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LiViD Bringing Video to Linux.
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The Developer Downloads

All code is released under the GPL (General Public License).


Currently CVS (Concurrent Versioning System) is the best way to grab the latest sources of LiViD programs. Read how to do so on our CVS pages.


You can alternatively download daily updated CVS Snapshots in the .tar.gz format. Please don't expect every snapshot to work. It's all Alpha and being worked on hard. Read the README and/or INSTALL file to compile the grabbed sources.

File (Size)

Description Snapshots took on Wed Aug 8 00:14:56 CEST 2001

livid.tar.gz (3368 KB)

The latest LiViD CVS Snapshot, It's automatically generated every day. I'm looking forward to getting a quite stable developer snapshot. It will be available here soon. Please remember LiViD Software is still Alpha Status.

A daily updated snapshot list of the main CVS modules available on LiViD.

oms.tar.gz (535 KB)

A framework for a complete DVD player. This a development release, it can crash without warning. Check out the wikiweb for answers to get it running.

oms Debian unstable testing-packages are available too, just add this line to your /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb http://linuxvideo.org/oms/data/debian/ ./

run dselect and choose oms, oms-omi (btw, omi = Open Media Interface). Dependencies should show you what additional packages you'll need to download.

omi.tar.gz (174 KB)

Open Media Interface. Download this if you want to have a nice OMS gui. You really want this if you want oms!

mpeg2dec.tar.gz (175 KB)

A free MPEG-2 video stream decoder.

ac3dec.tar.gz (63 KB)

A free AC-3 stream decoder.

gatos.tar.gz (2006 KB)

ATI TV and Overlay support. Xv extension for Rage 128 and Rage Pro Chipsets.

cdrom-patch.tar.gz (148 KB)

DVD patch for Linux 2.2.x kernels. By Jens Axboe [email protected]

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Author: The LiViD team