[Webfunds-commits] java/webfunds/client SimplePaymentFrame.java
Jeroen C. van Gelderen
[email protected]
Wed, 14 Mar 2001 14:29:04 -0400 (AST)
gelderen 01/03/14 14:29:04
Modified: webfunds/client SimplePaymentFrame.java
- Rename some variables and generally make the code more readable;
- Fix bug that would cause dialog malfunctioning if the AddressBook could
not be obtained; The dialog would pop up empty when that happened. We
now pop up a working dialog as 'more correct' behaviour but the real fix
is to make sure getAddressBook never fails;
- Remove huge pile of disabled (commented-out) code;
- We now throw an exception when run gets called before init has succeeded.
I suspect this is correct behaviour and being strict will allow us to
catch buggy callers;
- Construct the payment using the platform specific line endings;
- Use the newly introduced webfunds.utils.ClipboardHelper to convert the
above-mentioned payment to a format that can be copied and pasted without
being mangled. See webfunds.utils.ClipboardHelper for details.
More cleanups to be done...
Revision Changes Path
1.49 +213 -276 java/webfunds/client/SimplePaymentFrame.java
Index: SimplePaymentFrame.java
RCS file: /home/webfunds/cvsroot/java/webfunds/client/SimplePaymentFrame.java,v
retrieving revision 1.48
retrieving revision 1.49
diff -u -r1.48 -r1.49
--- SimplePaymentFrame.java 2001/02/27 01:28:20 1.48
+++ SimplePaymentFrame.java 2001/03/14 18:29:03 1.49
@@ -1,270 +1,251 @@
- * $Id: SimplePaymentFrame.java,v 1.48 2001/02/27 01:28:20 iang Exp $
+ * $Id: SimplePaymentFrame.java,v 1.49 2001/03/14 18:29:03 gelderen Exp $
* Copyright (c) Systemics Ltd 1995-1999 on behalf of
* the WebFunds Development Team. All Rights Reserved.
package webfunds.client;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.datatransfer.*;
+import java.awt.event.*;
+import java.io.IOException;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;
-import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.Date;
-import webfunds.utils.Hex;
-import webfunds.sox.*;
-import webfunds.ricardian.Contract;
-import webfunds.client.plugins.Plugin;
import webfunds.client.plugins.ModeNotSupportedException;
+import webfunds.client.plugins.Plugin;
+import webfunds.ricardian.Contract;
+import webfunds.sox.*;
+import webfunds.utils.ClipboardHelper;
+import webfunds.utils.Hex;
public class SimplePaymentFrame
extends Plugin implements ActionListener
+ private static final String NEWLINE = System.getProperty("line.separator");
protected String name = "SimplePaymentFrame";
- protected String contractaction = "Pay";
+ protected String contractAction = "Pay";
public String getPluginName() { return name; }
- public String getContractAction() { return contractaction; }
+ public String getContractAction() { return contractAction; }
JFrame frame;
TextField amount;
TextField target;
JTextField validFrom;
JTextField validTill;
- TextArea payment;
+ TextArea paymentArea;
WalletInterface wallet;
AccountInfo source;
JTextArea description;
JComboBox combo;
ItemId contractid;
public SimplePaymentFrame() { }
public void init(WalletInterface wi, AccountInfo source, ItemId contract)
throws ModeNotSupportedException
- try
- {
-//System.err.println("PluginManager: " + pm);
- wallet = wi;
- this.source = source;
- contractid = contract;
+ this.wallet = wi;
+ this.source = source;
+ this.contractid = contract;
+ //
+ // XXX: this -I think- is bogus, getAddressBook/getAccounts should
+ // simply never fail but always return at least something
+ // sensible so that we don't have to juggle with exceptions
+ // everywhere.
+ //
+ // For now we do defensive programming and provide an empty
+ // DefaultComboBoxModel when getAddressBook fails. At least
+ // this allows for a partially functional dialog.
+ //
+ DefaultComboBoxModel dcbm;
+ try {
AccountInfo[] accounts = pm.getAddressbook(this).getAccounts();
- DefaultComboBoxModel dcbm;
dcbm = new DefaultComboBoxModel(accounts);
+ } catch(IOException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ System.err.println("Couldn't obtain addressbook :-(");
+ dcbm = new DefaultComboBoxModel();
+ }
- AccountInfo bearer = new AccountInfo();
- dcbm.insertElementAt(bearer, 0);
- dcbm.setSelectedItem(bearer);
- amount = new TextField(15);
- target = new TextField(15);
- combo = new JComboBox(dcbm);
- validFrom = new JTextField(15);
- validTill = new JTextField(15);
- payment = new TextArea(20, 55);
- description = new JTextArea(5, 15);
- frame = new JFrame("Payment from account: " +
- source.toString());
- JPanel pane = (JPanel)frame.getContentPane();
- JLabel amountlbl = new JLabel("Amount:");
- JLabel targetlbl = new JLabel("Target:");
- JLabel target2lbl = new JLabel("Target:");
- JLabel validFromlbl = new JLabel("Valid from:");
- JLabel validTilllbl = new JLabel("Valid till:");
- JLabel desclbl = new JLabel("Description:");
- JButton ok = new JButton("Make Payment");
- JButton directdeposit = new JButton("Direct Transfer");
- JButton close = new JButton("Close");
- JPanel butpanel = new JPanel();
- JPanel textpanel = new JPanel();
- GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints();
- JMenuBar menu = new JMenuBar();
- JMenu filemenu = new JMenu("File");
- // JMenuItem exititem = new JMenuItem("Close");
- // JMenuItem configureitem = new JMenuItem("Configure");
- frame.setJMenuBar(menu);
- // menu.add(filemenu);
- // filemenu.add(configureitem);
- // filemenu.add(new JSeparator());
- // filemenu.add(exititem);
- /*
- amount.setActionCommand("amount");
- target.setActionCommand("target");
- validFrom.setActionCommand("validFrom");
- validTill.setActionCommand("validTill");
- description.setActionCommand("desc");
- */
- ok.setToolTipText("Make Payment");
- close.setToolTipText("close frame");
- /*
- amount.setToolTipText("Number of unit to make the payment in");
- target.setToolTipText("Target account");
- validFrom.setToolTipText("Date from which the payment is valid");
- validTill.setToolTipText("Date till which the payment can be cashed");
- description.setToolTipText("Description");
- amountlbl.setToolTipText("Number of unit to make the payment in");
- targetlbl.setToolTipText("Target account");
- validFromlbl.setToolTipText("Date from which the payment is valid");
- validTilllbl.setToolTipText("Date till which the payment can be cashed");
- desclbl.setToolTipText("Description");
- */
- // exititem.addActionListener(this);
- // configureitem.addActionListener(this);
- ok.addActionListener(this);
- close.addActionListener(this);
- directdeposit.addActionListener(this);
- /*
- amount.addActionListener(this);
- target.addActionListener(this);
- validFrom.addActionListener(this);
- validTill.addActionListener(this);
- description.addActionListener(this);
- */
+ AccountInfo bearer = new AccountInfo();
+ dcbm.insertElementAt(bearer, 0);
+ dcbm.setSelectedItem(bearer);
+ amount = new TextField(15);
+ target = new TextField(15);
+ combo = new JComboBox(dcbm);
+ validFrom = new JTextField(15);
+ validTill = new JTextField(15);
+ paymentArea = new TextArea(20, 55);
+ description = new JTextArea(5, 15);
+ frame = new JFrame("Payment from account: " + source.toString());
+ JPanel pane = (JPanel)frame.getContentPane();
+ JLabel amountlbl = new JLabel("Amount:");
+ JLabel targetlbl = new JLabel("Target:");
+ JLabel target2lbl = new JLabel("Target:");
+ JLabel validFromlbl = new JLabel("Valid from:");
+ JLabel validTilllbl = new JLabel("Valid till:");
+ JLabel desclbl = new JLabel("Description:");
+ JButton ok = new JButton("Make Payment");
+ JButton directdeposit = new JButton("Direct Transfer");
+ JButton close = new JButton("Close");
+ JPanel butpanel = new JPanel();
+ JPanel textpanel = new JPanel();
+ GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints();
+ JMenuBar menu = new JMenuBar();
+ JMenu filemenu = new JMenu("File");
+ frame.setJMenuBar(menu);
+ ok.setToolTipText("Make Payment");
+ close.setToolTipText("close frame");
+ ok.addActionListener(this);
+ close.addActionListener(this);
+ directdeposit.addActionListener(this);
- frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);
- //description.setBorder(new EtchedBorder(EtchedBorder.LOWERED));
- //payment.setEnabled(false);
- // filemenu.setMnemonic('f');
- // exititem.setMnemonic('x');
- // configureitem.setMnemonic('n');
- ok.setMnemonic('m');
- close.setMnemonic('c');
+ frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);
+ ok.setMnemonic('m');
+ close.setMnemonic('c');
- amountlbl.setLabelFor(amount);
- targetlbl.setLabelFor(target);
- target2lbl.setLabelFor(combo);
- validFromlbl.setLabelFor(validFrom);
- validTilllbl.setLabelFor(validTill);
- desclbl.setLabelFor(description);
+ amountlbl.setLabelFor(amount);
+ targetlbl.setLabelFor(target);
+ target2lbl.setLabelFor(combo);
+ validFromlbl.setLabelFor(validFrom);
+ validTilllbl.setLabelFor(validTill);
+ desclbl.setLabelFor(description);
- amountlbl.setDisplayedMnemonic('a');
- targetlbl.setDisplayedMnemonic('t');
- target2lbl.setDisplayedMnemonic('r');
- validFromlbl.setDisplayedMnemonic('v');
- validTilllbl.setDisplayedMnemonic('l');
- desclbl.setDisplayedMnemonic('d');
- textpanel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
- int x = 0;
- int y = 0;
- c.gridx = x++;
- c.gridy = y++;
- c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE;
- c.gridheight = 1;
- c.weightx = 0;
- c.weighty = 0;
- c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST;
- c.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
- c.insets = new Insets(10, 3, 3, 3);
- textpanel.add(amountlbl, c);
- c.gridy = y++;
- c.insets = new Insets(3, 3, 3, 3);
- textpanel.add(targetlbl, c);
- c.gridy = y++;
- textpanel.add(target2lbl, c);
- c.gridy = y++;
- textpanel.add(validFromlbl, c);
- c.gridy = y++;
- textpanel.add(validTilllbl, c);
- c.gridy = y++;
- c.weighty = 1;
- textpanel.add(desclbl, c);
- y = 0;
- c.gridx = x++;
- c.gridy = y++;
- c.weighty = 0;
- c.weightx = 1;
- c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
- c.insets = new Insets(10, 3, 3, 3);
- textpanel.add(amount, c);
+ amountlbl.setDisplayedMnemonic('a');
+ targetlbl.setDisplayedMnemonic('t');
+ target2lbl.setDisplayedMnemonic('r');
+ validFromlbl.setDisplayedMnemonic('v');
+ validTilllbl.setDisplayedMnemonic('l');
+ desclbl.setDisplayedMnemonic('d');
+ textpanel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
+ int x = 0;
+ int y = 0;
+ c.gridx = x++;
+ c.gridy = y++;
+ c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE;
+ c.gridheight = 1;
+ c.weightx = 0;
+ c.weighty = 0;
+ c.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST;
+ c.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
+ c.insets = new Insets(10, 3, 3, 3);
+ textpanel.add(amountlbl, c);
+ c.gridy = y++;
+ c.insets = new Insets(3, 3, 3, 3);
+ textpanel.add(targetlbl, c);
+ c.gridy = y++;
+ textpanel.add(target2lbl, c);
+ c.gridy = y++;
+ textpanel.add(validFromlbl, c);
+ c.gridy = y++;
+ textpanel.add(validTilllbl, c);
+ c.gridy = y++;
+ c.weighty = 1;
+ textpanel.add(desclbl, c);
+ y = 0;
+ c.gridx = x++;
+ c.gridy = y++;
+ c.weighty = 0;
+ c.weightx = 1;
+ c.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
+ c.insets = new Insets(10, 3, 3, 3);
+ textpanel.add(amount, c);
- c.gridy = y++;
- c.insets = new Insets(3, 3, 3, 3);
- textpanel.add(target, c);
- c.gridy = y++;
- textpanel.add(combo, c);
- c.gridy = y++;
- textpanel.add(validFrom, c);
- c.gridy = y++;
- textpanel.add(validTill, c);
- c.gridy = y++;
- c.weighty = 1;
- textpanel.add(description,c);
- pane.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
- butpanel.add(ok);
- butpanel.add(directdeposit);
- butpanel.add(close);
- c.gridx = 1;
- c.gridy = 0;
- c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
- c.gridheight = GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE;
- c.weightx = 1;
- c.weighty = 1;
- pane.add(textpanel,c);
- c.gridx = 0;
- c.gridy = 1;
- c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
- c.gridheight = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
- c.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
- c.weightx = 0;
- c.weighty = 0;
- pane.add(butpanel, c);
+ c.gridy = y++;
+ c.insets = new Insets(3, 3, 3, 3);
+ textpanel.add(target, c);
+ c.gridy = y++;
+ textpanel.add(combo, c);
+ c.gridy = y++;
+ textpanel.add(validFrom, c);
+ c.gridy = y++;
+ textpanel.add(validTill, c);
+ c.gridy = y++;
+ c.weighty = 1;
+ textpanel.add(description,c);
+ pane.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
+ butpanel.add(ok);
+ butpanel.add(directdeposit);
+ butpanel.add(close);
+ c.gridx = 1;
+ c.gridy = 0;
+ c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
+ c.gridheight = GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE;
+ c.weightx = 1;
+ c.weighty = 1;
+ pane.add(textpanel,c);
+ c.gridx = 0;
+ c.gridy = 1;
+ c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
+ c.gridheight = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
+ c.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
+ c.weightx = 0;
+ c.weighty = 0;
+ pane.add(butpanel, c);
- c.gridx = 0;
- c.gridy = 0;
- c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE;
- c.gridheight = GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE;
- c.weightx = 0.0;
- c.weighty = 0;
- c.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
- pane.add(payment, c);
+ c.gridx = 0;
+ c.gridy = 0;
+ c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE;
+ c.gridheight = GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE;
+ c.weightx = 0.0;
+ c.weighty = 0;
+ c.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE;
+ pane.add(paymentArea, c);
- frame.pack();
- }
- catch(Exception e)
- {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
+ frame.pack();
+ /**
+ * @throws IllegalStateException
+ * When init() wasn't called first (or when init() failed).
+ */
public void run()
- if (frame != null)
- {
- frame.show();
- }
+ // we expect init() to have been called already
+ if( this.frame == null )
+ throw new IllegalStateException("init not called or crashed");
+ this.frame.show();
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
String command = evt.getActionCommand();
@@ -278,47 +259,13 @@
return ;
- else if (command.equals("Configure"))
- {
- System.out.println("Should bring up config screen");
- return ;
- }
- /*
- else if (command.equals("amount"))
- {
- System.out.println(amount.getText());
- target.requestFocus();
- return ;
- }
- else if (command.equals("target"))
- {
- System.out.println(target.getText());
- validFrom.requestFocus();
- return ;
- }
- else if (command.equals("validFrom"))
- {
- System.out.println(validFrom.getText());
- validTill.requestFocus();
- return ;
- }
- else if (command.equals("validTill"))
- {
- System.out.println(validTill.getText());
- ok.requestFocus();
- return ;
- }
- */
// Now we have to do a payment. Sort out standard details first.
- // what does this mean?
- // need to change null sometime soon;
// amount in units of contract
- Contract contract = cs.getContract(contractid);
+ Contract contract = this.cs.getContract(contractid);
double dub;
try {
dub = new Double(amount.getText()).doubleValue();
@@ -335,7 +282,7 @@
return ;
- long longamount = contract.getUnitsOfContract(dub);;
+ long longamount = contract.getUnitsOfContract(dub);
// who to
AccountInfo tgt = (AccountInfo)combo.getSelectedItem(); //default BEARER
@@ -357,11 +304,11 @@
Date validTill = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + future);
// the payment itself
- byte[] pay = wallet.makePayment(contractid, source, tgt,
- longamount, description.getText().getBytes(),
- validFrom, validTill);
+ byte[] payment = wallet.makePayment(contractid, source, tgt,
+ longamount, description.getText().getBytes(),
+ validFrom, validTill);
- if (pay == null) // wallet encountered error, already reported
+ if (payment == null) // wallet encountered error, already reported
return ;
@@ -380,21 +327,16 @@
tla = tla + " ";
- String msg = "\nThis is a payment for " + tla + am + nam +
- "\nfrom " + source.getName() +
- " (" + Hex.data2hex(source.getByteArray()) + ")" +
- "\nto " + tgtName +
- "\n";
- // " from wallet " + wallet.getShortName() +
- payment.append(msg);;
- payment.append(new String(pay));
- Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
- Clipboard clipboard = toolkit.getSystemClipboard();
- StringSelection string = new StringSelection(payment.getText());
- clipboard.setContents(string, string);
+ String msg = NEWLINE +
+ "This is a payment for " + tla + am + nam + NEWLINE +
+ "from " + source.getName() +
+ " (" + Hex.data2hex(source.getByteArray()) + ")" + NEWLINE +
+ "to " + tgtName + NEWLINE +
+ new String(payment);
+ paymentArea.append(ClipboardHelper.toUnixText(msg));
+ ClipboardHelper.setClipboardText( paymentArea.getText() );
else if ("Direct Transfer".equals(command))
@@ -406,12 +348,7 @@
return ;
- wallet.makeDeposit(pay, tgt, "Deposit".getBytes());
- // frame.dispose();
- // this.stop();
- // pm.getUInterface(this).infoMessage("Transfer done!");
+ wallet.makeDeposit(payment, tgt, "Deposit".getBytes());