




















Generalized continued fractions

A new general concept on continued fractions extracted from the book: “LA QUINTA OPERACI�N ARITM�TICA, Revoluci�n del N�mero” (Title translation: The Fifth Arithmetical Operation, Number Revolution) ISBN: 980-07-6632-4. Copyright �. All rights reserved under international Copyright Conventions. Author: D. G�mez.






Generalized Continued Fractions

Fractal Fractions

Given the algebraic equation f(x) = 0 of n-th degree:

Undisplayed Graphic

Its maximum modulus root can be expressed in terms of a generalized continued fraction (Fractal Fraction), as follows:

Undisplayed Graphic

By replacing the fractional part at each stage by the expression:

Undisplayed Graphic

all this yields the following general expression for the maximum modulus root of f(x):

Undisplayed Graphic

The minimum modulus root of the equation:

Undisplayed Graphic

is given by the following generalized continued fraction:

Undisplayed Graphic


Being a0 = -1, a1 = -2, the representation of the maximum modulus root of the equation:

Undisplayed Graphicas a generalized continued fraction is:

Undisplayed Graphic

We can see that the traditional continued fraction expression of the irrational:

Undisplayed Graphicis just a second order expression of the new generalized continued fraction concept.

It is necessary to redefine the representation of irrational numbers by means of traditional continued fractions.

Another example:

Given the equation (x+1)3 =2, or the same -x3-3x2-3x+1=0, whose minimum modulus root is

Undisplayed Graphic. Thus, being a1 = -3, a2 = -3, a3 = -1, the generalized continued fraction expression for this root is:

Undisplayed Graphic

A very interesting expression bringing a periodical representation of a cubic irrational.

The convergents of this fractal fraction are:

Undisplayed Graphic

yielding successive approximations to

Undisplayed Graphic.

This sequence of convergents is ruled by the following lineal homogeneous recurrence relation:

yn=3yn-1 + 3yn-2 + yn-3

It is important to notice that even the generalized continued fractions are just a special case of the Rational Process (Based on the rational mean).

If one try to represent the cube root of 2 by means of the traditional continued fractions (Second order continued fractions as we should call them) then we'll get a distorted representation (non-periodic coefficients) of this irrational number, as follows:

Undisplayed Graphic

whose convergents are:

Undisplayed Graphic



It is clear that traditional continued fractions should be better called: “Second Order Continued Fractions”. As we have seen in the above numerical examples, when trying to represent a cubic irrational by means of a second order continued fraction (traditional concept) then one get a disfigured image of the irrational. It is necessary to redefine the traditional representation of irrational numbers by means of continued fractions.

Generalized Continued Fractions (Fractal Fractions) are directly related to the Rational Process (Rational Mean)




Copyright � 1993-2002

All rights reserved under international Copyright Conventions.

No part of this page may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means

 without the prior permission of the author: D. G�mez.

Last revision: 2002