:
; http://www.hansa.net/ricardo/contracts/
; hereafter referred to as the "Contract Publication Page".
; **Notices issued pursuant to this currency contract, such as
; changes in contact addresses, will be published
; and maintained at the Contract Publication Page**
; This section identifies the Operator of the Issuance Server,
; (the "Operator") who is responsible for the technical hosting
; and management of system hardware and software which responsibility
; shall include the establishment of a Mint Account through which the
; Bank can authorize issuance of Hansa Bank US E-tender dollars
; which dollars must be transferred to an account which shall be
; administered solely by the "Currency Manager" who shall be appointed
; by the Bank to manage issued Hansa Bank US E-tender dollars.
issue_company = Systemics, Inc.
; Systemics, Inc. is the initial contracted Operator appointed by
; the Bank.
issue_email=[email protected]
issue_contract_url= http://www.hansa.net/ricardo/contracts/
currency_name=Hansa Bank US E-tender dollars
: The symbol $ and the ISO/TLA of USD are not unique identifiers for
; Hansa Bank US E-tender dollars.
; This currency is denominated in dollars, with an underlying
; unit of contract of cents.
conditions_backing= *
Hansa Bank US E-tender dollars are redeemable by the user in
United States of America dollars, on demand, subject to the conditions
specified in this currency contract.
Hansa Bank will maintain a reserve of account-based United States of
America dollars at all times.
Hansa Bank is a bank incorporated in Anguilla, under the Trust
Companies and Offshore Banking Act 2000 and is regulated by the
Director of Financial Services of the Government of Anguilla.
conditions_reserves= *
Hansa Bank will maintain at all times a reserve of United States
of America dollars on account in the name of the Bank in an amount
equivalent to 100% of the Hansa Bank US E-tender dollars in
circulation. The type of account, whether interest bearing or demand,
will be made solely by the Bank, but will be limited to being
denominated in United States of America Dollars.
Hansa Bank reserves the right to select the institution or institutions
based upon its own judgment into which it will place the reserve funds.
In the case of redemption or otherwise, the Bank shall have the right
to substitute the reserve account itself or the monetary instruments
being held in the reserve account in full satisfaction of the pro-rata
redemption notwithstanding that the said reserve account, institution
or monetary instrument is illiquid or in default. The Bank's sole
liability shall be to turn said assets over to the holders of Hansa
Bank US E-tender dollars or to a trustee appointed on their behalf.
conditions_audit= *
Hansa Bank is audited by Ernst & Young by their offices in Bridgetown,
The account or accounts which Hansa designates to hold the reserves
for this currency are hereby designated public and non-confidential.
Any and all balances and amounts of transactions may be reviewed,
published, declared and that information may be distributed by the
Bank or any holder of Hansa Bank E-tender dollars.
Methods of access to the specific reserve account will be published on
the Contract Publication Page, and may include telephone enquiries,
email enquiries, Web pages or other methods as made available from
time to time by the Bank.
conditions_purchase= *
a) All Purchase requests must include the users WebFunds account
number obtained through the software program, WebFunds which program
can be downloaded from a number of sites including
b) purchase requests should be delivered by secure means,
and delivery details must be accepted and authorized in advance
by the Bank, before funds are sent based upon disclosure of the
source and origin of the funds and other factors determined by the
c) Issuance of Hansa Bank US E-tender dollars will be based upon
strict payment of equivalent amount of dollars, and applicable
fees, using one of the following methods:
1. transfer from purchaser's existing USD account held with Hansa
Bank, at no additional charge
2. cheque written on purchaser's USD account held with any retail
bank in Anguilla, at nominal charge and transferable as and
when the said cheque has cleared,
3. Wire or SWIFT to Hansa Bank's trading account,
purchaser to pay all incurred fees, purchaser to provide full
and acceptable identification details, and transaction to occur
within 24 business hours of clear and settled funds being
made available within Hansa Bank's trading account.
4. any other method suitable to banking probity and acceptable
to the Hansa Bank.
c) Purchase will attract a percentage fee that is subject to changes
from time to time and is published on the Contract Publication
d) Purchase limits will be set from time to time as published on
the Contract Publication Page. Third-party market makers are
encouraged to deal in lesser amounts. Hansa Bank reserves the right
to reject any purchaser and to impose other limitations on initial
conditions_redemption = *
a) Redemption requests from the user must be accepted and authorised in
advance by the Bank before funds are sent, as per c) below.
b) In order for the user to redeem Hansa Bank US E-tender dollars, user
shall request a redemption in account or wire dollars in one of the
following forms:
1. transfer to user's USD account held with Hansa Bank,
at no charge, payable on demand,
2. transfer to user's USD account held with any retail bank
in Anguilla, at nominal charge, within 24 business hours
of approval by the Bank.
3. Wire or SWIFT to the user's account provided the
user shall pay all incurred fees, user to provide
full and acceptable identification details, and transaction
to occur at the pleasure of the wire or SWIFT operator, or
4. any other method acceptable to the Hansa Bank and
agreed by the user.
c) Once accepted, the user will be given a WebFunds Account
number to which the user will make a secure payment of his US Hansa
Bank E-Tender dollars in order to effect the redemption.
d) Redemption limits will be set from time to time as published on
the Contract Publication Page. Third-party market makers are
encouraged to deal in smaller amounts.
conditions_buyback = *
The Issuer reserves the right to buy back all outstanding Hansa
Bank US E-Tender dollars, thereby terminating the use of this
instrument and contract. Notification of buyback shall be made
at the Contract Publication Page Web site, and in other such media
as the Bank in its sole discretion shall deem to be appropriate
and adequate. Failure by a currency holder to accept and execute
the buyback within six months of the date of first notice shall
allow the Bank to terminate its obligations under this contract
by depositing the unclaimed reserve into the Anguillian Court.
conditions_liability = *
The Hansa Bank is liable solely to the extent of performance
according to the conditions specified in this contract.
Hansa Bank US E-tender dollars do not constitute deposits and are
not protected, insured or guaranteed other than by the reserve
provisions outlined in conditions_reserves.
Losses of Hansa Bank US E-tender dollars through theft, escheat,
estate or otherwise constitute a loss to be borne by the user.
Where the user cannot identify his WebFunds account or key, the
cost of such recovery, if possible, must be borne by the user.
Users of this contract should be aware that Hansa Bank US
E-tender dollars are issued for microfinance and trading purposes
only and may not be acceptable to others.
conditions_mint = *
Float - the total quantity of Hansa Bank US E-tender dollars
Outstanding is created by a Mint account, specially set by the
Authorization to the Operator is hereby included to specially set
one Mint account for creation of Hansa Bank US E-tender dollars, and
to make this account publicly viewable.
Disbursements from the Mint account are to be made on receipt of
duly signed and public authorization from Hansa Bank. All
disbursements from the Mint account are to be made to the single
Currency Comptroller account identified by that authorization.
From time to time, the Currency Comptroller may direct the
Currency Manager to return Hansa Bank US dollars. Dollars so
delivered are to be deposited into the Mint account, thus
reducing the float by that amount.
conditions_privacy = *
The purchase, redemption and trading of Hansa Bank US E-Tender dollars
by users utilizes strong privacy, security and encryption.
The exception to this is the ongoing publication of balances of,
and transaction amounts into and out of, reserve accounts and
Mint accounts and any Comptroller or Manager accounts as duly
designated by the Bank to provide users with confirmation that
these balances are being maintained.
Version: Cryptix OpenPGP
Version: Cryptix OpenPGP
Version: Cryptix OpenPGP